How to prepare for a long-distance run

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Run Longer Without Getting So Tired
Video: How to Run Longer Without Getting So Tired


Long-distance running, also called “marathon,” includes running events with a track length of 3 km or more, often conducted in a competitive environment. Trails of 3 km, 5 km, 10 km, half marathon, cross-country and marathon race are examples of long distances. To run such distances, you need strength, speed, endurance, and aerobic power. Based on the above, anyone interested in long distance running should train in an appropriate and adequate way to avoid injury. Follow these tips to get ready for a long run.


  1. 1 Start your workouts well in advance of the running competition, gradually building up your pace.
    • Start with 15 minutes of jogging and work out your plan based on that, assessing your comfort level during your run.
    • Extend your workout as much as possible without overexerting yourself. You should be able to have a simple conversation while running without holding your breath.
    • Take 3 to 6 months to develop your marathon running skills.
  2. 2 Add downhill running to your workout routine. This will help improve the performance of your cardiovascular system and increase muscle strength.Develop your speed along the entire length of the uphill mountain, and then within 10 seconds after descending (called "interval training").
  3. 3 Stretch your muscles before and after long-distance running practice. Developing flexibility will help prevent injury. Make sure to hold each stretch position for at least 30 seconds to fully stretch and relax the muscles.
  4. 4 Eat right. There are certain foods that work to activate strong muscles and energy reserves, while other foods are ready to take up your energy when running long distances. Long distance runners should adhere to the following principles:
    • Maintain the following nutrient ratio: 20 percent protein, 30 percent fat, and 50 percent carbohydrates.
    • Avoid simple sugars and focus instead on complex carbohydrates such as those found in fruits, pasta, legumes, breads, and vegetables.
    • Make sure you are consuming a huge amount of calories. The average runner who runs 32-40 km per week should eat about 2,500 calories per day. The more you exercise, the more you need to eat in order to maintain glycogen levels in your muscles.
    • Stock up on carbohydrates the night before your running marathon to ensure optimal energy stores during the race itself.
    • Supplementing your diet with a good multivitamin and even an energy supplement like ginseng is a great way to get an edge.
  5. 5 Stick to drinking practice. As a long distance runner, it is imperative that you drink enough fluids and you must learn how to properly avoid dehydration while racing. Drinking too much or too little, drinking too often or too little during a long distance can cause blockage of the airways, nausea, dehydration and / or waste of precious race time. Remember to take plenty of water with you at all times during your workouts to understand when to drink, how much and how often. Here are some general guidelines for proper drinking practice training:
    • Start filling your body with fluid up to 2 hours before the start of the marathon, but stop at the 2 hour mark, avoiding the need to use the toilet in this way.
    • Drink along the entire route, from start to finish. All of the fluid you absorb will come out in sweat before reaching your bladder, so remember to hydrate frequently.
    • Walk the distance while you drink. Do not try to absorb liquid while running. This can lead to airway blockage and coughing and slow you down even more in the long run.
    • Continue drinking a lot after your run.
    • Check your urine for adequate hydration. It should be transparent.


  • Record the time and distance of your runs from day one until now, so you can track your progress and get a good idea of ​​how long it will take you to prepare for an anticipated race or event.
  • Also, try to do the same warm-ups, only increase the number of repetitions for each exercise daily.


  • Beware of long distance running in hot weather. You must be especially careful to stay hydrated and stop whenever you feel overextended.