How to get a chance at gambling

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Science is Taking the Luck out of Gambling - with Adam Kucharski
Video: How Science is Taking the Luck out of Gambling - with Adam Kucharski


The casinos play all kinds of gambling games, and in all of them you will have some chance of winning. The problem is that the odds are almost always in the house's favor. You may get lucky from time to time, but it is statistically impossible to win in the long run. There are, however, a couple of exceptions to the general rule, and by playing certain games intelligently you may get a chance.


Method 1 of 3: Find Your Game

  1. 1 Think about your goals. Do you want to feel the incomparable feeling of a big win? Or do you prefer to win several times less? Do you need to earn a certain amount or are you just passing the time and are ready to get up and leave with a small win? What should be the rates? Do you have fun in a friendly atmosphere? Don't gamble for no reason - decide in advance on your goals.

  2. 2 Knowing which games to avoid. You need to choose games with normal odds, otherwise you won't see any winnings.
    • Avoid roulette, keno and slot machines. No skills are required to play there, and the advantage is enormous.
    • Don't mess with newfangled games. Almost all of them give the institution a significant advantage, and it is more difficult to master them.
    • Lottery tickets beckon with the opportunity to hit a huge jackpot, but the chances of winning are astronomically small.
  3. 3 Consider craps. In this game, bets are placed on the outcome of the roll of the dice, you can bet against other players or the institution. By betting on the most likely outcomes, you can gain an edge. By betting on a number, you reduce the house edge. There is also a fairly new and highly controversial way to improve odds - bone control. The players who practice it believe that they can deliberately throw out the right combinations.
  4. 4 Consider blackjack. This is one of the main casino games. Both you and the dealer start your hand with two cards, then draw random cards hoping to make a number as close to 21 as possible, but not more. The key to success is knowing the odds and conservative bets. In some variations, you may even have an advantage, but this is very rare.
  5. 5 Play poker. The uniqueness of poker is that you play against other players, not against the house, and it is incomparably easier to win against them. There are many variations, but it is common to place bets on hand strength in multiple approaches. Poker requires skill, the best players know their cards and the cards of the opponent and play accordingly: squeezing out of the opponent's bets with a winning hand, folding losing ones or successfully bluffing.
  6. 6 Be wary of betting on events that are beyond your control. It can be fun to bet on a boxing match, a horse race or a soccer match, but the odds are such that winning in the long run is incredibly difficult.

Method 2 of 3: Play smart

  1. 1 Explore the games. If you don't know the rules, consider that you are throwing money down the drain. Understanding the rules and nuances of the game helps to calculate the odds and play not by chance, but with calculation. Do not trust the explanations of a casino employee or another player - they may be interested in you missing something.
  2. 2 Practice. Even if you've learned the rules, it's still better to practice. Before putting money on the table, get together with your friends and play a few hands, this will help you feel the progress of the game, understand some of the nuances.
    • This is especially important in poker: just knowing the rules will not bring you money.
  3. 3 Know the odds. The outcome of most gambling games is not random, but statistically probable. With the help of simple mathematics, you can at any time determine the probability of getting the desired combination in craps or "out" in poker. The best way to achieve long-term advantage is to learn how to make these calculations and act accordingly.
  4. 4 Don't gamble at everything. Determine for yourself what bets you can afford and how much you can lose. Without minimizing losses and not being careful, you risk losing to the ground.
  5. 5 Know when to quit the game. In gambling, this is difficult, especially in games like roulette and machines. Many players, having won several rounds, begin to believe that they cannot lose. Don't fall for this bait! Luck is luck, but in the long run, the chances will still get you.
    • If you are lucky and have won something, it may be worth quitting the game.
    • If you keep playing, try to bet carefully and try to keep your winnings.

Method 3 of 3: How to Succeed

  1. 1 Beat opponents in poker. Unlike most gambling in poker, skill is key, not blind luck. Great playing skills coupled with good, i.e. weak, the table can bring you quite good dividends.
    • Watch your opponents. In poker, the character of the player plays an important role. Some will always call any bluff, others can be easily intimidated by aggressive play. Carefully observe the actions and manner of play of other players, adapt to them.
    • Play by chance. As with all gambling, the key is calculating the odds accurately. Do not chase luck, proceed with caution.
    • Play against weak players. Big pots are not won by bluffing, but with a strong hand. Wait for such a hand and make the weak player pay properly.
  2. 2 A mathematical approach to playing blackjack. There are actually tons of strategic possibilities in this simple game.

    • Split. If you have two identical cards in your hand, you can "split" or "split" them. Split rules:
    • Do not split the fives - together they give 10, respectively, a good chance.
    • Do not separate pictures and tens - they already give 20.
    • Always separate 7s and 8s.
    • Splitting aces is usually desirable, but casinos usually have some limitations on this.
    • Double your bet if the odds are high. Doubling means that after receiving the first two cards, you can double your bet, but draw only one card. Find Basic Blackjack Strategy and learn when to double up.
    • Count cards. In blackjack, you can count cards, it is difficult and requires a lot of skill, but it can give you an edge. The essence of card counting is to keep track of which cards came out and which cards remained in the deck and change the rates depending on the deal.
    • Technically, card counting is legal, but casinos do not like "counters", because they earn at the expense of the house. If you are suspected of counting cards, they may politely ask you from the table, or they may immediately put you out the door with a wolf ticket.


  • To play gambling successfully, you need to sit down at the table collected, cold-blooded and certainly sober, they lose the most to a drunken head. Good training and honed skills are also important.
  • Poker is very popular now, there are a lot of cool players. Be careful and avoid "sharks", the general rule is that if you can't spot a sucker in the first thirty minutes at the table, then it's you.


  • Gambling is by definition risky. Determine in advance the amount that you can afford to lose and never recoup.
  • It is easy to get addicted to gambling. Gamblers lose not only money, but family, friends, career. Set your priorities right and if you have a problem with gambling, get help.