How to get a promotion

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Promotion
Video: How to Get a Promotion


Even if you love your job, there may come a time when you feel ready to move up to a position with new responsibilities. If you want to get promoted, stay positive and look for specific ways to show how valuable you are to the company!


Method 1 of 3: Develop the Right Worldview

  1. 1 Set a goal for your career and work towards achieving it. Knowing where you ultimately want to end up will help you determine if an open position is right for you.
    • For example, if you are hoping to one day become the head of marketing for your company, you can apply for a leadership position in your department that will allow you to work closely with the advertising team.
  2. 2 Maintain a positive attitude at work. Turning in a bad mood every day may make your boss feel like you can't handle the pressure of greater responsibility. Concentrate on what you love about your job and try to convey that positive attitude to others.
    • Even if you're having a bad day, try not to complain. Do not talk about what bothers you - it is better to discuss professional topics.
    • Look for a solution to the problem instead of complaining to your boss. If you look for possible ways out of the situation, you will show yourself as a person capable of solving problems, and therefore more worthy of a promotion.
    • If you're still feeling unwell at the end of the day, meet a friend for coffee before heading home, or stop by your favorite park for some fresh air. Remember that life is not limited to work.
  3. 3 Don't spread rumors in the office and do not discuss internal company policies. By getting involved in a squabble over who should change coffee filters, you will only create a reputation for yourself as a negative and unprofessional person. If you hear people gossiping, try finding something else to do, or at least stay out of the conversation.
    • If you do get caught up in a conversation about someone, try saying something nice about that person or suggest a possible solution to the problem. This will help your coworkers see you as someone who sees the best in other people and promotes honesty and openness in the workplace.
    • For example, you might say something like, “I'm sorry that you think Ivan Petrovich pounced on you at the meeting. He can be rude, but usually his comments are quite informative. If this bothers you, maybe you should make an appointment with him and discuss how you are feeling and how you prefer to receive feedback? "
  4. 4 Dress professionallyto get the position you want. While dress codes may vary by industry, you should always appear neat and presentable at work. Try to emulate the look and feel of your bosses. The way you look in the office tells your leaders a lot about how serious you take your job.
    • For example, if your management always wears button-down collared shirts, you can start incorporating these items into your wardrobe.
    • Regardless of what you wear to work, make sure you always look neat. Comb your hair before going to work, keep your clothes clean and ironed, and tuck in your shirt.
  5. 5 Wait the right moment. Even if you are always in a great mood and have become indispensable at work, it may take some time before you get promoted. Instead of applying for every pop-up position, wait until you see an opportunity that matches your skills and experience perfectly.
    • Also, make sure your request for a pay raise or promotion is in line with your company's cycle for doing similar things. When asking for a promotion or promotion outside of the company cycle, you may seem like a layman.
  6. 6 Move to another company if in the current one you do not have the opportunity to develop. If you work in a small business with employees who have been there for 15 years, you may not get a promotion opportunity anytime soon. If this is your case, and you really want a better position, you can look for a new job.
    • If you work for a large company, you can get a promotion faster, for example, moving to another organization owned by the same corporation, or changing a department.

Method 2 of 3: Make yourself a more valuable employee

  1. 1 Go beyond your job responsibilities. Don't expect to get promoted just for showing up for services every day. There is a lot of competition for jobs right now, so you need to focus on doing your best job and then look for any opportunities to stand out. To make sure you exceed expectations, find out what it takes for your desired position. It can also be helpful to have an open conversation with your boss about your job.
    • Keep in mind that you will not get promoted simply because you are meeting expectations in your current position. You will need to show that you regularly go beyond them.
  2. 2 Help your boss with his job if you can. Ask if you can do something that will ease the boss's workload, and think about additional tasks you can take on to help the department as a whole. You can also take the initiative to tackle some tasks and projects on an ongoing basis. This will show that you are adventurous.
    • Don't try to do work for your boss. He may think that you are trying to undermine his position, and this will harm your chances of getting a promotion later.
    • Do not ask your boss for tasks all the time - he is unlikely to be pleased if he has to work harder, creating additional projects for you.
  3. 3 Go to university for distance learning. Additional education will show your superiors that you are determined to develop. Choose a course that is relevant to your job as well as the position you hope to eventually get.
    • If you already have a college degree, you can apply for a master's program (by correspondence) if you think that a master's degree will help you move up the career ladder.
    • Also, search online for educational programs.You can even get an online certificate or diploma of completion of a short-term refresher course, which will help you advance your career. Here are some good options for online learning: Udemy, Coursera, Lektorium, 4brain.
  4. 4 Take projects voluntarily. Show your bosses that you are ready to take on additional work by volunteering on various projects in your department. Projects require teamwork, so this is a great way to demonstrate that you work well as a team.
    • Know your limits. Don't overdo it, or the quality of your work will suffer.
  5. 5 Come on time and delay if needed. If you always leave work early on Fridays or are regularly 5 minutes late, your manager will be sure to find out. It is best to try to get to work a little earlier every day so as not to be late, and be prepared to stay late if you need to finish an important project.
    • Keep in mind that early arrival and late day delays won't matter if you don't do quality work during that time.
  6. 6 Ask your boss for opinion and tell him about your goals. If your manager knows that you are interested in moving up the corporate ladder, he can give you guidance on how to get the job done more efficiently. Ask in what areas you should improve, and look for opportunities to show that you are making progress.
    • Don't brag too much, but also remember to mention your successes in front of your boss so that he knows that you are doing a good job.
    • You can also ask your supervisor to find a mentor for you. This could be a person in a position that you hope to get one day, or someone with a lot of work experience who can help you move towards your goals.
  7. 7 Identify the gaps in the market where your company can grow. Read professional publications to stay up-to-date on how your industry is developing. Keep track of your competitors and be the first to inform your boss and colleagues about any new development, such as a new product or campaign. If you see a potential market need that your company can satisfy, bring it to the attention of your management.
    • If you've come up with an idea that will help your company grow, be sure to mention it when you ask for a raise.

Method 3 of 3: Ask for a raise

  1. 1 Prepare your case to prove why you deserve a promotion. Taking the time to write down specific reasons why you deserve a promotion will help you when you make your request. List your accomplishments, share examples of how your work transcends responsibilities, and note any financial impact you have made on the company. Focus on facts that you can back up with numbers. For example, if you recently closed a major deal or revamped a process that saved your company a lot of money, include the specific numbers involved in those deals to demonstrate your contribution to the company.
    • Be sure to add to the list any additional responsibilities you have taken on and discuss how you dealt with them to show that you are ready for more responsibility.
  2. 2 Practice your speech. Your promotion request must be rational and compelling. Practice your speech over and over until it sounds natural. Ask a close friend to listen and appreciate your request. Use feedback to improve your abstract.
  3. 3 Get horizontal promotion if you need to gain more experience. It is sometimes helpful to move to another position of the same rank within your organization before attempting to move up.This will give you a more complete understanding of the mechanics of the company, which will give you an edge when you ask for a raise.
  4. 4 Ask your boss for a raise late in the morning or at noon. Do not approach your boss with this question when he is leaving for lunch or getting ready to go home. Schedule a meeting for a quieter period of the day to grab the manager's full attention.
    • If your boss is having a particularly bad day, reschedule the meeting. It's best to wait a little longer to increase your chances of success.
  5. 5 Be specific about what you are asking for. Now is not the time to be shy. Tell your boss exactly what position you have in mind, and then use the facts you have gathered to support your reasons why you deserve a promotion. If you want to be given a special official position, do not forget to mention this.
    • If you are asking for a salary increase, tell your boss how much you expect in rubles and show him exactly how you came up with this figure. Keep in mind: you must be prepared to negotiate.
  6. 6 Please ask with respect. Remember that your boss has other challenges besides your career goals, and it is his job to decide who is best suited for a particular job. Don't suck up too much, and respect his time and decision. Don't complain, compare yourself to other employees, or threaten to fire if your request is denied.
  7. 7 Don't give up if you don't succeed right away. If your boss refuses to give you a promotion, ask if you can still improve your performance in any other way. Focus on these things until another position is cleared, and then try again to move up the career ladder. Also, make sure you continually work to improve your productivity and communicate your progress to your boss. Demonstrating your consistency by showing your boss these changes can strengthen your chances of getting promoted in the future.