How to dye your hair with food coloring

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Dye Your Hair with Food Coloring - Hair Dye Ideas
Video: How to Dye Your Hair with Food Coloring - Hair Dye Ideas


Food coloring is much cheaper and lighter, and most importantly, it damages hair less than any other type of dye. Use one of the following methods to dye your hair all the way down, or dye only individual strands with food-grade dye.


  1. 1 Prepare your work surface. Work on vinyl-covered surfaces or tiles if possible, or place a newspaper or towel underneath. Never use carpet or other surfaces that will be difficult to clean later.
  2. 2 Put on old clothes and gloves.
  3. 3 In a small container, mix food paint with white or clear gel just enough to cover the entire staining process. A shampoo gel, white conditioner, or even aloe vera gel will create the right environment to distribute the color evenly. Add food coloring a little at a time until the mixture is the color you want. Once you've got the shade you want, add a few more drops of dye, as it looks darker in the bowl than it will on your hair. Five drops per tablespoon should be sufficient for a start.
    • Mix a few colors if you like. Blue and red, for example, will give purple.
  4. 4 Apply paint using one of the methods below. You don't need to wet your hair before applying.
  5. 5 Leave the dye on your hair. If you have blonde hair, 30 minutes will be sufficient for a low intensity color, while for brown hair it may take 3 hours. If you have enough free time and want a deep color, let the dye on your hair for about five hours - or sleep with the dye on your hair all night.
  6. 6 Use a lukewarm water shower to rinse the dye off your hair. Don't use shampoo or conditioner; they will wash off the paint right away!
  7. 7 Blow dry your hair using a low heat.
  8. 8 If possible, do not wash your hair for one or two days after staining. This will allow the dye to fully adhere to the hair.

Method 1 of 2: Coloring the entire length of the hair

  1. 1 Apply the color mixture all over your hair. Massage them if necessary, but if the mixture contains shampoo, avoid lathering, as this can cause the dye to stick poorly on the hair.
  2. 2 Be careful not to get paint on your face and neck. Despite the fact that it can be removed later, it is still better not to allow it.
  3. 3 Place a bathing cap or plastic bag over your hair. Tie it up if necessary to prevent the bag from slipping.

Method 2 of 2: Coloring the strands

  1. 1 Separate the strands you want to dye from the bulk of your hair. Ponytail the rest of your hair (preferred) or secure with bobby pins.
  2. 2 Place a bathing cap or plastic bag over your hair. Tie it up if necessary.
  3. 3 Make small holes in the plastic where the loose strands begin. It may be better to gently poke / rip through the plastic with your fingers than to cut through it at the risk of accidentally cutting your hair. The holes don't have to be perfect; your goal is to simply separate the strands you want to dye as best as possible from the rest of your hair.
    • If you accidentally make holes that are too large, tape the edges to make them as small as possible.
  4. 4 Pull loose strands through the holes.
  5. 5 Apply the color mixture to each section of hair using a brush or toothbrush. Make sure not to grab the new toothbrush your mom bought you the other day!
  6. 6 Wrap each colored strand in aluminum foil and tape to the bag. Again, this process doesn't have to be perfect; the point is to get less dirty.
  7. 7 Place another bathing cap or plastic bag over your head if necessary.


  • For a deeper color, you will need to mix more food paint than would be needed to get a lighter shade.
  • If this is your first time dyeing this way, try dyeing one strand first to see if you like the effect!
  • Throw a towel over your shoulders.
  • Make sure not to sleep on white sheets or pillowcases.
  • If you have dark hair, you may need to reapply the dye several times.
  • Don't touch your hair until it's dry, unless you want to dye your hands as well.
  • Apply conditioner to your hair to set the color and prevent it from rinsing out. Do not rinse the conditioner off for at least an hour or more.
  • Blue turns green on blonde hair, while red and pink will last longer on blonde hair. This color is difficult to achieve, but it all depends on how long you leave the dye on your hair.
  • Gather your hair in two ponytails and rub in the dye.
  • If the food coloring and shampoo mixture is too thick, add a little water.
  • Make sure not to touch surfaces that will be difficult to clean later.
  • Do not swim in chlorinated water for several days. Otherwise, the paint will wash off.
  • Do not use conditioner until paint is almost completely removed.
  • If you have very dark hair, you will need to bleach it, or at least lighten it beforehand in the sun or other hair lightening products.
  • If you want the color to last for up to 3 weeks, soak your hair in vinegar for 30 seconds, let it dry, and then apply food coloring.
    • The ratio for the vinegar solution is ½ cup of white vinegar to ½ cup of water.


  • As the shampoo dries, your head will start to itch, but don't scratch it.
  • The use of food-grade dye is not recommended for full length hair.This can end up looking silly, so dyeing your hair with food-grade paint is only recommended as a last resort.
  • The food coloring will dry out the skin (not permanently).

What do you need

For all ways

  • Newspaper / towel
  • Old clothes
  • Gloves
  • Food coloring
  • Clear or white gel or hair product
  • Empty container
  • Mirror
  • Swimming cap or plastic bag

Strand dyeing method

  • Hair tie or barrettes
  • Toothbrush or brush
  • Aluminium foil
  • Scotch
  • Spare bathing cap or bag (optional)