How to peel carrots

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
How to Peel Carrots
Video: How to Peel Carrots


1 Wash the carrots under cool running water. Scrub it with a nylon brush to remove dirt from the surface. This is very important as it removes all pesticides and dirt.
  • Sometimes the carrots may look a little dirty after you wash them, but when you peel them, everything is gone.
  • 2 Place the bowl on a work surface. A bowl is needed so that the peeling carrots fall there. You can peel carrots over the trash can, but very often this will cause the peels to fall past the bucket, creating a mess.
    • You can peel the carrots over a cutting board and then carefully collect and discard all of the peels in the trash can.
  • 3 Hold the carrot between the thumb and forefinger of your non-dominant hand. That is, if you are right-handed, take the carrot in your left hand, and if you are left-handed - in your right. Then turn your hand so that your palm is facing the ceiling (it will be under the carrots). The carrots should be tilted 45 degrees above your bowl and pointed downward into the bowl.
    • The hardest part about peeling carrots, especially if you are trying to do it quickly, is not to cut yourself. If your palm is directly under the carrots, then the likelihood of cutting yourself is much lower.
  • 4 Place the peeler on the thickest part of the carrot. If the peeler doesn't reach the end of the carrot by 2 to 3 cm, it's okay, as you can trim the top off later. Most peelers have double blades that allow you to peel carrots in two directions. What kind of peeler do you have?
    • Peelers allow you to remove a very thin layer of the skin by applying a little pressure on the peeler. By removing the thin top layer from the carrots, you leave behind many phytonutrients and other nutrients found in the top layers of the root vegetable.
  • 5 Sweep the peeler downward along the surface of the carrot to the tip. You will peel off a thin layer of the rind, which will curl up and fall into the bowl. So, a start has been made!
    • If you are working on a cutting board, you can push one end of the carrots against a cutting board to make it much more comfortable to hold.
  • 6 Now peel the carrots in the direction up. Most people do not take advantage of the fact that ordinary vegetable cutters have two blades, so that vegetables can be peeled in two directions - from top to bottom and from bottom to top, making movements from oneself and towards oneself. After swiping down the peeler, swipe up. And so on - back and forth.
    • What's the point of this? If you need to peel a lot of carrots, you will be able to do it much faster if you use this method. A good cook is distinguished not only by the fact that he cooks deliciously, but also by the fact that he does it quickly.
  • 7 Rotate the carrots slightly and repeat the process until all of the skins are removed. With the peeler up and down, gradually rotate the carrots in your hand. After you reach the side you started from, stop. The main work is done - everything is very simple.
  • 8 Take one end of the carrot and peel the top. Don't worry about the top - you don't need to cut it off at the very beginning, as this will make it easier to hold the carrots. So, after you've peeled all the carrots, grab one edge and peel the tip in short strokes. Then turn over and do the same with the opposite end of the carrots.
    • Of course, all of this should be done if you haven't peeled off the tips of the carrots before. Some people prefer to clean the ends first, while others prefer to clean them at the end.
  • 9 Place the carrots on a cutting board and cut off the top and tail with a knife. Most people choose to cut off both the top and the tail of the carrot.After you've peeled all the carrots, throw the peels into a trash can or compost pit.
    • After you have peeled the carrots, rinse them thoroughly and continue cooking according to the recipe.
  • Method 2 of 2: Using a paring knife

    1. 1 Wash the carrots under cool running water. As noted earlier, all fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed before peeling. Use a nylon bristled brush to quickly and easily remove all dirt and pesticides from your carrots.
    2. 2 Place the tip of the carrot on a cutting board. Hold the thick top of the carrot with your non-dominant hand (that is, your left if you are right-handed, and vice versa). The carrots should be at a 45-degree angle to the cutting board.
      • Hold the carrot between your thumb and forefinger, and then turn your palm so that it faces upward. That is, so that the palm of the hand is under the carrot, as if supporting it.
    3. 3 Place the blade of your knife on top of the carrot and press down along the surface, peeling off a thin layer of the skin. If you don't have a peeler, you can always use a knife. Be careful when working with a knife. Try to remove only the thin top layer of carrots - don't cut too much. If the carrots are young, simply scratching them with a knife will remove the thin top layer.
      • Be careful not to cut yourself! Keep the blade of the knife away from your hand and also keep your fingers away from the blade.
    4. 4 Turn the carrots over and repeat the peeling process until all of the skins are removed. So, gradually peeling the carrots, turn it with the side towards you, where it has not yet been peeled. You should be able to do this with one hand (the one in which you are holding the carrots) so that the process is not interrupted.
      • Sometimes it is very easy to miss the top of the carrot, which is in the wrist area. In such cases, you can simply turn the carrots over by holding the opposite end and peel the top off. After that, you can continue the process.
    5. 5 Place the carrots on a cutting board and use a knife to cut off the tip and top of the carrot. After you've peeled all the carrots, throw the peels into the trash can or compost pit.
      • Rinse all peeled carrots thoroughly. Place it on a separate plate and continue to cook according to the recipe.


    • If your carrots are naturally grown, consider leaving the skins intact. The peel contains many nutrients.

    What do you need

    • Carrot
    • Large bowl
    • Peeler (optional)
    • Cutting board
    • Vegetable peeling knife