How to kill a mosquito

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Best way to Kill or Repel Mosquitoes?
Video: Best way to Kill or Repel Mosquitoes?


1 Find a large fan in the box. You can purchase a powerful fan at a hardware store or supermarket.Choose the one with a metal frame, as you will need to use magnets for this trap. With these and a few other things, you can create a trap that will reduce the number of mosquitoes around you, at least for a while. Its impact on the population of these blood-sucking insects in the long term has not been studied, but you will not be hurt by a specialist consultation.
  • If you are going to set up a mosquito trap in your yard, you may need a long extension cord to plug the fan into your home outlet.
  • 2 Use magnets to attach the mosquito net to one side of the fan. Cover the entire front of the fan with a fine metal insect screen. Attach the mesh to the fan frame using powerful magnets.
  • 3 Turn on the fan. Whenever a large number of mosquitoes appear on your garden plot, just turn on the fan and let it run for at least a few hours. Typically, the number of mosquitoes will be significantly reduced by one to two days, but the effect of the trap in the long term is unclear.
  • 4 Kill mosquitoes with diluted isopropyl alcohol. Mix equal amounts of 70% isopropyl alcohol and water in a spray bottle. Spray mosquito spray on the fan mesh to prevent mosquitoes from getting caught in the rotating mechanism. You can now leave the mosquito net outside to feed other insects, or simply dump it into the street trash can. The mesh can be reused.
    • Remove butterflies or other insects from the mesh before spraying.
  • Method 2 of 4: Try Other Mass Control Methods

    1. 1 Spray with insecticide for temporary action. DEET is the most effective mosquito repellent pesticide, but it only works for a few hours and can also kill beneficial insects in your yard. Other insecticides may cause less damage, but are less effective, short-lived, and more suitable for dressing than for your entire plot.
      • Read the label to see if these pesticides are approved by the EPA or other similar organization.
    2. 2 Consider planting mosquito repellent plants. One of the plants that repels mosquitoes is lantana. Be aware that these plants are poisonous to pets, can cause allergic reactions, and are considered dangerous in some regions. Other similar plants have little effect on mosquito populations, so they will only be useful if you just like them or plan to plant a large number of them:
      • Citronella, lemongrass, any citrus fruit, basil, rosemary, mint, or catnip may have little effect.
    3. 3 Be skeptical about electronic and ultrasonic insect killing systems. Electronic traps can appear to be effective because they make loud noises, emit bright lights, or release sparks. However, in most cases, such insect traps do not work on mosquitoes, and the traps can destroy those beneficial insects that feed on mosquitoes. Ultrasonic devices are generally ineffective. Ultrasound devices are simply not effective.
      • Some mosquito traps are fan based. They are fundamentally similar to the homemade traps described above. Such devices have at least a temporary effect.
    4. 4 Take temporary measures. Mosquitoes try to avoid smoke. They can also be destroyed with a strong fan. You will hardly be pleased to dine on the veranda in a cloud of smoke or under a wind tunnel, but short-term use of these devices will have a good effect.
      • The effect of citronella candles is mainly in the smoke, not the scent. Any candle will have much the same effect.

    Method 3 of 4: Killing mosquito larvae

    1. 1 Replace or clean up standing water. Calm water is the best breeding ground for mosquitoes. Empty all rain barrels, paddling pools, pet drinking bowls, and other containers of water regularly. Insecticides can be added to puddles and other pools of water to kill mosquito larvae.
      • Always read the warning label on the package of insecticides to make sure that the treated drinking water will not harm pets or small children. Foods that contain active biological agents to kill larvae rather than chemicals tend to be safer for other animals.
    2. 2 Clean out gutters and debris. These are places where stagnant water accumulates, and therefore mosquitoes breed there, which you may not even think about. Clean your yard often, especially in rainy weather.
    3. 3 Keep lawns and shrubs always trimmed and free of puddles underneath. Keeping your lawn and bushes well-trimmed will greatly reduce the chances of puddles forming. Water your garden sparingly, just by moistening the soil rather than creating puddles.

    Method 4 of 4: Killing one mosquito

    1. 1 Turn on a lamp or flashlight. Mosquitoes are attracted to light, so it makes sense to act in the dark if the mosquito is already buzzing in your room. Create a bright spot of light in the room to lure the mosquito.
      • Mosquitoes “not” are attracted by the light of the sodium lamp, LED lights and the yellow “insect repellent” lamp. Use the latter for night lighting to reduce the number of mosquitoes, not in order to attract it as a potential victim.
    2. 2 Try using a vacuum cleaner. Attach the hose to a powerful vacuum cleaner. As soon as you spot a mosquito, turn on the vacuum cleaner and start tracking. The mosquito will die as soon as it enters the vacuum cleaner bag, but you can always turn the bag inside out for inspection. If you think this process is too complicated for killing a single mosquito, keep reading to familiarize yourself with more traditional methods.
    3. 3 Wait for the mosquito to sit on the wall. If you continue to follow the insect, or even come close to it, and then frighten it off, after 1-2 minutes it will sit on the wall again.
      • If the mosquito won't land, try killing it with a clapping hand, as you would with a fly. You may have to try several times.
    4. 4 Swat the mosquito with any long object. Roll up a magazine, newspaper, or other waste paper to reinforce the cotton and achieve your goal. A shirt, book, or other item will also work if you're willing to clean it up after killing a mosquito. After a successful reprisal against a mosquito, you can giggle maniacally and continue to go about your business.
      • For such a purpose, you can purchase a simple fly swatter or even its electronic analogue, with which a light touch will be enough to destroy the insect.
    5. 5 Make a glass trap. If the mosquito flies away before you slam the wall, it is most likely responding to a gust of air when swinging. Try quickly covering the surface where the mosquito is sitting with a clear glass. Then slide a piece of paper or cardboard between the glass and the surface so you can move the trap with the mosquito. Take it outside, carefully remove the paper and crush the mosquito, or simply leave it to suffocate under a glass.


    • Protect yourself from mosquito bites by wearing loose-fitting, long-sleeved clothing.
    • Research shows that eating garlic does not repel mosquitoes.


    • The claim that you can cause a mosquito to burst right on your arm by tensing muscles or pinching a vein is just a myth. In the end, you will simply waste time, and the mosquito will leave an even larger bite mark and drink more blood.