How to meet a girl on the beach

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Pick Up Girls at the Beach | 4 Easy Tips
Video: How to Pick Up Girls at the Beach | 4 Easy Tips


The basic rule of dating girls is that you need to visit the places where they are. During the summer months, the beach is the perfect place to meet someone special. Girls on the beach tend to be relaxed and calm, so it will be much easier for you to make a positive impression.Plus, even if you don't manage to make contact, you will still have a great time in the sun! In this guide, you'll find tips on how to get ready to meet girls on the beach, as well as interesting first contact ideas. Finally, you will receive valuable advice on how to start a conversation with a girl, if you get the chance.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare to Visit the Beach

  1. 1 Try to look good (but not too good). Your goal is to look attractive enough, but not as if you spent the whole day in front of the mirror preening for the beach. Comb your hair, but don't style it, and choose comfortable clothing that flaunts your beauty.
    • You are better off if you feel confident in your swim trunks alone, but it's okay to wear a T-shirt or polo shirt with shorts.
    • Remember to use sunscreen, especially if you have very pale skin. If you look like a lobster, you will get a lot of interested looks, but not a single phone number.
  2. 2 Make a plan. Before heading to the beach, it's best to have some ideas on how to approach and meet girls. Take some time to think about the first phrase and what you can do to get the attention of the opposite sex.
  3. 3 Take one or more buddies with you. Most beach dating is best paired with friends. But some methods are more suitable for doing it alone. Think about which option you are going to use, and then choose the company wisely. From the outside, you should look like someone who is having a good time, so take friends with whom you enjoy hanging out with you. And make sure your friends understand if you leave them for a while or even before the end of the day when you meet the right girl.
  4. 4 Take whatever you need. You will need your usual beach items, including sunscreen, a towel or blanket, and a mini fridge with bottles of water. Also bring along beach toys, including those that don't come in the form of a standard adult set. Grab a frisbee, soccer ball, scoop and bucket to build sand castles. You will not meet anyone while lying on the mat. You need an excuse to be upright and navigate the beach, and toys will make you look like a fun and outgoing guy!
  5. 5 Take your dog with you. Dogs are perfect for trying to date girls, and the beach is a great place to show your pet and what a great owner you are. Take the ball and play with the dog in the sand for everyone to see. Then take the Pirate for a leisurely walk on the leash. If your dog is well behaved, then most likely, the girls themselves will come up to get to know her, and along with you.
    • Please note that dogs are not allowed on some beaches. Read the rules before heading to the beach.
    • Get ready to clean up after your dog. An irresponsible host will not score points in front of the ladies.
    • Studies have shown that certain dog breeds are more attractive to girls, with Chihuahuas, Golden Retrievers and Labradors on the list of the most attractive dogs.

Part 2 of 3: Meeting Girls on the Beach

  1. 1 Sit on the sand. Find a place to spread out your towel and spend some time looking around and enjoying the sun. Scan the area for attractive girls, but do so in a friendly manner, not predatory. Nod and smile or say hello if yours and your girlfriend's gaze overlap, then continue looking at the area. After a few minutes, look at the same girl again to see if she is looking at you.
  2. 2 You should look like you are having fun! You will be watched, but most likely, no one will agree to a date if you sunbathe with a pompous look or pose on your towel. Girls will find you more attractive when they see you are having fun and having a good time. Play catch-up with your friends. Swim. Fly a kite. Start building a sand castle. If you bump into a girl during any of these activities, take the opportunity to start a conversation.
  3. 3 Invite the girl to play. Start playing frisbee, catch up with friends or build a sand castle. If you notice that the girl is looking at you and smiling, wave her and invite her to join. If she only smiles back, but does not come right away, run up to her and ask if she would like to play with you.
    • Sometimes a girl may act shy and say no or I don't know, but in a sly manner, and this will let you know that she really wants to have fun. Reward her if that's the case (smiles and chuckles are good indicators). Great reassurance options include "Come on, that'll be great!" or “I bet you’ll make a great spiral.”
    • Leave her alone if she says no, doesn't look cute, or hints at a desire to play. You won't get the attention you want if you act assertive or aggressive.
  4. 4 "Accidentally" lose a frisbee or ball next to a girl. Another way to get a girl's attention while playing is to accidentally throw the ball or skip the frisbee in the sand next to her, so that you have a reason to step up and get to know her. Use this to say hello and start a conversation. (You can start the conversation like this: "Sorry, the sun blinded me." Or "My friend does not know how to serve at all ...")
    • Make sure your ball does not fall directly on the girl or her belongings. There is a fine line between cute clumsiness and irritability.
    • Dropping the kite near the girl is also a good idea, but make sure you are actually in control of it and not injure the girl.
  5. 5 Offer the girl a bottle of water. Bring a mini fridge full of ice water bottles to the beach. If you see a girl you like, you can walk up to her and say, "Hi, I saw that you are hot and I have a few extra bottles of water. Would you like one?" If she agrees, give her a bottle and then reach out to say hello and say your name. ("Hi, I'm Sergei, what's your name?")
  6. 6 Ask the girl to look behind your belongings. This is a popular beach dating trick, but you have to go it alone with no friends to use it. Once you spot a girl you are interested in, pack your belongings and ask if she can look after them for a while while you swim or surf. (“Hi, I was hoping to go swimming for a bit and would love to have you keep an eye on my things.”) If she agrees, thank her and joke, “Be careful, I heard a sunscreen thief was released from prison today.”
    • Then go and swim or surf for twenty minutes before returning.
    • When you return, thank the girl and find out if she has a need to fend off sunscreen thieves. Be sure to say how grateful you are for her help and take the opportunity to continue the conversation.
    • Get her number if things are going well. Better yet, ask what she's up to tonight. If she has no plans, do your best to make an appointment a few hours later.
  7. 7 Don't sneak up on a girl with sunscreen. There is a persistent cliché that the best way to meet a girl on the beach is to come up and offer to rub her back with cream.99 out of 100 girls will perceive it as something creepy and unhygienic, and will not communicate with you or even repulse you! If you see a girl nearby wearing sunscreen, you can try to make eye contact and let her ask for help herself, but do not flirt or approach unless you receive a specific hint (a smile, a hand sign, or a direct request: "you can help me? ") to ask for help.
    • Also, don't use the "can I straighten your swimsuit" trick. This approach is common on some online dating sites and is guaranteed to be a complete failure. Remember, touching a girl who doesn't want it is sexual harassment! Do not touch her or her swimsuit without verbal permission.

Part 3 of 3: Starting a Conversation

  1. 1 Think about the context of the conversation. If you plan the conversation ahead of time, your attempt to strike it up will be more successful. Are you on a beach where most of the holidaymakers are locals? Or are you on a touristy beach where most of the visitors are from out of town? Do you know about any interesting and happening events tonight where you could invite a girl? Do you know a great local restaurant or a secret surf spot that might be tempting for a girl to visit?
    • Browse movie premieres and the calendar of events for evening ideas.
    • Keep an eye on upcoming parties to invite your girlfriend to.
  2. 2 Start a conversation. At some point, you will have to start a conversation if you managed to catch the girl's eye from the next rug, or you boldly approached while she was splashing in the waves. On the beach, the best way to communicate is to focus on the girl. First, find out how she spent the day. (Your best answer would be "okay", otherwise find out what happened to her). Then tailor the conversation to the type of beach you are on.
  3. 3 If this is a local beach, find out if the girl has taken a day off to visit. The answer to this question will help you get information about her place of work. Ask if she loves her job and if her boss gives her enough days off. Look for clues about what she likes in the conversation to ask the following questions.
    • If you find out from the conversation that she is a student, ask about her studies and other interests.
  4. 4 When on a tourist beach, first ask the girl if she is local or on vacation. If she is from another city, ask how long the girl has been here and what is her impression of the place. Then find out how long she will rest and if she has the opportunity to meet with you. If the conversation is in a friendly manner (the girl smiles, laughs and shows other signs of flirting), suggest that she take an excursion in the evening or take her to her favorite institution.
  5. 5 Use the classic phrase “Do you come here often?“Try changing her a little:“ This is my favorite beach, what do you think about this place? ”You can also find out what other beaches she likes to visit or which ones she has visited.
  6. 6 Focus on the girl during the conversation. This is rule number one, regardless of the content of your conversation. Ask what she likes and what her hobbies are, but keep your preferences private unless you hear a direct question about it. Talk with enthusiasm and show interest in what she is about to tell you.