How to understand that a guy is cheating

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
5 ways to know if you have a cheating partner (Signs your man is cheating on you)
Video: 5 ways to know if you have a cheating partner (Signs your man is cheating on you)


You may be wondering if a young man is cheating on you. He may have begun to treat you differently, spend less time with you, become withdrawn, or no longer contribute to the relationship. However, before accusing him of treason, it is best to study his behavior, ask questions and look for evidence.


Method 1 of 3: Examining His Behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention if he is too protective of his phone. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he will become more worried about his phone or computer. Does he not like that you take his phone or computer? He may be using his phone to talk to another girl and wants you to stay as far away from his things as possible.
    • If you ask: "Who called / wrote you?", He answers: "Nobody" or "Doesn't matter."
    • Does he delete text messages or social media conversations before letting you take his phone?
    • Is he in a hurry to answer the call before you see who's calling?
  2. 2 Pay attention to his daily routine. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he should set aside time in his schedule to meet with another girl, and accordingly, make changes in his day. Chances are, you are familiar with his usual routine.If he begins to sit longer "with friends", study or work late, then perhaps he is cheating on you.
    • If your boyfriend has started to prioritize all these activities over the time spent with you, then you are no longer a priority for him.
  3. 3 See if he has become more withdrawn. Has he started to close the door when you are nearby? Is he answering phone calls from another room? If your partner is cheating on you, he will start to keep his distance between you.
    • Look for hidden places in any area of ​​his life. Maybe he started chatting with people you don't know?
    • You ask where he is going or how his day went and you get a short answer with no details?
  4. 4 Consider if he has become less loving. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he may not be as gentle as he used to be. Does he no longer want to hold hands, hug, kiss or have sex? Is he no longer interested in the physical part of your relationship?
    • Remember that your boyfriend may become less affectionate due to stress or health problems. Consider other signs before associating coldness with cheating.
  5. 5 Look for any irregularities in his behavior. Perhaps he began to behave differently out of guilt for treason. This behavior can be both negative and positive. Typical changes include:
    • Buying gifts for no reason.
    • Excessive caring and helpfulness.
    • Provoking quarrels with you.
    • Bad mood, melancholy.
    • A different smell (for example, the scent of someone else's perfume)
    • Excessive focus on your appearance (eg, style changes, new hairstyles, going to the gym)
    • Cheating on a grand scale and in small things.
    • Using phrases that he usually does not use.
    • Remember, cheating is not the only reason for unusual behavior.

Method 2 of 3: Assessing Your Relationship

  1. 1 Estimate the amount of time you spend together. Does your boyfriend spend his free time with you, or is he always too busy? Do you feel like you and your partner are living a separate life? You do not know what is happening in his life, and he does not know how things are going with you?
    • Even if you and your boyfriend have busy schedules, he might find time to see you and talk.
    • Also, pay attention to any changes in the amount of time you spend together. Have your meetings been reduced from four times a week to one for no apparent reason? This may be a sign that your boyfriend is ripping off something.
    • Discuss this with your partner before concluding that you are cheating.
  2. 2 Determine the quality of your interaction. You should not only assess the amount of time you spend together, but also the quality. Do you feel good together or do you constantly quarrel? Do you feel connected to your boyfriend or, on the contrary, distance?
    • If your pastime stops being fun and enjoyable and turns into constant fights, he may be dating someone else or experiencing other problems while lashing out at you.
  3. 3 Rate your boyfriend's interest. Even if you spend time together, he may seem uninterested in you and your relationship. Do you feel like you don't care? Is he too careless about you?
    • For example, do you always call or text him first?
    • Do you always plan and compose your dating entertainment program? He doesn't show any initiative when you ask what you could do together?
    • Is he not very talkative or considerate when you are alone with each other?
  4. 4 Listen to your subconscious mind. Perhaps you feel that something is going wrong between you. You cannot say what it is, but you know what it is. Don't ignore this feeling.
    • Often people intuitively feel the first signs of alarm bells.
  5. 5 Talk to your boyfriend. If you suspect something, you will start to see signals and think that he is changing. But it's best not to jump to conclusions. If you accuse him of cheating that he did not commit, you could harm the person.Discuss your observations with him and listen to his explanations.
    • You might say, "Look, you've gotten so irritable lately and are constantly in the clouds. Are you okay?"
    • You might say, "I've noticed that we are spending less time together. Is everything okay?"
    • "Lately, our relationship has come to a standstill. I really want to sort this out. What do you think about this?"
    • If you catch your boyfriend lying, you might say, "You lied about ___. And that really hurt me. What's going on?"

Method 3 of 3: Finding Evidence

  1. 1 Explore his social media. Check his accounts to see if he is chatting with someone you don't know. Pay attention to the photo, which he “likes” and “adds to bookmarks”. Also, look for other social media pages that you may not know about. Perhaps he uses them to communicate with someone else.
    • Also note if he is spending more time on social media than usual. Increased activity can indicate cheating.
    • If you know his passwords, look at his accounts to see who he is texting with. This is a serious invasion of privacy. If he finds out that you did it, he may get angry with you. Therefore, first of all, strengthen your suspicions.
  2. 2 Talk to his friends. If your boyfriend is lying about his whereabouts, ask your friends if they will answer the same. Remember that his friends will be on his side and may not betray him. Be smart in asking questions.
    • For example, if your partner said he saw a friend on Thursday night, ask the friend, “How did you and ____ spend your time on Thursday?”
    • You can ask the guy himself: "How did you and ____ spend your time on Thursday? What were you doing?"
    • If your boyfriend is cheating on you, his friends may start acting differently in your presence. If they know he is not faithful, they may feel awkward around you.
  3. 3 Catch him in a lie. Ask where he was on a particular day. And after a couple of days, ask this question again. If he is lying, it may be difficult for him to remember what he said the first time. Compare his answers each time so that the story matches.
    • If he becomes defensive or annoyed with your questions, he may be cheating. If he is telling the truth, your questions will not bother him.
    • If he spends a lot of time on social media, check his posts and activity during the period of time that excites you. Look for inconsistencies.
  4. 4 Check his phone. Wait for him to fall asleep or leave the shower / toilet and grab the phone. This will be difficult if your boyfriend carries his phone with him all the time. If you do not know his password, try to hug your partner and peep over his shoulder what code he is typing. This is how you can find out the password.
    • You can also try to stand close to the guy when he is using the phone and try to notice something.
    • Once you have access to his phone, quickly review calls and messages. Look for unsaved numbers.
    • If your boyfriend's phone doesn't have any messages, chances are he erased everything because he's hiding something.
    • Checking his phone is another major intrusion into his personal space. Your boyfriend will be very angry if he finds out what you have done and no longer trusts you. Use this only as a last resort.


  • Discuss your feelings with others. You need to speak out and relieve your soul. You may feel better.
  • Try your best to remain calm.
  • Trust yourself.