How to please a cat

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Your Cat Happy – 10 Tips for a Content Cat
Video: How to Make Your Cat Happy – 10 Tips for a Content Cat


Cats are naturally more independent than dogs.It may seem that the cat does not need anyone, but in fact, cats can become very attached to humans. Her affection will help you strengthen your relationship with her. All cats have different personalities, so it may take a while to make friends with a cat. But don't worry - the more your cat likes you, the more joyful it will be and the more pleasant it will be for you to spend time with it.


Method 1 of 2: How to get along with your cat

  1. 1 Understand how cats express emotions. When your cat gets used to you, it will begin to behave in a special way. Knowing how cats express their emotions will help you understand how comfortable the cat is with you. For example, a cat may rub its head against you. This is clear proof that the cat is attached to you.
    • There are glands near the cat's ears that secrete a substance with a special smell. The cat rubs against someone or something to leave its scent. The cat may rub its cheek against you to mark you with its scent. This is a sign that your cat likes you.
    • If your cat likes you, she can look you in the eyes and blink slowly. Eye contact indicates that the cat trusts you. Blink back slowly to show the cat that the trust is mutual.
    • Try to repeat the actions of the cat: rub against it, blink slowly. This will strengthen your bond and let your cat know that you like her.
    • Cats can also express their affection by rumbling, wrinkling their paws, wanting to sit on your lap, or licking you.
  2. 2 Offer your cat many different toys. Toys allow the cat to move more and think more. If you make the space more interesting for the cat, the cat will like you faster. Different cats like different toys. For example, if your cat likes to run after something or catch objects, she will love hanging toys.
    • If your cat is older or more relaxed, she may like toys that she doesn't need to run after, such as a catnip cushion that she can play with while lying on her side.
    • Alternate toys to keep your cat from getting bored.
    • If you don't want to spend a lot of money on toys, make them from what you have at home. For example, you might offer your cat a roll of toilet paper or paper towel, or a bag without handles.
    • Remember that the cat it is forbidden playing with ribbons, threads and thin rubber bands, because she can swallow them and they can get stuck in the intestines. This will cause complications that require urgent veterinary attention. Problems with a blockage in the intestines can even cause the death of the animal.
    • Be careful with toys that have small components, such as plastic eyes, which could be ripped off and swallowed by your cat.
    • If you're not sure which toys are right for your cat, talk to your veterinarian or pet store clerk.
  3. 3 Take time to play with your cat. Your cat is independent and able to entertain itself, but she needs to interact with you too. Cats are more active at dawn and dusk, so try to make time for play at this time of day.
    • If your work schedule allows, try to play with your cat early in the morning and in the evening for 5-15 minutes. Remember that older and overweight cats can tire more quickly.
    • Whatever time of day you play, try to do it around the same time. The cat will know when to play, and this will allow you to increase the affection between you.
  4. 4 Feed your cat on a schedule. You may not have thought about it, but feeding is another opportunity to bond with your cat. The cat must understand that it is you who are giving it to the food. It is best to feed your cat at the same time every day, rather than leaving the food in the bowl.
    • Protein (such as turkey or chicken) should be the main nutrient in your cat's diet.
    • Since food stores and pet stores have a wide variety of food choices, ask your veterinarian what food you should buy for your cat.The type of food depends on the age and health of the cat.
    • The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the animal. Kittens under six months old should be fed 3 times a day. Cats from 6 months to a year should be fed 1-2 times a day, older than a year - once a day.
    • Certain medical conditions can affect the frequency of feedings (for example, diabetes).
    • The amount of food you eat depends on a number of factors, including the cat's weight, level of mobility, and age. There is no average recommended amount of food, but if we proceed from the weight of the animal, then cats up to 2.5 kilograms need to be given 25-30 grams, up to 5 kilograms often have a low opinion of 40-55 grams, up to 8 kilograms - 12 grams per 1 kilogram weight.
    • Ask your veterinarian how much food you should give your cat and which food to choose.
  5. 5 Give your cat treats. Treats will help you make friends with your cat, but they should not be overused. Treats should make up no more than 10-15% of the total diet, since treats are low in nutrients. Try to use treats no more than 2-3 times a week.
    • Cat treats are sold at pet stores and hypermarkets.
    • You shouldn't give your cat food from the table. There are foods that can even be dangerous to your cat's health (grapes, onions, raisins).
    • Cat mat is the perfect treat for cats.
    • Treats are needed when a cat needs to be rewarded for good behavior.
  6. 6 Pet the cat. This is a great way to make friends with your cat. Cats love to be stroked in the area of ​​the scent glands: at the base of the chin, at the base of the ears, on the cheeks behind the vibrissae and at the base of the tail. The cat enjoys rubbing these areas against furniture to mark its territory. The cat likes to be petted in these places.
    • Remember that cats do not like being petted for too long or too often, even if the cat is calm and relaxed. If you see a cat starting to behave strangely (its pupils are dilated, its fur stands on end, the cat wags its tail like a dog) or is trying to move away, allow it to be alone. Let your cat decide how often and how much to pet.
    • Gently pet your cat wherever he likes it. You can even talk to your cat in a calm voice to make both her and you feel better.
    • Try not only to pet the cat with your hand, but also to brush it if it allows you to. In the process of combing the fur, you will understand in which places the cat should be touched, and in which not.
  7. 7 Communicate with your cat calmly. This is especially important if the cat is very shy or anxious. Keeping all your interactions calm will make it easier for your cat to get used to you. You can sit on the floor or couch, read a book in the same room as the cat, and that will be enough.

Method 2 of 2: How to Avoid What Your Cat Doesn't Like

  1. 1 Do not stroke the cat's belly. Knowing what your cat doesn't like will make it easier for you to avoid dangerous situations. Unlike dogs, cats don't like being touched on the belly. If you try to do this, the cat may instinctively curl up, grab you with its claws and bite you.
    • In the wild, cats can be both predators and prey. Vital organs are located in the abdomen, so if you try to touch the belly, the instinct of the cat can work, and she will try to protect this part of the body.
    • If the cat is stretched out on the floor with its belly up, it means that it is relaxed and feels safe. However, this can also be a sign of protection from you. If the cat is lying on its belly up, don't think that it is asking you to scratch its belly.
    • Cats sometimes like to be stroked on the belly, but it is better not to touch this part of the body and only stroke the cat where it definitely likes it.
  2. 2 Don't force your cat to communicate with you. As mentioned above, focus on the cat's behavior and interact with her when she wants it.If you force the cat to play with you or try to pet it when it doesn't want to, the cat will start avoiding you. She may even become afraid of you, because she will think that you do not respect her personal space.
    • The cat may ask for attention (hum, bury its head at you), but it may also show that it wants to be alone. For example, if your cat begins to howl, hiss, or vomit, leave it alone and let it calm down.
    • Perhaps the cat is just physically tired. In this case, she will simply stop playing herself.
    • Don't force your cat to do anything, especially if she's already shy.
  3. 3 Don't yell at or hit your cat. Physical punishment is ineffective because cats do not see the connection between their behavior and human actions. Just try to ignore the cat for a while: leave the room and ignore the cat. Soon the cat will understand that due to certain actions she is deprived of your attention (this phenomenon is negative for her), and will stop behaving this way.
    • If you hit your cat, it will simply become afraid of you and will try to avoid you.
    • Don't yell at your cat, just tell her firmly "no" when she misbehaves.


  • Be patient! Let the cat decide when she will communicate with you. Take your time and don't force things.
  • Remember that not all cats like to sit in their arms. As you pick up the cat in your arms, pay attention to its reaction.
  • If there are several people living in the house, be aware that the cat can treat everyone in different ways. Perhaps she will like some of the people more.
  • Not all cats like catnip, although it makes many toys more attractive to cats. Some cats are calmed by catnip, but others are invigorating and aggressive. Pay attention to how your cat reacts to catnip.
  • If your relationship with your cat is not getting better, talk to your veterinarian or cat behavior specialist. Perhaps they will advise you something.
  • If the cat pulls away and curls up, then it's time to leave it alone.
  • If you have a cat recently, she needs to get used to the new home. Don't worry if she hides for a while. She can sit in dark corners and under furniture.
  • To please a cat, you must love animals yourself. Cats may seem lazy, but by nature they are predators.


  • Ribbons, threads, fishing line, and rubber bands can cause serious health problems if swallowed by a cat. Store these items out of reach of your cat.