How to prepare for exams in advance

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to plan for exams ☕ set up an effective schedule!
Video: how to plan for exams ☕ set up an effective schedule!


The mere thought of impending exams can strike fear into the hearts of schoolchildren and students.But, with even a small amount of the art of planning your time during the academic semester, you will not only get rid of all unnecessary worries, but you can earn good grades and useful knowledge. And here, respectively, how to do it.


  1. 1 Purchase an additional notebook for each subject under study so that at the end of any important topic you can outline all the important provisions of this material. Doing this procedure immediately after class will help put the classwork in your head, making it easier for you to do the appropriate homework. Create special flashcards for each exam topic during the lesson in which you are taking it. On the card, write down everything that you think will be on the exam.
  2. 2 Love to play with your smartphone? That is great! Find a sound recording program in the phone menu and, pretending to be a scout, say all the basic facts about enemies, sorry, about school subjects. After that, listen to your bright thoughts in your free time the way you would listen to an audiobook, paying attention to the terminology and its content.
  3. 3 Write tons of cheat sheets. Although it is best to refrain from cheating directly during the exam, the process of preparing the cheat sheets can put a lot of useful information in your head.
  4. 4 Once you have completed a new topic, grab a book from the library and study more additional information. On the Internet, you may find some documentaries on this topic, which will be crowned with fluency in the examination material on your part.
  5. 5 Oh, those compositions! Don't use an incredible amount of drafts when writing an essay. Try to write everything the first time. To do this, you need a good command of your thoughts and imagination, since in this process you will simply put the draft material in your head while transforming it into a readable sample.
  6. 6 Doomsday schedule. Have a calendar and date and time for all your exams so that these tricky knowledge tests don't catch you off guard.
  7. 7 List the topics for the exam. Triumphantly cross out every topic you've learned and learned.
  8. 8 Set aside a few hours in your busy days for study, unless, of course, you are too tired or hungry. If you are going to study all day, take a sandwich break or light nap every 20 minutes.
  9. 9 I would like to take a walk with friends, and then study, how evil? It doesn't matter, get together in the library, coffee shop or visiting the most hospitable companion and prepare for the exams all together. Interview each other, discuss questions you do not understand, help your peers, and after completing a successful study, go to the cinema or to the park to unwind.
  10. 10 Try taking the mock exams yourself at home. All you need to do is recall the material of the previous tests and try to answer all those and similar questions within a certain period of time.
  11. 11 Set academic goals and objectives and achieve them unquestioningly, provided you have good health. There is no need to find any excuses or compelling reasons. All in your hands; if you really want to be successful academically, then study.
  12. 12 Sleep well. You need at least 6 hours of sleep in order to have the physical strength to be in a sober and reasonable state. Do not sit in front of the TV or computer all night long, as they will certainly not bring you health and knowledge at such a time of day. Even if you are reading this article at night, then immediately turn off your computer and go straight to bed, and tomorrow you can finish reading whatever you need in your free time during the day.
  13. 13 When choosing subjects to prepare, always start with the hardest and least loved ones. Give them enough time and, most importantly, respect, which is necessary to comprehend the secrets and secrets of an academic subject. Remember, each subject is interesting and informative, and if you are not interested, then this is in view of your inattention in the lesson or due to the disinterest of the teacher himself teaching this material.
  14. 14 Follow your daily schedule. At first, it will be difficult and uncomfortable for you, but over time, you will adapt and function efficiently and productively.


  • Keep your 21st century miracle smartphone away from you as you study, as you yourself know firsthand about the distractions of a pocket phone.
  • There is no place for social media while preparing for exams.
  • Try to get hold of samples of last year's exam tickets, which may prompt you to repeat something useful.
  • You learn less when preparing for exams at the last moment. As soon as you go through a topic in a lesson, immediately study it thoroughly, which will save you time during the pre-exam period.
  • Eat only healthy foods, as high-calorie foods high in sugar and trans fats will make you sleepy and inattentive.
  • Take a few moments of relaxation and concentration before writing your essay.
  • Prepare neat notes in which it will be easy to find the information you need and remember it without unnecessary stress on the part of the convolutions and eye capillaries. Use colored pens and pencils to highlight important aspects. Also, draw diagrams of particularly confusing questions.
  • If you suffer from pre-exam stress, then drink herbal tea to calm your nerves and set you in a healthy mood. But do not overdo it with the dosage and composition of the tea solution, as you run the risk of preparing yourself a sleeping pill.
  • Some studies show that our brains can only keep focus for 45 minutes, so don't hesitate to take a nap or take a break from exercise after every 45 minutes of work.
  • Associating particularly difficult terms with fun experiences in your life will help you retain definitions in a much more enjoyable way.
  • Asking yourself questions in your head about the material you have learned will help identify under-anchored factors.
  • Try to complete your exam preparation 2 weeks before the exam begins, which will give you time to refresh yourself, distract yourself, and then review the material you want to read.
  • If you lose concentration while chanting or studying something, take a short break. Try not to force yourself too much, as you won't remember anything anyway.
  • Try to relate the new material to the old and connect it all by building logical chains and relationships. Everything in this world is somehow connected.


  • The so-called "blank sheet in memory" can appear on absolutely any exam, if the stress level reaches the highest level. To overcome such a nuisance, you need to close your eyes and relax, breathing deeply and concentrating on the pleasant moments of life, as a result of which all your knowledge will gradually return and you will be able to pass the exam.
  • Don't study too much, as going too far in this direction will have the same effect as not learning too much. The brain tends to block the entry of new information if there is too much of this information.
  • A bad mark on an exam can be very unpleasant for your psychological state. But don't worry, with proper preparation, you will still pass the exam.
  • Try not to cheat as you are learning for yourself and for your future. Cheating, as such, does not give any sense, except for the ability to cheat.
  • If you've been messing around for an entire semester and didn't put any effort into your exam preparation, then get ready to reap what you sow.