How to tell if a guy is using you for sex

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell If A Guy Is Using You - 7 Signs He’s Using You For Boyfriend Benefits
Video: How To Tell If A Guy Is Using You - 7 Signs He’s Using You For Boyfriend Benefits


The truth can be very bitter, but a toxic relationship is probably not what you want. Better to find yourself a decent partner who will not only use you for sex.Some of the behaviors that we will discuss below will help you determine if your suspicions are correct.


Method 1 of 4: Pay attention to when he contacts you

  1. 1 Does he only contact you after dark? If your boyfriend only calls you when the sun sets over the horizon and stars appear in the sky, most likely it is not because he is in the mood for stargazing. He is tuned in to something completely different. If he only calls you at night, if he is not a doctor with an insane work schedule, then it is likely that only sex is on his mind.
  2. 2 Does he only communicate with you on weekdays? If he only craves companionship on weeknights, but you almost never hear about him on weekends, this is a sure sign that the weekend is reserved for his # 1 option or for the woman he thinks is actually worth the attention. If he disappears on Fridays or Saturdays, but on Tuesday he is always free for you, then he only needs you for sex.
  3. 3 Does he only contact you occasionally? If he shows up once or twice a week, doesn't ask out on dates, and at such times he can't wait to come, it's all because he wants only sex from you. If you want to meet him, but he is always busy for a whole week, and then unexpectedly calls at midnight on Wednesday, it is very likely that there can be no question of any love - he only needs sex.
  4. 4 Does he communicate with you only when it is convenient for him? If the question: "How was your day?" - or: "How is your difficult test?" - he will not answer, which means that he is not at all inclined to maintain small talk. But if one night you say to him: "I want to see you" - and you hear him put his foot on the gas pedal - you have a problem.
  5. 5 Is he always busy? Having a busy schedule is quite normal in the modern world. But if your boyfriend cannot find time for dinner and a movie, but can always find time for sex, then the truth is that he is not busy, he just wants to seem like that. If you know that he has time to meet friends, go to a sports event and watch TV for hours with his brother, but for you he is too busy to go to a cafe on Sunday afternoon, then he just does not want to spend on you. time.
  6. 6 Does he never invite you anywhere? If he regularly comes to you for love pleasures or arranges foreplay only on his couch, then he really does not want anything but your body. He may invite you to dinner from time to time, but he only does so to keep you from doing it. But if you feel that you will never see the outside world with him, then most likely he does not want you to be a part of his daily life.

Method 2 of 4: Pay attention to what you are doing together

  1. 1 Do you never talk about your love life? If all that is between you is talking about sex or how you want each other, then your relationship is only sex. Yes, many relationships start out like this - partners are obsessed with each other, often have sex and talk about sex. But if this continues for a long time and you have not advanced further than love joys, then your relationship can no longer be deeper than it is now.
    • Ask him what he thinks, feels, what he is interested in, and see his reaction. If he retreats right away, then you are in trouble.
  2. 2 Is everything he does about sex? All you do is have sex? Do you do anything else together? Go to the cinema, theater, restaurants, take dance lessons ... anything? Or is sex all that you do when you are with each other? Does he insist on positions and forms of sexual activity that are uncomfortable for you? If the development of sexual relations is the only topic of interest to him in your society, then he needs you only for love pleasures and nothing more.
    • Even if this is not literally the case, you must trust your intuition.
  3. 3 Notice how quickly he leaves after making love. Does it occasionally stay overnight or never? If so, then you are one of his nightly activities, not the love of his life. If he gives you a casual kiss and then starts packing up his clothes, then he doesn't want to spend the night with you, otherwise he will feel like you have a real relationship. And if he always comes up with a convenient excuse to leave, then it's even worse.
    • Of course, he can tell you that he needs to get up early tomorrow, but then why was he not too lazy to come to you at one in the morning?
  4. 4 Does he kiss you just before sex? In most relationships, kissing is a quick and enjoyable way to show your love and closeness. People kiss while walking, in a dark bar, at the movies or on Monday mornings, all out of the desire to just kiss. If every time you kiss your boyfriend, he starts to touch your intimate parts of the body, then it is very likely that he only needs sex; for him, kisses are the beginning of love joys.
    • Pay attention to his level of affection. Does he ever want to just snuggle up to you or hug you for no reason? If not, he probably only wants sex.
  5. 5 Do you never hang out with his friends? Have you been having sex for months and still haven't seen any of his friends? Does he spend all his time with his friends without you and never invites you to join them? There may be several reasons for this: he is too shy to tell everyone around you about your relationship; he doesn't want to invest in your relationship; he is a womanizer and loves to flirt with other girls, so he just doesn't need you next to him.

Method 3 of 4: Pay attention to what he says

  1. 1 Does he share personal information? Men who use women for sex often provide little information about themselves. With such guys, you can only learn about them from friends, from personal observations and general conversations. Does he tell you nothing about himself? That says a lot, so it's worth considering.
  2. 2 Pay attention to how he behaves when you talk about himself. How quickly does he get bored when you discuss your work, hobbies, your actions, and general daily problems? He stops the discussion and interrupts it with "how about lying down on the couch"? If so, he may pretend that he is tired of emotional entanglements and wants to abstract from them without any sense of guilt. Sometimes these guys take on the role of a psychologist, give advice, but never share their problems and joys, so as not to involve you in their lives.
  3. 3 Is he interested in how you are feeling? Have you ever heard him ask why you are upset about your day or why you were crying? If it seems to you that he is completely indifferent to your emotions, then the reason is probably not in his awkwardness or shyness, but in the fact that he simply does not care about it. If he only needs you for sex, then any of your complex and confusing feelings will be an obstacle for him and nothing more.
  4. 4 Does he tell you he doesn't want a relationship? Many women do not want to see what is right in front of their eyes, even if they hear it. If he told you that he was looking for casual acquaintances, that he had no time for anything serious, or that he was simply not made for a serious relationship, then he probably meant it. You may have brushed it off, thought he was just trying to play, or were convinced you would change him. If he told you that he is not interested in something more serious than sex, then you need to reconsider your relationship.
  5. 5 Does he talk to you about your future together? You've been together for several months, but haven't talked about what you will do in the next two, let alone next summer? If you have been communicating for more than a year, but have not taken steps to come to something more serious, then you are probably only a temporary companion for him, and not a companion in life.
  6. 6 All he talks about is sex? Is he interested in emotional discussions about feelings? Does he discuss where your relationship is going? Or is he more interested in getting you new lingerie or dropping off to the pharmacy this morning for more condoms?

Method 4 of 4: Look for Other Signs

  1. 1 Pay attention to the phone, especially if it rings when it is near you. If he comes, and his phone rings incessantly, and he continues to look at him, and then closes it, then it may be because the ladies call him 24 hours a day. If he talks, and as soon as you enter the room, abruptly removes the phone, then you are clearly not the only girl in his life. And if he never leaves his phone unattended, even for a second, it may be because he does not want you to see his voluptuous correspondence with others.
  2. 2 Check out all the girls on his social media pages. See who he is friends with on Facebook, VKontakte, and so on. Check his profile - perhaps on the wall of one of the social networks (or each!) You will find tons of messages from other girls with whom he flirts all over the Internet; perhaps in the same place you will find dozens of photographs with him, where he is drunk and surrounded by barely dressed women. If so, then now you know where he is going when he falls out of your sight for five days, and this is not only because he has had a crazy week at work.
  3. 3 Pay attention to warnings. Have other women approached you to warn you to stay away from him? Maybe there were friends who said that he was a womanizer and that he would never be your boyfriend? Unless you think you can pacify and change him, then this is an alarming sign - it's time for you to say goodbye to him without delay. Do not think that you are different, or that these women do not know what they are talking about. If you've heard this from several people, it is most likely true.
  4. 4 Is your relationship progressing? Has your relationship changed in six months? Have you met his friends? Have you discussed the months ahead? Do you go shopping together? Do you do anything together, like all normal people? If he is in no hurry to confess his love, that's okay. But even if he rarely says the phrase "I like you very much," then you do not move forward, because he sees only a toy in you.
  5. 5 Listen to your intuition. Wake up! Even if you see your relationship as possible, your sixth sense tries to warn you otherwise. Take a look around and assess the situation. How does this situation make you feel? Are you happy? Are you happy with the relationship? If not, it's time to think about whether to continue with them.
    • You know what? There are still many fish in the sea, and in the world there are wonderful guys. Appreciate yourself - “find” your self-worth, “put” it back where it was, awaken your self-esteem, and maintain physical health, emotional sanity, and a clean mind.


  • Refrain from sex and see what happens. Does he treat you with understanding or is angry refuses to see you?
  • Many men avoid discussing commitments, which alone is not sufficient evidence. You need to look at the big picture and use your gut instincts for the task.


  • Don't make decisions until you know everything for sure. Maybe he gets turned on easily or you are very sexy. Be patient and control your emotions. Breaking up is an extreme step, sort out the situation first. However, if you are currently in a relationship and only got involved with this guy, and now you think that he is the guy of your dreams, they (the relationship) need to be ended as soon as possible.