How to plant hydrangeas

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant A Hydrangea // Garden Answer
Video: How to Plant A Hydrangea // Garden Answer


Hydrangeas are well known for their large, colorful flowers and can be found in many places around the world. There are many types and varieties of hydrangeas that produce flowers in a wide variety of colors and shapes. They are relatively easy to grow as long as you plant them under the right conditions, as described below.


Part 1 of 2: Planting Hydrangeas

  1. 1 Check the climatic zone of your species. One of the most popular types of hydrangea, Hydrangea large-leaved, grows best in climatic zones 6-9, with minimum winter temperatures of -23 to -7ºC. Several species can tolerate the conditions of zone 4 (-34ºC), including G. treelike and G. paniculata.
  2. 2 Know the safe time to board. Hydrangeas can suffer when planted in hot or frosty temperatures. Container-grown hydrangeas are best planted in the garden in spring or fall. Bare-rooted hydrangeas without soil should be planted in early to mid-spring so they have time to adapt to their new location.
  3. 3 Choose a spot in your yard that receives a mixture of sun and shade. Ideally, the hydrangea should receive several hours of sun each day, but protected from the hot midday sun by a wall or other barrier. If this is not possible in your yard, choose a location with bright, diffused light during the day.
  4. 4 Leave enough room for substantial growth. Hydrangeas can grow and become 1.2m x 1.2m shrubs. Research your species and varieties on the Internet if you want a better idea of ​​how big your hydrangeas will grow.
  5. 5 Prepare a rich, porous soil. Mix compost with soil if it is low in nutrients. If the soil is dense or mostly clay, mix with pine bark or other mulch to prevent water from forming pools around the plant.
  6. 6 Plant the hydrangeas carefully in the large opening. Dig a hole as deep as a root ball or planting container, and two or three times wider. Lift the hydrangea carefully and place it in the hole. Be careful not to scratch or break the roots when moving the plant.
  7. 7 Fill the hole halfway with soil, a little at a time. Press down on the soil gently as you fill the hole to remove air plugs and provide support to the plant. Stop when the hole is about half full.
  8. 8 Water the hole, let it drain, and then fill the rest of the hole with soil. Thoroughly water the half-filled hole and then let it drain for at least 15 minutes or until there is no standing water. Fill the rest of the hole in the same way as you filled it before, pressing down small portions of soil at a time. Stop when the roots are covered. Do not cover more than 2.5 cm of the trunk or stem.
  9. 9 Water the plant frequently for the first few days. Recently transplanted plants may not yet have full root capacity, so it is very important to water them well. Water again when finished filling the hole, then water daily for the first few days after planting.
  10. 10 Reduce watering, but keep the soil moist. After the hydrangea has taken root in its new location, water whenever the soil dries out. The soil should be slightly damp, but not soggy. Hydrangeas usually do not require additional maintenance and often grow or bloom without difficulty.
    • If your hydrangeas become weak or dry out, build shade for sun protection throughout the day.
    • If the winter forecast predicts an unusually cold or prolonged frost, or if you are planting in a lower than recommended climatic zone (see above), you may need to provide winter protection for your hydrangeas.

Part 2 of 2: Correcting Hydrangea Flowers

  1. 1 Check if your species and varieties produce different colors. Some varieties of hydrangeas can bloom pink or blue, depending on the aluminum content of the soil and acidity. Most cultivated hydrangeas of this type are of the large-leaved hydrangea species, but some members of this species only produce white flowers or pink or blue hues. Ask a previous hydrangea owner to identify your hydrangea strain if you don't know the name.
    • The varieties named Enzandiom, Kasteln, Supreme Merritt, Red Star and Rosa Supreme all have the ability to grow both pink and blue flowers, although they vary in intensity.
  2. 2 Test soil pH. Most garden stores sell pH test kits to measure the pH or acidity of your soil.Because acidity affects the ability of hydrangeas to contain aluminum, which in turn affects flower color, you can get a rough prediction of flower color by measuring soil pH. Generally, soil pH below 5.5 is likely to result in blue flowers, and soil pH 7 and above is likely to result in pink or red flowers. The effects of soil pH levels between 5.5 and 7 are difficult to predict. They can result in blues, pinks, or purples, or blues with spots and pink patterns.
  3. 3 Make the flowers blue. To encourage blue color during growing season, mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of aluminum sulfate in 1 liter of water. This both adds aluminum to the soil and increases the acidity (lowering the pH), making it easier for plants to use aluminum. Once every 10-14 days, apply as much of this water as possible, as if you were watering normally. Continue measuring soil pH and discontinue use as soon as it drops below 5.5 pH.
  4. 4 Encourage pink flowers. If the hydrangea is already blue, it is difficult to make it pink due to the presence of aluminum causing the blue color. However, you can take precautions ahead of time to encourage pink flowers. Avoid planting near driveways or walls, as some concrete mixes or mortars can leach aluminum into the soil. Apply a fertilizer that does not contain aluminum but has a high level of phosphorus, which inhibits aluminum uptake. Consider raising the pH by adding wood ash or crushed limestone to the soil, as this also prevents the absorption of aluminum. Avoid raising the pH higher than 6.4 or the plant may develop health problems.


  • If possible in your area and time of year, buy hydrangeas in bloom. Naked hydrangeas can surprise you with the type of flower you don't like, and in the worst case scenario, they may even be mislabeled.


  • Be careful when planting hydrangeas under or near trees, as large roots may not leave enough water and nutrients for the hydrangeas. Observe hydrangeas in these positions, and repot them if they struggle to grow or produce flowers.