How to toast almonds

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chef Dave Tips...  How to toast almonds
Video: Chef Dave Tips... How to toast almonds


Almonds, like many other nuts, acquire a wonderful rich flavor when roasted. But store-bought roasted almonds may taste stale (due to oil and salt) because they have been toasted a long time ago.There are several methods of roasting almonds at home, and using each method you can roast almonds quickly and well. When frying almonds, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the nuts are not burnt. Skip to step 1 to get started.


Method 1 of 4: Toasting chopped almonds in the oven

  1. 1 Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
  2. 2 Prepare the almonds for frying. Spread the sliced ​​almonds evenly on a non-greased baking sheet.
    • The almonds will roast evenly if the layers do not overlap.
    • Use a rimmed baking sheet to keep the almonds from falling out during frying.
  3. 3 Place the almonds on the middle shelf in the oven. The almonds will need to be turned or stirred every few minutes, so do not leave them unattended.
    • After about 5 minutes, open the oven and stir the almonds on the baking sheet with a wooden spoon (or you can shake the baking sheet to mix the nuts).
    • Close the oven and continue stirring the nuts about every 5 minutes.
  4. 4 When the almonds are done, remove them from the oven. Frying will take 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to burn the nuts.
    • Let the nuts turn fragrant and golden brown around the edges.
    • Do not brown the nuts until dark brown. They continue to cook for a while after you take them out of the oven and are likely to burn.
  5. 5 Cool and store. Allow the nuts to cool thoroughly before use, then they will be especially crispy.
    • If you have left the almonds in the oven for a long time, transfer them to a cold baking sheet to prevent further frying.
    • If you are not going to eat the almonds right away, you can transfer them to a container with a lid after the almonds have cooled down. This way you will preserve its taste.
  6. 6 Use chopped almonds. Baked sliced ​​almonds are much tastier and can be used in a variety of dishes.
    • These almonds are a delicious and healthy snack. You can sprinkle it with a little olive oil and salt if desired.
    • Use it in salads, desserts, and even pizza.
    • Use it in cakes, breads, and muffins (toasted almonds are unlikely to sink to the bottom).

Method 2 of 4: Toasting chopped almonds on the stovetop

  1. 1 Preheat a saucepan over medium-medium heat. It is best to use a heavy-bottomed saucepan without greasing it. Although you can use a little butter for more flavor.
  2. 2 Place the almonds in a saucepan. When the saucepan is warm, spread the almonds in an even layer.
    • Stir or shake the contents of the pot very often (every 30 seconds) to prevent the nuts from burning.
    • Despite the fact that this is a quick method of cooking, however, almonds tend to not fry, so it is important to stir them all the time.
  3. 3 Remove from saucepan when almonds are browned. Frying almonds on the stove takes 3-5 minutes.
    • Remove the toasted almonds from the pan before the toasted hazelnuts smell and the edges of the almonds begin to brown.
    • Transfer the almonds to a platter immediately to cool.

Method 3 of 4: Toasting the sliced ​​almonds in the microwave

  1. 1 Place the almonds on a microwave-safe plate. Do not grease the plate and try to spread the almonds evenly so that the nuts do not stack on top of each other. Place the plate in the microwave.
  2. 2 Turn the microwave on to the highest setting and cook the peeled almonds for 1 minute.
    • Stir the almonds after a minute.
    • Continue to cook the almonds, stirring them every 30 seconds.
  3. 3 Remove the finished almonds from the microwave. Try to reach the almonds right before they begin to brown and smell. Cooking will take 3-5 minutes, depending on the power of the microwave.

Method 4 of 4: Grilling the almonds in the toaster

  1. 1 Place the almonds on a baking sheet.
  2. 2 Place it in a grill toaster and sauté.
  3. 3 Remove from grill toaster after about 15 minutes.
  4. 4 Try or use as directed.


  • Buy more almonds than you need in case you burn them.

What do you need

  • Sliced ​​almonds
  • Baking tray
  • Wooden spoon
  • Dishcloth or oven mitts
  • Stewpan
  • Microwave plate