How to properly maintain hygiene

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Maintain Good Oral Hygiene - by SingHealth
Video: How To Maintain Good Oral Hygiene - by SingHealth


Maintaining hygiene is important for more than just appearance: it is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle. By following the rules of hygiene, you can prevent the development of diseases, improve body odor and feel clean without putting in a lot of effort and without using expensive products. Read this article and you will learn what actions you need to take and what habits to follow to maintain proper hygiene levels day in and day out.


Method 1 of 4: Maintaining Oral Hygiene

  1. 1 Brush your teeth twice a day. Even if you are in a rush, take some time to brush your teeth. With this procedure, you can remove food debris, bacteria and plaque that can cause serious oral health problems. Get in the habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and before bed. Allow at least two minutes for this procedure.
    • If you are a very busy person, take your toothbrush with you in your purse or briefcase. You can brush your teeth at work.
    • Allow enough time to clean your front and back teeth. Brush the outside and inside of your teeth thoroughly. Pay particular attention to cleaning the surface of the molars.
  2. 2 Floss at least once a day. Unfortunately, however, many people underestimate this useful hygiene product. Regular use of dental floss helps to clean hard-to-reach areas that you cannot clean with a brush and improves gum health.
    • Take dental floss, gently slide it between your teeth along the gum line and clean any gaps between your teeth.
    • Talk to your orthodontist about how to floss if you're wearing a plate or braces.
    • Thoroughly floss the spaces between your back teeth, making sure not to miss a single tooth.
    • Mouthwash will not remove plaque or food debris. Therefore, it cannot be a substitute for dental floss.
  3. 3 Visit your dentist regularly. While visiting the dentist once every six months is not a requirement for healthy adults, children and people with oral health problems should visit regularly. Monitor the condition of your teeth, notice any changes or painful sensations. Get your teeth deep cleaned once a year.
    • People who smoke, have diabetes, or have oral health problems should see their dentist twice a year or more.

Method 2 of 4: Taking a Shower

  1. 1 Take a bath or shower at least every two days. This treatment removes oils, dirt, and dead skin cells that have accumulated on the skin during the day. Water treatments are essential for maintaining good hygiene. Showering regularly is the most important hygiene habit that is essential for healthy skin and hair.
    • If you are unable to shower, a towel and water can help remove dirt and debris from your skin.
    • However, frequent showering can negatively affect the condition of your skin. Once a day is sufficient.
  2. 2 Don't take a hot shower for too long. A warm shower for a short period of time is what you need. Taking a shower for an extended period of time not only wastes water, but also clogs pores and dry out your skin. In addition, hot water has a negative effect on the condition of your hair. Taking a short shower helps your skin to stay healthy.
  3. 3 Exfoliate. Using soap and a washcloth or sponge, remove all dirt and dead particles from the skin. With this step, you promote skin renewal and prevent the development of infectious processes and the appearance of pathogenic bacteria.
    • Do not bypass the parts of the body that are out of our sight: feet, buttocks, genitals and back.
    • Turn on cold water and take this shower for 10-20 seconds before getting out of the shower. This will close the pores of the skin, and you will not face the problem of increased sweating after leaving the shower.
  4. 4 Don't shampoo your hair every day unless you have oily hair. The shampoo removes, along with dust and dirt, the natural oils needed for clean and healthy hair. Dermatologists recommend shampooing your hair once every few days instead of daily.
    • When you wash your hair, rub your skin with your fingers to remove dead skin cells.
    • Use conditioner after shampooing your hair to restore natural oils.

Method 3 of 4: Following good hygiene practices at home

  1. 1 Wash your hands often. Dirty hands are the cause of many foodborne illnesses. Protect yourself and your loved ones from illness by washing your hands for 20 seconds using soap and warm water. Wash your hands after using the bathroom, before preparing food, and after returning home.
    • If possible, close the tap with your elbow to prevent re-contamination of your hands.
  2. 2 Wash and disinfect surfaces in your home regularly. Bacteria can spread very quickly in the kitchen and bathroom, so prevent them by regularly wiping down the countertops, sink and toilet. Do this regularly whenever they get dirty. Do not leave crumbs or food on the kitchen counter, as this can attract ants and disease-causing bacteria.
    • Use a disinfectant spray in the bathroom and kitchen, cleaning every few weeks.
    • Wipe the surfaces dry to prevent mildew.
    • Don't forget curtains and furniture. Steam and disinfect them at least once a year.
  3. 3 Keep it clean when preparing food. Always use separate knives, cutting boards, and pans for raw meat. Wash the dishes immediately after using them to prevent bacteria and mold.
    • Mark it as "meat only" so that you do not accidentally confuse and reuse this utensil for preparing other food.
  4. 4 Ventilate rooms whenever possible. Fresh air is essential for lung health. In addition, fresh air prevents the growth of bacteria in the air. If you are unable to open windows for a long period of time, for example due to winter, use a home disinfectant spray to reduce unpleasant odors.
  5. 5 Wash your bedding every few weeks. Sebum can build up on bedding and cause acne and irritation. Dead skin cells, dirt, and small insects can also remain on your bedding if you don't wash it regularly. Wash your bedding at least once every two weeks.
    • If you have an extra set of bedding, you can change them regularly.
  6. 6 If someone in your family is sick, thoroughly disinfect the items that the sick person uses. If you don't take proper precautions, the chances are high that other family members will get sick. An ill family member should be placed in a small room to prevent the spread of germs. In addition, he must use separate cutlery and a towel, and a sink, which must be disinfected regularly.
    • If the person has a wound, treat it regularly and change the gauze bandage.
    • Disinfect all surfaces in your home, such as switches, telephones, and doorknobs. As a rule, a person can be a carrier of a pathogenic bacterium for some time, and the first symptoms will appear only after a few days.

Method 4 of 4: Lifestyle

  1. 1 Keep your linen and clothing clean. Dirty clothes are home to disease-causing bacteria. In addition, an unpleasant odor is emitted from such clothes. Wash your clothes after wearing them and never wear sweaty or wet clothes.
    • Tight clothing will become dirty and sweaty faster.
    • Remove tight and sweaty clothing immediately after exercise.
    • The sun's rays are a powerful disinfectant that kills bacteria and small insects.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as it promotes a healthy immune system and is also important if you strive to maintain good hygiene. The correct drinking regimen improves the condition of the skin and oral cavity.
    • Take your water bottle with you to work, and remember to wash it regularly.
  3. 3 Keep your hands and nails clean. Clean up dirt under your nails, trim them and keep them neat. Burrs and cuticle cuts are the main causes of infection and dirt build-up.
  4. 4 Change hygiene products and linen regularly during your period. During this period, you must take special care of yourself. Keep your genitals clean to avoid infection or rashes. Have a spare pair of underwear and pads / tampons with you to prevent discomfort and stay clean throughout the day.
    • Some women find menstrual cups more comfortable and less troublesome than tampons. In addition, their use has a positive effect on health.
  5. 5 Get regular medical check-ups. See your doctor if you notice unusual symptoms or changes in your daily hygiene habits. Good health is the best thing you can do to follow good hygiene practices. Regular check-ups will help you stay happy, healthy, and clean.
    • Consult your doctor if hygiene is difficult for you.


  • Exercise every week to stay healthy and hygienic.
  • Learning to follow good hygiene now will make it easier for you in the future.

What do you need

  • Clean clothes
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Clean bedding
  • Disinfectant aerosol