How to clean a cat litter box

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean Your Cat’s Litter Box (Everything You Need to Know)
Video: How to Clean Your Cat’s Litter Box (Everything You Need to Know)


Cats are great companions. Communication with them is a lot of pleasure. Since a cat, unlike a dog, is not walked, it must be provided with a clean litter box available at all times. If the litter box is not kept clean, the cat can start ruining carpets or furniture. A dirty litter box is one of the most common reasons cats refuse to use it. The litter box should be kept clean daily and thoroughly cleaned once a week (or more often if you have multiple cats). If you keep the litter box clean, the cat will not spoil the furniture, but will relieve itself in the litter box.


Method 1 of 3: Emptying the Tray Daily

  1. 1 Place the trash can next to the litter box. If you don't want to put your regular litter bin next to it, you can use a small empty bin or a cat litter bin - make it a bin specially designed for cleaning up litter boxes. It is very important to place it next to the tray so as not to litter the floor when cleaning.
  2. 2 Use gloves and a mask. Some experts recommend wearing disposable gloves and a respirator to prevent the spread of toxoplasmosis, a virus that is transmitted through cat feces. Even if you have not touched feces, when cleaning the tray, airborne dust entering the lungs can lead to toxoplasmosis infection.
  3. 3 Remove faeces from the tray. Cat feces must be removed at least once a day. To keep the litter box clean, some professionals and veterinarians recommend removing feces twice a day. If you don't clean the litter box every day, your cat may refuse to use the litter box.
    • Use a scoop available at most pet stores. These scoops have a mesh bottom that captures faeces and used litter well, while the clean litter is fed back into the tray through the holes.
  4. 4 Clean up any lumps of litter with urine. If you are using cat litter, cleaning the litter box will be very easy - just remove the lumps of cat urine. These lumps should be dug out daily, as well as faeces.Sprinkle baking soda over the bottom of the litter box before placing the litter box in the litter box. This will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of cat urine, even if you missed something during your daily cleaning.
  5. 5 Replace the litter in the tray. Even after harvesting, small pieces of faeces and urine may remain in the tray, which may have gotten into the litter, waking up from the scoop during harvesting. To keep the litter box clean and attractive to the cat, the litter should be replaced completely once every few days.

Method 2 of 3: Cleaning the Tray Weekly

  1. 1 Remove used filler. In addition to cleaning up faeces and urine every day, completely change the litter and wash the tray at least once a week. If more than one cat is using the litter box, it should be thoroughly cleaned at least twice a week. Prepare a bag and basket for disposing of used litter, empty the entire contents of the tray before washing.
  2. 2 Wash the tray. After removing the litter, wash the tray thoroughly in the sink or under a hose. Some experts recommend washing the litter box once a week, while others recommend doing it once a month. The frequency of cleaning depends on the type of litter used and the number of cats using the litter box.
    • Use a mild detergent or dishwashing liquid that will not leave strong chemical odors on the surface of the tray.
    • You can effectively clean the surface of the tray by rinsing it with a solution of baking soda and warm water.
    • Make sure you rinse off the detergent well. Your cat will not use the litter box if it smells strongly of soap or detergent.
    • Note that any detergent that smells like ammonia or citrus will repel cats. This is why it is not recommended to use cleaning products with these odors.
  3. 3 Dry the tray thoroughly. Dry the tray before pouring in the filler to prevent the filler from sticking to the surface. Also, if you put the litter in an undried tray, it will stick together and become unusable. You can dry the tray by wiping it with paper towels or napkins, or leaving it in the air for a while.
  4. 4 Try adding baking soda. Some experts recommend sprinkling a thin layer of baking soda on the bottom of the tray before adding the litter. This will help remove unpleasant odors. In addition, the baking soda will absorb some of the urine if you are not using filler.
  5. 5 Choose a filler. Cats generally prefer clumping litter. This litter is more convenient for cats as they can thoroughly bury their feces. It will be easier for you to keep the tray clean - you only need to remove the lumps. However, some cats prefer traditional litters rather than clumping. Find out what kind of litter your cat prefers and try to buy it.
    • Animal protection organizations warn that the use of flavored litters can cause irritation and allergic reactions in cats. Baking soda is a safe alternative to flavored litters - add it to the tray to kill off odors safely and effectively.
  6. 6 Add filler. After the tray is completely dry, you can add filler. It is very important to know how much filler is sufficient. If there is too much litter, the cat (especially if it is from long-haired breeds) will spill it when leaving the litter box, and some cats may refuse to use the litter box because of this inconvenience. If there is not enough litter, then the cat will not be able to bury its excrement. In addition, if there is not enough filler, an unpleasant odor may develop in the house.
    • Most cats will need about a 5 cm layer of litter.To make it convenient for the cat to use the tray, do not cover the litter with a layer of more than 10 cm.
    • Regardless of which layer of filler you use, always add the same amount. Your cat may get confused if the litter layer in the litter box is more or less than usual.

Method 3 of 3: If the cat refuses to go to the litter box

  1. 1 Find out your cat's preferences. If the cat does not use the litter box, it is necessary to find out the reasons. The filler, bed height, cleanliness, or tray size may not be suitable. Perhaps this is how the cat is trying to inform you of something.
    • If your cat doesn't like traditional clay litter, try clumping. If your cat doesn't like flavored litter, try an unscented litter. Through trial and error, you can figure out your cat's preferences.
    • Place the litter box in an impassable, quiet location. Your cat will be reluctant to use the litter box if it is in a noisy place or where people are walking. For example, a bathroom or toilet might be a good place, but a cat's living room or hallway might not be good. Make sure the tray is in an easily accessible and secluded area.
  2. 2 Carefully clean the area where the cat has relieved herself. If your cat has shit outside the litter box, clean the area thoroughly. Use a good cleaning agent for cleaning, especially if your cat has damaged furniture or carpet. The cleaning agent will help neutralize the smell of cat urine, which ensures that it no longer finds the place suitable for a toilet. If your cat has poop on the floor or furniture, remove the feces with a paper towel and place them in the cat litter box, not in the trash can. This will help the cat find the litter box next time.
  3. 3 Monitor your cat's habits. If your cat doesn’t go to the litter box, it’s important to find a place to go and clean it up. Frequent urination in cats can be a sign of urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney infections, kidney stones, and other problems. If you notice blood in the urine or feces, you need to urgently contact your veterinarian.
    • This is another reason why daily cleaning of the litter box is necessary. By cleaning up your cat's feces, you can immediately notice signs of digestive or urinary problems.


  • If your cat is throwing litter, you can purchase an indoor litter box. You can also place filler underneath the mesh.
  • If you are afraid of contracting toxoplasmosis, use a respirator when cleaning the litter box. They are inexpensive and can be found at any hardware store.
  • Study your cat's preferences to find the most comfortable litter box for her.


  • Pregnant women should not clean cat litter boxes due to the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis.
  • A person can contract toxoplasmosis from a cat, so gloves and a face mask should be worn when cleaning the tray.
  • Do not use harsh products such as ammonia, bleach, or other strong fragrances to clean the tray. They are potentially dangerous for cats and can be a reason for not using the litter box.

What do you need

  • Brush or sponge for washing the tray
  • Mild, odorless soap
  • Baking soda
  • Trash can
  • Special scoop for cleaning cat litter
  • Cat litter