How to build a tower from cards

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to build the EASIEST card tower of your life...
Video: How to build the EASIEST card tower of your life...


1 Remove the deck of cards from the stack. This should be a relatively new deck of cards - old, shabby, wrinkled and folded cards will not work, just as completely new ones will not work - they are too slippery; see Tips. Interestingly patterned cards often have a pleasant texture to the touch.
  • 2 Choose 2 cards from the deck. Place the cards so that their bottom edges are about 5 centimeters apart, and their tops touch, forming an inverted Roman numeral "V". This figure ("/ " or corner) should stand on the plane without your help.
  • 3 Make another corner next to the first; leave 1 cm of space between them.
  • 4 Place the card horizontally to the tops of the previous two corners.
  • 5 Build another corner on a map lying horizontally. You now have a second floor.
  • 6 Complete another corner next to the first, bottom two corners and repeat the procedure. Having made a base with three peaks, you will be able to complete the third floor; by making a base with four vertices, you can get four floors, and so on.
  • 7 End.
  • Tips

    • Try to lick the edges of the cards before you make a corner, but don't make them wet, because that won't work, of course.
    • When you put your last, lonely corner at the very top, do not forget to lower your hands down, very slowly.
    • Relax and be patient! If you are in a hurry, your structure may collapse, or its base will come out weak.
    • If you need help placing the cards correctly, try placing the base of the pyramid on a Lego tile.
    • Do not work with the fan on!
    • You can put an additional card under the first line of the corners.
    • Build the pyramid away from pets, little sisters or brothers, and away from places where they can walk. They can bring down your tower.
    • Try to exhale away from the tower so as not to destroy it!
    • Index cards are better suited for this activity than smooth and polished playing cards.
    • Don't worry if you didn't succeed the first time. Patience is a virtue. At every moment of completing a house of cards, your hands should be as firm as possible.

    What do you need

    • 1-2 decks of cards
    • Medium / high friction surface or carpet
    • Time and patience