How to lose 1.5 kilograms in a week

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I Challenged Myself To Lose 1.5KG in 7 Days, Lets See How I Got On
Video: I Challenged Myself To Lose 1.5KG in 7 Days, Lets See How I Got On


Decided to lose 1.5 kilograms in a week? Let's say right away - it's not easy, but still possible. The recommended rate is considered to be a loss of 0.5-1 kilograms per week. First of all, you should consult with your doctor to determine your optimal weight. Then estimate how many calories you will need to burn each day and plan for a healthy diet and exercise accordingly. In addition, it will take a lot of motivation and energy to lose 1.5 kilograms per week for an extended period of time.


Method 1 of 3: Eat an Appropriate Diet

  1. 1 Calculate your base metabolic rate. Before you cut your calorie intake to lose 1.5 kilograms per week, you need to find out how many calories you usually burn per day. This value is called the base metabolic rate (BUM), and it can be used to estimate how many calories to consume per day and burn through physical activity.
    • You can calculate the BOOM yourself, but it is quite difficult. Better to use an online calculator. Similar calculators can be found on many sites.
    • There are several different formulas for calculating the base metabolic rate, each of which includes height in centimeters and weight in kilograms. For example, to use the refined Harris-Benedict formula for men, you must multiply 13.4 by your weight in kilograms, add 88.4 to the resulting value, and then add this value to your height in centimeters multiplied by 4.8. After that, subtract your age from this value, multiplied by 5.68.
  2. 2 Set your new daily allowance to 1,500 fewer calories. A pound and a half is equivalent to 10,500 calories, which means you need to reduce your daily calorie intake by 1,500 through diet and exercise. After you know how many calories you are eating per day, subtract 1,500 from that amount to determine your new daily allowance. However, the new amount should not be less than 1200 calories per day for women and 1500 calories for men.
    • For example, if your basal metabolic rate is 2756, you can consume up to 1256 calories daily, which would result in a daily deficit of 1500 calories. This will allow you to lose 1.5 kilograms in a week.
    • If your base metabolic rate is 2300, there will be only 800 calories per day. This value is too low and may cause health problems such as heart disease or gallstone disease. In this case, eat at least 1200 calories a day with food and burn 400 extra calories through exercise.
  3. 3 Monitor your diet using the app or food diary. The only way to make sure that you are not exceeding your daily calorie intake is to record everything you eat and drink every day using the appropriate mobile phone app or food diary. Remember to measure your portions so you know how much you ate. Then write everything down in your app or food diary.

    Advice: If you use the app with a mobile phone, it automatically calculates the daily calories consumed. However, if you manually keep a diary, you will have to write down the number of calories yourself. The number of calories can be calculated online or determined by reference.

  4. 4 Eat more vegetables and fruits to cut calories. Vegetables and fruits are richer in nutrients than energy, that is, they contain a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins and micronutrients, but they are low in fat and calories. Try to have half of each meal of vegetables and fruits. This will help you cut calories while providing your body with the nutrients it needs.
    • For example, you might eat an apple and an orange for breakfast, a green salad for lunch, and some steamed vegetables for dinner.
  5. 5 Switch to lean sources of protein and low-fat dairy products. Low-fat protein and dairy products will help you stay full and cut calories compared to their fatty counterparts. Eat skinless chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef and pork, beans, tofu, and egg whites. When shopping for dairy products, choose low-fat or 1% milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat or completely low-fat yogurt.
    • Try to include 1 serving of a lean protein source or low-fat dairy with every meal.For example, you might eat porridge with 1 percent milk for breakfast, a grilled chicken salad for lunch, and a bowl of whole wheat pasta with low-fat mozzarella and turkey meatballs for dinner.
  6. 6 Cut back on refined carbs and sugars. White pasta, white rice, and white bread may have the same calorie content as their whole wheat counterparts, but they are lacking in dietary fiber. Because of this, you will not stay full for long after consuming refined carbohydrates, which can lead to overeating.
    • To increase the amount of fiber in your diet, switch to pasta and whole wheat bread and brown rice.

    Advice: Check the labels on the food you buy and avoid foods that contain sugar, white flour, or other types of refined carbohydrates.

  7. 7 Try it practice intermittent fastingto make your meal plan more structured. Intermittent fasting involves eating every day for a fixed interval of 8-10 hours. This will give your digestive system 14-16 hours of break per day, and due to the limited time, you will be able to eat less.
    • Set a time frame to coincide with the most active part of the day that suits you. For example, you can eat between 7:00 and 15:00 every day. In this case, you can have breakfast at 7 am, lunch at 11:00 and dinner at 14:45.
    • You can also eat between 10:00 and 18:00: breakfast at 10:00, lunch at 14:00 and dinner at 17:30.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise to Burn More Calories

  1. 1 Do at least 30 minutes of cardio most days of the week. To maintain cardiovascular health, it is recommended that you engage in moderate cardiovascular exercise for a total of 150 minutes per week. However, if you are trying to lose weight, more exercise may be required. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. This will help you reach a daily calorie deficit of 1,500.
    • Choose the exercises that you like. In this case, it will be much easier for you to deal with them.
    • If you are short on time, try splitting your sports activities into shorter intervals. For example, you can exercise for 10 minutes three times a day, or exercise for 15 minutes twice a day if you don't have the opportunity to set aside 30 minutes for training.
  2. 2 Look for simple methods to move more throughout the day. Each additional calorie you burn throughout the day brings you closer to your goal, so always try to be more active. Here are some easy ways:
    • park further away from your destination;
    • get off the bus or metro 1–2 stops / stations earlier and walk the rest of the way;
    • go up the stairs instead of using the elevator;
    • get to school or work by bike or on foot, if possible;
    • do push-ups or squats during commercial breaks on TV.
  3. 3 Include high-intensity interval training in your exercise routine to burn more calories. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an effective way to increase calorie burn during exercise. Alternate between moderate and vigorous exercise intervals. Try HIIT while walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming.
    • For example, if you train on a treadmill, you can walk for 4 minutes, run for 4 minutes, then walk again for 4 minutes, and so on for a total of 30 minutes.
    • If you are cycling, you can ride at a moderate pace for 4 minutes, then accelerate for 3 minutes, then return to a moderate pace for 4 minutes, and so on.

    Advice: Check if HIIT classes are available at the nearest gym. It's a great way to learn HIIT and burn more calories.

  4. 4 Build muscle with strength training. More muscle mass allows you to burn more calories. This will speed up your metabolism and create a calorie deficit more easily. Try to do 30-45 minutes of strength training twice a week.
    • You can build muscle with any exercise equipment. You can use resistance bands, dumbbells, strength machines, or even your own weight.
    • Remember to do exercises for all major muscle groups during every strength training session. The main groups include the muscles of the arms, legs, back, buttocks, abdomen and chest.

Method 3 of 3: Stick to the original plan

  1. 1 Set realistic short-term goals and reward yourself for achieving them. As a rule, experts recommend dropping 0.5-1 kilograms per week. To do this, you should reduce your daily intake by 500-1000 calories. If you find it difficult to lose 1.5 kilograms in about a week, consider losing 1 kilogram per week. This will make it a little easier, which will help keep you motivated to keep losing weight. You can also set up a reward system to keep you motivated.
    • For example, you can promise yourself a small reward after you reach your next goal at the end of the week (get a manicure, buy a new shirt, go to the beach, etc.).
  2. 2 Get the support of friends and family members. It can be difficult to stay motivated if you don't have someone with whom you can share your successes and challenges. Try to share your plans to lose weight with at least one friend or family member you trust and let them know how they can support you. For example, you can ask them for something as simple as not offering you anything that is inappropriate for your diet, or calling or texting you once a week to hear about your successes and challenges.
    • If you don't have a family member or friends with whom you would be comfortable discussing these issues, check out your local support group or online weight loss forum.

    Advice: If you find it difficult to follow your diet or change your eating habits, it may be worth consulting with a psychologist. He will advise on how to resist emotional eating and be more mindful of food.

  3. 3 Take care of yourself. With a long-term weight loss program, it is also important to be attentive to your body. If you plan to lose 1.5 pounds a week, you need to maintain a positive attitude and take good care of yourself. This will help you achieve your diet and exercise goals and continue to lose weight each week. Taking good care of yourself includes the following helpful measures:
    • sleep 7-9 hours every night;
    • make time to do what you like;
    • Reduce stress levels with relaxation techniques.


  • Caffeine in tea and coffee can help you lose weight. Drink 1-2 cups of coffee or tea at breakfast or before exercise to recharge your batteries.


  • Avoid extreme and radical diets that can be harmful to your health. Such diets can promise rapid weight loss, but the results are inconsistent.