How to help change the world

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why You Can Change The World
Video: Why You Can Change The World


Today's world is definitely not like heaven. Hunger, violence, poverty, pollution and other dangers are all too common now. Of course, the world has never been and probably will not be perfect, but this is not a reason not to try to make it as good as possible. You can help create a better world for the future. And it's not as difficult as you might think.


Method 1 of 3: Help Humanity

  1. 1 Become a volunteer or donate to charity. Volunteering isn't just about working in a homeless cafeteria or visiting old people in a nursing home. Volunteering today includes so much more! Contact local volunteer organizations in your area and find a problem you are particularly concerned about and would like to help resolve. Write a petition, donate money, support a charity initiative, participate in a fundraiser, or defend someone's rights or interests.
    • Don't donate to the first organization you come across. Some of them are more effective, others less, and some, unfortunately, mislead people. If you want your money to really go to a good cause, do a little research on the internet. Here you can learn more about organizations with a serious reputation and decide which one to support, as well as learn how to identify bad "foundations".
    • Buy a bracelet. This is one of the popular trends that are supported by many Hollywood celebrities. Buy the freshest fashion accessory - a charity bracelet - beautiful, inexpensive, and a great way to get your hands on something you love.
    • If you want to help developing countries, the best kind of charity is one that helps people help themselves. The organizations that do it do the most good by helping communities to grow stronger and better. Examples of such organizations are Heifer International, Kiva, Free the Children. Educational charities such as One Laptop Per Child are also very important.
  2. 2 Be careful what you buy. Corporations today are among the most important and influential organizations in the world. They are related to or somehow influence almost every issue that can come to mind, and can sometimes be even more influential in these matters than the government. Fortunately, you and I have the opportunity every day to encourage businesses to do the right thing. Every time you buy something, you endorse any process that was involved in the production of that product. So next time at the grocery store take a closer look at the labels.
    • Consider your options carefully. Ask yourself: Do I want to support this type of business? Has the product been processed correctly by farmers or factory workers? Is this product being honestly traded? Is he healthy? Is it good for the environment? Does selling this product help maintain a repressive political regime?
  3. 3 Take part in a blood donation. Many countries often face record low levels of blood supplies and desperately need more people to donate blood. It will take about half an hour and it (almost) doesn't hurt. Visit the site of the All-Russian Blood Service to find out more.
  4. 4 Become a human rights defender. Speak out about the injustices in the world and involve your friends in it. Organize a fundraiser to help raise money for your chosen charity or cause. And if you can't raise money, just add your voice to those already campaigning to end poverty, war, injustice, sexism, racism or corruption in the world. You can become an activist at any age. For example, Craig Kilburger began his fight against child exploitation when he was just 12 years old. Subsequently, he and his brother founded Free the Children and the socially responsible company Me to We.
  5. 5 Become an organ donor. You won't need your organs when you die, so why not give them to those whose lives they can save? Save up to eight lives by registering as an organ donor in your home country. Talk to your family about your decision and let them know what you want.

Method 2 of 3: Help protect and save our planet

  1. 1 Dispose of. Forget the junk pioneers! Anyone can recycle, nowadays almost everything can be recycled - from newspapers and plastic to computers and old mobile phones. Raise the issue of separate waste collection and re-use of what can still be used at the school or organization where you work.
  2. 2 Stop driving everywhere! You probably already know that exhaust gases are bad for the planet. But you may not know how you can reduce emissions. Start walking if you are going nearby. Use public transport whenever possible. You can also, for example, commute to work by bike instead of by car. If you need to use a car, consider purchasing one that uses a combination of electricity (renewable energy) and gas or just electricity.
  3. 3 Reduce negative impact on the planet. Reduce negative impact on the planet by reusing items and materials when you can, using sustainable products, buying local food and consumer goods (supporting the local economy) and trying to conserve resources such as water. Citation error Template: namespace detect showall
  1. 1
    • Help other people do the same by educating them about how they can reduce their impact on the planet. Remember, no moralizing or complacency is needed. You are doing this to help the planet, not to appear smart or right.
  2. 2 Minimize your water intake. Did you know that there will probably be a major water supply crisis in our lifetime? The problem is that we are consuming and using water faster than we can purify old and new water. Help alleviate this problem: shower faster, save water when washing dishes, turn off the water when brushing your teeth, and generally be mindful of how you use water.
    • If you have a lawn or garden area, try to collect rainwater for irrigation. Using clean drinking water to water your grass is very wasteful.
  3. 3 Take care of the animals. Every life must be valuable if humanity wants to take a step forward in striving for a better society. Support animal rights, volunteer at a local shelter, or donate to an animal welfare organization.
    • Find out on the Internet what exactly the organization does and what programs it supports. Sometimes a significant percentage of funds are spent not on animals, but for other purposes.
    • Do not donate animal feed unless specifically instructed to do so. It is better to donate money to the shelter - the wholesale purchase of feed will cost him less, and it will be easier for him to plan stocks and monitor expiration dates. Announced Purchase essential items, such as dog food, and donate to a local shelter or sponsor treatment for the animal. If you have the opportunity to temporarily take an animal for overexposure, this is another great (and inexpensive) way to help our smaller brothers.

Method 3 of 3: Help People in Your Life

  1. 1 Help others selflessly. Have you seen the movie "Pay Another"? You can help people like Haley Joel Osment's hero by helping strangers. Just do something good to three people (or, better, as many as possible), even if you were not asked for help, and in return ask each one to help three more people. And so on and so forth. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was included in this chain!
  2. 2 Don't intentionally hurt people. Imagine a society where each person would not think to harm others. You wouldn't have to close the door at night, and self-defense would be a thing of the past. You may think that a single person cannot make a difference. However, the whole world is only six billion individuals taken separately. Just think, you can inspire someone to follow you and start a chain reaction!
  3. 3 Laugh and smile! Many people think that laughter is the best medicine. Moreover, people who are satisfied with life often have better health, and it is much more pleasant to be in their company! Sharing a smile or laugh with someone is easy, completely free, and it can make the person happy! When you are happy and help someone else become happier, that is called sustainable happiness.


  • Everyone can change the world, you just need a little time, effort and dedication.
  • By changing the world, you will change yourself.
  • There is a wealth of information on the Internet about charities and projects.
  • Even if you don't have money, there are still many ways for you to help make this world a better place.
  • Find interesting and fun ways to change the world. Volunteering is not only a great way to help those less fortunate, but also to make new friends!
  • Use your talents to draw attention to the problem you are concerned about.
  • Do not give up. Do not think that nothing depends on you. Come forward! Say no! Let you have the courage to act according to your conscience, even when everyone else just fled.
  • Never show cruelty or cowardice, and if this happens, correct yourself.
  • The only way to live in peace is to be willing to forgive.
  • Talk about the problem. Connect your friends. The more people know about it, the better!
  • You don’t have to change the world for everyone, but you can make it better for a couple of people, and that’s already important.
  • Help yourself first, then help others.


  • Do not impose your values ​​or opinions on people who do not understand them. When they fully understand the issue, they themselves will agree with you.
  • Please.