How to raise urine pH

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Can Urine pH Do To Stop Kidney Stones | Tips and Tricks for Kidney Stone Prevention
Video: What Can Urine pH Do To Stop Kidney Stones | Tips and Tricks for Kidney Stone Prevention


The state of your urine can tell a lot about your health. The pH level of urine is an indicator of its acidity - the lower the pH, the more acidic it is; the higher, the more alkaline. This indicator can affect the likelihood of developing certain conditions, such as kidney stones and gout. The diet of the average inhabitant of our country often leads to a decrease in the pH level in the body. Try raising the pH of your urine to lower your chances of developing certain diseases. Change your diet to include more fruits and vegetables, and in extreme cases, use medications that your doctor recommends.

Attention:the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Check with your healthcare professional before using any medication.


Method 1 of 3: What is urine pH

  1. 1 See your doctor if you have trouble urinating. There are a number of medical conditions that affect urine and urination. If you are experiencing pain in your stomach, side, or groin, see your doctor to find out what is wrong. It is also worth contacting your doctor if you have problems urinating. Sometimes, raising the pH of your urine can help deal with the problem; in other cases, you may need antibiotics or other medications to treat a health problem. Get the correct diagnosis, discuss treatment options with your doctor, and ask if raising your urine pH will help if you experience any of the following:
    • You go to the bathroom more often or less often, or you only pass a small amount of urine.
    • You feel pain or burning while urinating.
    • The urine is very dark.
    • The urine smells bad.
  2. 2 Raise the pH of your urine if you have kidney stones. Some types of kidney stones develop when there is too much acid and other chemicals in the body, so alkalizing the body (raising the pH) may be beneficial for breaking down kidney stones. You may also need other treatments, and not all types of kidney stones are cleared by alkalization, so be sure to talk to your doctor about treatment options. Symptoms of kidney stones include:
    • pain in the side (under the ribs);
    • pain that spreads to the abdomen and groin;
    • pain that comes in waves and changes in intensity;
    • blood in the urine (urine may appear pink, red, or brown);
    • cloudy or foul-smelling urine;
    • pain when urinating;
    • more frequent urination or sudden, harsh urges;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • fever and chills.
  3. 3 Alkalinize your urine if you have gout. If you have too much of a certain type of acid (uric acid) in your body, you may develop gout. Gout can cause severe pain, redness, and swelling in small joints, usually on the big toes. If you have severe toe pain that is not related to injury, see your doctor for a diagnosis. If you have gout, try to raise the pH of your urine to lower the level of uric acid in your body to help prevent future flare-ups of gout.
  4. 4 Check your urine pH at home. If you want to try raising the pH of your urine, watch for changes by measuring the pH level once a day. Keep in mind that health problems can be associated not only with too low urine pH, but also too high. Purchase pH test strips from your local pharmacy. To test your urine, collect a sample in a clean disposable cup and use the test strips as directed on the package. Dip the strip in the urine for the specified amount of time, then match the color on the test to the color chart on the package to determine the pH.
    • Alkalize your pH to above 7 if you are trying to break down kidney stones.
    • Collect a clean urine sample. Begin to urinate for a few seconds, then collect the sample in a clean cup with the middle portion of urine collected.
    • PH test strips are available commercially at any pharmacy and can also be used to measure urine pH.

Method 2 of 3: Natural Methods to Raise Urine pH

  1. 1 Eat lots of fruits. Fill your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables to raise the pH of your urine. Most fruits will raise the pH, but some will be more effective than others for this purpose. The best options:
    • blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries;
    • nectarines, persimmons, apples, apricots, pears and peaches;
    • tangerines, limes, lemons and oranges;
    • papaya, pineapple, watermelon, melon and banana;
    • grapes, raisins and cherries;
    • avocado and green olives.
  2. 2 Increase the amount of vegetables in your diet. Try to include fresh vegetables at every meal. Increase the portion of vegetables and reduce the portion of meat to raise the pH of your urine. Vegetables to include in your diet and consume regularly include:
    • asparagus, celery and artichoke;
    • onions, chicory salad, kohlrabi;
    • leafy greens;
    • pumpkin and zucchini;
    • eggplant, beets and bell peppers;
    • parsnips, sweet potatoes / yams, and baked potatoes;
    • broccoli, cabbage and okra.
  3. 3 Replace meat with other foods. Substitute legumes such as beans or peas for a portion of the meat in your meal. They will raise the pH of your urine and be a good source of protein. Legumes are also good at alkalizing the body and make healthy meat substitutes.
  4. 4 Snack on nuts and seeds. A handful of nuts and seeds are a good snack throughout the day, and a great way to include more healthy fats in your diet if you cut back on meat. Certain types of nuts, such as chestnuts, pumpkin seeds and cashews, are especially good at alkalizing the body.
    • Almonds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds also raise urine pH, although not as well as others.
  5. 5 Season meals with alkalizing herbs and spices. Instead of using regular table salt, add aromatic herbs and spices to your meals that raise the pH of your urine. Add sea salt and black pepper, and season the dishes with the following aromatic spices:
    • ginger root;
    • parsley;
    • basil;
    • garlic;
    • cilantro;
    • Bay leaf;
    • Cayenne pepper;
    • soy sauce;
    • cinnamon.
  6. 6 Reduce your intake of acid-forming foods. When consuming alkalizing foods, minimize those foods in the diet that form acid.Meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy are the main acidifying foods found in many diets. Minimize your intake by tracking portion sizes by basing your diet primarily on fruits and vegetables, including only small portions of the above proteins.
  7. 7 Give up alcohol. Alcohol makes the urine more acidic. Better to drink mineral water, ginger tea, pineapple or grapefruit juice - all of these drinks increase the pH of the urine.
    • Talk to your doctor if you think you need help to stop drinking.
  8. 8 Take herbal supplements to raise your pH. Take herbal diet foods or green extracts. Use within a week as directed on the package. This can significantly increase the pH of the urine and the alkalinity of the body in general.
    • You can find supplements like these at drugstores or health food stores.

Method 3 of 3: Medication

  1. 1 Take sodium bicarbonate. This is a drug you can take to raise the pH of your urine. These medications are necessary only for certain medical conditions, and taking them incorrectly can cause serious health problems, so this drug can only be taken as directed by a doctor. Typically, this drug is given as an injection in the treatment room.
    • Do not take sodium bicarbonate if you have vomiting, alkalosis (too little acid in your body), calcium, or chloride deficiency.
    • Tell your doctor if you are taking any other drugs or supplements, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have allergies, heart, kidney, or liver problems.
  2. 2 Ask your doctor about potassium citrate if you have kidney stones. Certain medications will be helpful in fighting certain conditions caused by acidic urine. Ask your doctor about potassium citrate, a drug used to treat specific kidney disease and stone breakdown.
    • This medication can have many side effects and is not used to treat all types of kidney stones.
  3. 3 Consult calcium citrate as a treatment option. This medication may be helpful in raising the pH of the urine. It all depends on your condition, symptoms, and the cause of your urinary problems. Ask your doctor if this medication is right for you.


  • Eat a diet rich in alkaline foods if you are over 45. This will help you maintain muscle mass as you age.


  • Certain medicines, such as acetazolamide (Diacarb), ammonium chloride (found in cough mixtures), methenamine (Calcex), potassium citrate (Rehydron), sodium bicarbonate, and thiazide diuretics (Arifon), can change the pH test result. If you are taking any of the above drugs, talk to your doctor about your urinalysis result. Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor.