How to fake fingerprints

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Fake finger print making | Cheating attendance in Office | 100% working practically
Video: Fake finger print making | Cheating attendance in Office | 100% working practically


In order to create fake fingerprints, original fingerprints are needed. In most cases, they can be obtained by pressing down on a piece of putty. Invisible fingerprints can also be used to create fake fingerprints, but this requires more effort and equipment.


Method 1 of 2: Using putty and gelatin

  1. 1 Leave your fingerprint on a clean and fresh putty (putty, clay, or similar). Roll the putty into a ball and press down on the ball with the finger you want to fake.
    • A hot, flat piece of wax will make your prints clearer, but you need to press your finger for 5-10 minutes.
  2. 2 Freeze the putty to save the fingerprint for future work with it (after freezing, in most cases, you will no longer be able to use the material on which you left the fingerprint).
  3. 3 Make thick gelatin. To do this, add gelatin powder to boiling water. Stir the mixture for a few minutes to completely dissolve the powder in the water. Let the mixture cool.
  4. 4 After the gelatin has cooled to a thick gel, melt it in the microwave and then let it cool down again. Repeat the process until no air bubbles remain in the gelatin.
  5. 5 Melt the gelatin again and pour it over the print left on the putty.
  6. 6 Place the gelatin putty in the freezer. After a few minutes, the gelatin will harden to a rubbery state. Carefully remove the gelatin from the putty. You have taken a fake fingerprint.

Method 2 of 2: Advanced Technique

  1. 1 This method will allow you to make much more accurate fingerprints and does not require the use of putty, but you will need special equipment such as a scanner or camera and a circuit board.
  2. 2 Check the surface for fingerprints. Surface refers to a touch screen, doorknob, or any other glossy surface. To check, apply graphite powder (from a mechanical pencil) to the surface or use a special tool.
    • It is easier to find prints on a white surface.
  3. 3 Scan or photograph your fingerprints with a resolution of at least 2400 dpi. Download the image to a computer with a good graphics editor.
  4. 4 Using a graphics editor, rotate the image along the vertical axis, and also invert its colors (make the prints white and the background black).
  5. 5 Print your fingerprint on tracing paper and then use an etching machine to transfer the print to the printed circuit board. If you do not have the materials listed, print on transparencies (but this is less effective).
  6. 6 The image of a fingerprint on a printed circuit board or transparent film is embossed, so it can be used to create a "fake finger". To do this, cover the image with graphite powder, and then brush it with a thin layer of white wood glue or white liquid latex.
    • Add a drop of glycerin to the wood glue to dilute the glue; this will make it a more effective material.
  7. 7 When the wood glue is dry, carefully remove it; you've got a fingerprint that you can cut to fit your fingertip and glue it to your finger using theater glue.


  • The putty print cannot be used as it is a rotated image of a real fingerprint.