How to ask a girl for a phone number

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Ask a Girl For Her Phone Number
Video: How To Ask a Girl For Her Phone Number


Are you afraid to ask a girl for a phone number? Are you afraid of rejection or do you think this will turn easy flirting into a more serious relationship? If you're having a hard time getting up the courage to ask for a number, don't despair. Even the most successful and confident men once faced the same problem.


  1. 1 Go to the girl whose phone number you want to ask for. If you already know each other, refer to her by name: "Hi, Irina! How are you?" If you don't know each other yet, ask someone to introduce you to her.
  2. 2 Start a conversation. This can be done regardless of whether you knew each other before. Don't try to sound witty or make an unforgettable impression, just be yourself.
  3. 3 Be open and friendly, but not intrusive. You don't want to take too much of her time.
  4. 4 End the conversation with the phrase: "I don't want to delay you for a long time. Come on, I'll call you sometime and we can talk a little longer?"
  5. 5 Now you can say goodbye and leave. However, if the girl asks you to stay and talk longer, agree. You should not end the conversation in mid-sentence, even if you have already received a phone number.
  6. 6 Call her in the coming days, even just to leave a message: "Hi, I just want to say that I was glad to meet you. I hope that we will see each other someday. I will call you back, or I will be very glad if you call me yourself."
  7. 7 Don't forget to give your name and phone number.
  8. 8 Even if the girl refused to give her phone number, keep smiling. Say, "Okay, then take my number. I'll be very glad if you call."
  9. 9 When you give your phone number, write it down neatly on something suitable, such as a card or a bright napkin. Do not use a piece of paper or an old check for this purpose.


  • Just do it. You will never be successful if you don't try.
  • A compliment is a great way to start a conversation. But try to be honest. Needless to say, you like her green shoes if you actually find them awful.
  • If the girl gave you her number, don't leave right away. Stay with her a little longer, then say something like: "Oh, my stop, I'll call you. Bye!", Or "I need to turn right here. I'll call bye!"
  • Instead of asking for her phone number, offer the girl yours. Some women find it unsafe to give their number. You can ask her number in a joking manner, and then say: "This is my number."
  • You can ask the girl for her email address first. Many agree to exchange email addresses because it seems less dangerous. When the girl starts writing down her address, you can say: "Listen, write down the phone number, just in case." Many people who would refuse to give their phone number right away write it down because they have already agreed to give some information about themselves.
  • If you are with a large group of friends, you can start by asking others for phone numbers. Then go to the girl you are interested in and say: "Listen, I am writing down phone numbers here, can I write down yours too?"


  • If you really want someone's phone number, ask that person for it. Do not recognize him from friends or mutual acquaintances, it may seem too rude or annoying.
  • If you have been given a phone number, you don’t need to write it down on your hand, you don’t want to wash it off accidentally.
  • Don't ask for a phone number if you want to help your friend. So you deprive him of the chance to find out how he is treated.
  • Even if you really want to get a phone number, this does not mean that you will definitely get one. Do not insist upon being rejected, leave the person alone.