How to pump up your legs

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024


1 Do barbell squats. This is one of the best hip enlargement exercises as it involves most of the muscle fibers throughout the entire area. Take a barbell that is loaded with a weight that you can lift for 10-12 reps.
  • Stand in a position with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your knees and squat so that your hips are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat 10-12 times in 3 sets.
  • 2 Do leg curls. Load the machine with a heavy amount of weight that you can lift for 10 or more sets.
    • Sit on the machine with your knees bent and your feet under the lower plank.
    • Straighten your legs to raise the weight and lower them.
    • Repeat 10-12 times in 3 sets.
  • 3 Do standing leg curls. You will need a leg curl machine that allows you to lift weights by attaching a cable to your ankle. Load the machine with as much weight as you can lift for 10 reps.
    • Attach the cable to your ankle with a safety belt.
    • Hold the support bar with your hands.
    • Bend your knee towards your torso to lift the weight. Straighten your knee and place your foot on the ground.
    • Repeat 10-12 times in 3 sets, then switch to the other leg.
  • 4 Do a lying leg curl. This exercise swings the muscles in your legs at a different angle. Load the machine with just enough weight that you can lift for 10 reps.
    • Lie facedown on a bench with your legs straight and your feet under the lever.
    • Bend your knees and lift the lever towards your body.
    • Repeat 10-12 times in 3 sets.
  • 5 Do deadlifts with straight legs. This exercise works with your hamstrings to form more massive legs. Load the bar with enough weight that you can lift for 10 reps.
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Bend over at the waist, keeping your legs straight, and grab the bar with your hands.
    • Keeping your legs taut, pull the barbell towards your hips.
    • Lower the barbell to the floor.
    • Repeat 10-12 times in 3 sets.
  • Part 2 of 3: Use Muscle Building Techniques

    1. 1 Focus on intensity. Even if you do the entire exercise with fanatical regularity, you won't be able to gain leg muscle gain unless you make your workouts as intense as possible. For more efficient muscle building, you need to stretch the fibers and make them grow to get stronger and bigger. To do this, you need to train as hard as you can, every time.
      • For each exercise, use the weight you can lift for about 10 reps. If you can lift this weight for 15 reps, then it is too light. If you cannot lift more than 5 times, then it is too heavy.
      • As time goes on, you will need to add weight to keep the intensity high. If you do not increase the load, then your muscles will stagnate as they become stronger and larger.
    2. 2 Train by exploding. Exercising quickly and with explosive energy builds muscle faster than slower workouts. You can also do more sets this way. Instead of a slow workout, increase the intensity by doing sets as quickly as possible.
    3. 3 Don't stagnate. It's important to change your training program every week so that your muscles don't get used to doing the same exercises because they stop growing. Keeping your muscles in a state of "shock" will force them to continue the tearing process and continue to grow even more and become stronger.
      • If you are doing heavy exercises that include squats, leg curls in one week, then the next week, move on to straight-legged rows, prone leg curls, and squats.
      • Adding weight is another way to keep the plateau from happening, so it's very easy to make sure your weight isn't stagnant.
    4. 4 Relax your muscles between workouts. Your muscles take time to relax and recover after exercise. You can keep exercising, but do not do anything that can strain your legs.
      • Try swimming, walking, playing basketball or tennis if you want to exercise in between leg workouts.
      • Make sure you get enough sleep so your body has time to recover.

    Part 3 of 3: Eat to pump

    1. 1 Eat high-calorie, healthy foods. You will need a lot of calories to fuel the growth of the muscles in your legs, which are the largest in your body. Eat lots of high quality foods that nourish your body and make you feel full and satisfied.
      • Meats, whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, and nuts are good foods to consume when you're building muscle.
      • Eat more than you want. During an intense training program, you will need a lot of calories and you will most likely need to eat at least 5 large meals a day.
      • Avoid empty calories from fast foods, pies, cookies, chips, and other snacks that make you feel tired instead of feeling energized.
    2. 2 Eat a lot of protein. Protein is important for building healthy muscles, so make sure you get it to the fullest with every meal. Beef, pork, lamb, fish and chicken are all good choices. Eggs and beans are good substitutes for those who don't eat a lot of meat.
    3. 3 Try creatine supplements. Some people believe that creatine can help speed up the muscle growth process.Creatine is an organic nitric acid produced by vertebrates that supplies energy to all cells in the body, primarily muscles. It does this by increasing the formation of adenosine triphosphate.
      • Creatine is sold in powder form. You mix it with water and drink it 2-3 times a day.
      • Creatine is believed to be completely safe when taken in doses of 20 grams over an extended period of time. Always read the application manual.


    • Always use the correct position and push as hard as possible. This will allow your legs to become more massive.
    • If you've never swung before, then you can assume that working with a physical therapist or personal trainer will ensure that you train in the right positions.


    • If you've never exercised before, or have recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness, then you may need to talk to your doctor before starting to swing your legs. In some cases, the processes required to build muscle can be detrimental to health.