How to have fun in The Sims 3

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to have Fun on The Sims 3 - Rantage Gaming
Video: 10 Ways to have Fun on The Sims 3 - Rantage Gaming


The Sims franchise is a very fun and action-packed RPG. The Sims 3 is one of the more popular sequels, bringing you tons of new content and ways to have fun.It is so huge that sometimes you start to get scared and get lost in it. Should not be doing that. You can get started enjoying The Sims 3 by following the guidelines below. Run your eyes over them to learn how to play this game.


  1. 1 Start a family with difficult personalities. You can create it in a variety of ways. For example, you can make your partners hate each other, or you can get siblings to fight each other a lot. Or you can create a dad who loves to spend the day at the computer and a mom who loves spending time outside the house and loves fishing. This will create challenges in the game, because they will have to find compromises in order to do what they love and stay together.
  2. 2 Set a goal beyond your deepest desire. Make as many friends as you can, throw some epic parties, make your Sim a loner, and put him on the outskirts of town, chatting with plants or the TV. Create a sim that is afraid of technology and try to play without any appliances at all.
  3. 3 Play without cheat codes. Many people use cheats while playing, but has it ever occurred to you to play without them? If you have never tried to play without them, this can be a real challenge for you that you will enjoy. Your Sim will have to work hard, get promoted quickly, watch for money-making opportunities, and live very frugally at first. When your Sim is successful and wealthy, you will be proud and know that you have accomplished this without using cheat codes.
  4. 4 Kill your Sim. It's a lot of fun, no matter how it sounds. If you think this is cruel and unacceptable, you can skip this step with a clear conscience. Here are five fun ways to kill your Sim and turn him into a ghost.
    • Death by fire. You can fine-tune your Sim's death this way by making him cook, and when the food is on the stove or in the oven, you undo the action and send him to do something else in the kitchen. Before the fire starts, you will need to remove all doors leading to the kitchen to prevent your Sim from escaping. Cancel the action whenever the Sim tries to continue cooking. Eventually, a fire will start and your Sim will burn in flames.
    • Death by drowning. This is somewhat more difficult to arrange. Place your Sim in the pool and go to Build Mode. Remove all ladders and try to put a fence around the pool in such a way that the Sim cannot get out of the water. If that doesn't work, try putting kitchen counters in place of the fence. Once you find a way to imprison your Sim in the water, return to Game Mode and wait for your character to die.
    • Death by electric shock. Make your Sim fiddle with an electrical appliance in the water. Sims are more likely to die from this if they are clumsy and not a mechanic.
    • Death by hunger. Lock your Sim in a room for a few days and prevent him from eating. After a while, he will suffer from exhaustion and die, but before that you will have to listen to many complaints.
    • Death from old age. This is the most recent way to kill a Sim. Play with your Sim and his family until he gets very old. Take good care of him all the time. But eventually he will die of old age. This process will take longer if your Sim is a vegetarian.
  5. 5 Focus on your Sim's career. Let him become a famous surgeon, politician, criminal or journalist. This is especially fun if you have the Ambition expansion worth it.
  6. 6 Have a lot of children. This is a really tough test. Create a single mother or father, or just a couple. Then have them have a lot of children until the limit of children per home is reached.Now you have to take care of all the kids to keep them happy, potty train them, read to them, make sure they get good grades, and get them jobs when they are teenagers. And don't forget their mom and dad as you need to take care of their wishes, careers and needs.
  7. 7 Mix people with different personalities. If you want to get an interesting family, fall in love with people with completely opposite views. For example, one of them may be family oriented, while the other may hate children.
  8. 8 Go into cheat mode, but don't use them! See how long you can last without cheating. If you like to cheat, it won't be easy!

Method 1 of 1: PS3 Ed.

  1. 1 Try to play without cheats. Sometimes it can be quite fun to play without cheating.
  2. 2 Create interesting people to be friends, lovers, enemies, or strangers. Who knows how the game will turn?
  3. 3 Get some Sims to work hard and let others get bogged down in everyday life. Or one of them will be a slave, and the other will be a master. Keep the slave in a cramped cage, and pick up luxury items for the master.
  4. 4 Make your Sims live a fabulous or horrible life. This will make your game even more interesting.


  • Buy add-ons to the game, they will make the game more fun and interesting. It's worth it, believe me.
  • Create the family you've dreamed of.
  • Use your imagination.
  • You can also get pets. They will be a great addition to any family.
  • Download content for the game from the Internet.
  • Buy things in the store and exchange them in the exchanger.
  • Let your Sim get a girlfriend or boyfriend.


  • Do not overuse cheats while playing. They will spoil your pleasure.