How to enjoy your job

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
3 Hacks to Enjoying Your Job (you are not passionate about)
Video: 3 Hacks to Enjoying Your Job (you are not passionate about)


Job dissatisfaction is incredibly stressful. Are you having trouble enjoying your job? Trust me, you are not alone. Many people allow themselves to be swallowed up by the gray routine. However, there are several things you can do to make a difference. Try to think more positively, change your work habits, and develop a quality work-life balance.


Method 1 of 3: Change Your Worldview

  1. 1 Change your inner monologue. What do you think of yourself and your job? Chances are, negative thoughts are getting in the way of your satisfaction. Work on being mindful of your thinking and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.
    • For example, stop when you think something like, "This job is terrible, but I can never find a better one." Instead, try to focus on the positive aspects of your work.
    • For example, think: “My job is tough and sometimes tiring, but I’m learning a lot. It will benefit my career. "
  2. 2 Stop spending time with negative people. In any job, there are those who constantly complain. There is no need to communicate with such people, as they will only drag you down. Surround yourself with positive coworkers so that negative personalities don't burden you.
    • For example, dine alone or take a walk (weather permitting) instead of eating in the break room with negative coworkers.
    • Do not engage in office gossip, as this can further worsen the situation. Not only does this contribute to negative feelings, it can also potentially lead to trouble with a manager or supervisor.
  3. 3 Create a positive image in your head. Set aside a place in your mind where you can mentally rest during times of stress. Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful scene. Try to use all your senses to imagine what sensations, smells, tastes, and so on this place is causing.
    • Let's say you love hiking. If you are overtired, close your eyes and pretend you are in a tent in the woods. Think about the sensations, sounds, tastes and smells of nature for a couple of minutes. This should calm you down.
    • Alternatively, you can use aromatherapy to help you relax. Choose essential oils with soothing fragrances, such as lavender or chamomile, and pat them in a drop at the pulsation points on your body.
    • Or drink herbal teas that promote relaxation.
  4. 4 Don't forget the benefits of working. Everyone works for a reason. Even if your job doesn't change the world, you need to work hard to provide yourself with basic necessities like food and shelter. If you are stressed about work, think something like this: "Sometimes the work wears out, but it all pays off with a salary."
    • It can be helpful to think about buying small rewards for each paycheck. For example, order food delivery to your home every time you receive your paycheck. This way, you will not forget about the benefits of your job.
    • Every time you make a necessary purchase, remember how your salary contributed to it. Think, "I am fortunate to be able to work to buy these products."
  5. 5 Celebrate the positive contributions you make. Think about the good things you do at work, even small ones. If you're on a boring data entry task at a nonprofit organization, consider how the process benefits the organization as a whole. Even if you are a tiny cog in a machine, you allow it to move, and you should be proud of it.
    • Even if you are not passionate about your work, you may be bringing something to the team. If you are kind to your coworkers, chances are you are fostering a positive work atmosphere.
    • Even low-level work is important. Giving a latte to someone in a cafe can make a person’s day better, even if you don’t think it’s a serious task.
    • If you're bored and feel like you've outgrown this job, consider what changes you can make to alleviate that boredom.

Method 2 of 3: Make changes to your work

  1. 1 Ask to be assigned new responsibilities that interest you. If you do the same task day in and day out, it can get monotonous and boring. Instead of accepting it, volunteer to do something new. Go to your boss and ask if you can take on a few new office responsibilities.
    • Think carefully about whether the company has weaknesses that can be improved. For example, maybe your company's social media profile is pretty sloppy. Volunteer to improve it.
  2. 2 Make to-do lists. One of the reasons people don't like work is because they feel overworked. If you go to work with incredible pressure every day, chances are you are hardly a happy person. Organize your tasks on a daily to-do list to stay calm.
    • Arrange things in order of importance. For example, divide your list into sections with things to do today and which can wait.
    • You will feel a sense of accomplishment as you cross items off your to-do list. This can lead to the fact that you enjoy your work thanks to the experience of pride.
  3. 3 Concentrate on one thing at a time. If you focus on the task at hand, you will have less time to think about stress or dissatisfaction. As you work on an assignment, give it your full attention and put your worries or fears out of your head. This will keep you busy and enjoyable.
    • If you have a lot of free time at work, it’s not surprising if anxiety plagues you. If management approves, bring books and crossword puzzles to the office so you have something to do in your spare time.
    • It can be difficult at first to focus on one thing at a time. It takes practice, but over time, you can improve your concentration, making your work environment more satisfying.
  4. 4 Take action to change your work for the better. If there is something you don't like about your job, take action to change it. Bosses love employees who are always striving to improve their workflow, so find ways to make positive changes that benefit everyone. Above all, do not criticize the workflow or instructions, and present your ideas with a positive attitude.
    • Let's say everyone at work is using some kind of outdated software. Encourage your boss to switch to software that is easier to manage. Volunteer to train other staff to make things run smoother.
    • Someone may not be able to submit work on time. Volunteer to teach a short lesson on time management to employees to increase productivity.
  5. 5 Learn a new skill. If you feel like your work has stalled, start learning something new. Whether it's software you don't know how to use or a specific type of writing, use your downtime at work to learn new skills. If your boss sees that you've learned something new, you may be able to move up the career ladder. And in the future, you may have a better position.
  6. 6 Take breaks throughout the day. If you are entitled to 5 minute breaks, use them. Stretch your legs, take a walk, have a snack, or do something else to relax. Even if you don't have real breaks, get up for about 30 seconds and stretch. Even short breaks from work are helpful.
    • If you have an hour break, ask if you can break it down into 15 minute chunks. This will make you feel like you have more time for yourself.

Method 3 of 3: Develop work-life balance

  1. 1 Disconnect after leaving. If you find yourself thinking about work after the end of your day, try to avoid it. Think, "I've done my best for today, and now I can relax." Outside of work, focus on your hobbies, friends, family members, pets, and other aspects of life outside the office. You work hard and deserve to relax at the end of the day.
    • Try not to talk about your job or complain about it after you leave the service. This only aggravates the problem, and it is best not to bring work into the house.
  2. 2 Remember that you are you, not your job. Dissatisfaction with work often pervades the whole person, causing negativity from life in general. Try to remind yourself that you are not your job. Besides her, you have other things in life, such as friendships and family commitments. Focus on them when you feel discouraged.
  3. 3 Take initiative elsewhere. Not everyone succeeds in finding their dream job. If you are not working in the area you love, satisfy your hobbies outside of work. Volunteer with an organization that needs more help.
    • For example, if you work in an office but your goal is to work with children, volunteer at a kindergarten, library, or school to help teach children.
  4. 4 Do not deny yourself hobbies and subjects of passion. Work doesn't have to be the only channel in your life. Think about your passions and find ways to outsource them. If you are interested in music, create a group with your friends. Join a local theater troupe if you're attracted to acting. There are many things you can do to feel fulfilled outside of work.
  5. 5 Talk to management about the opportunity to work remotely on some days. Sometimes just being out of the office charges you with positive energy and energy to carry out your duties. Working from home can help you develop a better work-life balance.Find out if your company's policy allows you to work remotely, and ask if you can do business from home several days a week (or month).
  6. 6 Consider seeing a counselor. Sometimes the reason lies not in work, but in hidden problems. A psychologist can help you deal with these problems and determine if you are suffering from anxiety or depression.


  • If your job really makes you unhappy, consider asking for a translation, or start looking for something more suitable for you.