How to drink tea to lose weight

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike
Video: 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike


Numerous scientific studies have shown that tea drinkers, especially green tea drinkers, lose weight faster than those who do not recognize tea. Time to hide your gym bag and put the kettle on the stove! Here are tips on how to lose weight with tea.


Part 1 of 4: General Guide

  1. 1 Choose your tea based on its potency and your personal preference. It is best to drink the tea you like, but you should be aware that some types of tea are more effective for weight loss than others. Most effective: Green, white, oolong Quite effective: Black Less effective: Caffeine-free, herbal Harmful in large quantities: Sweet tea, slimming tea
  2. 2 Drink tea every day. Make it a habit. It is best to drink tea at a specific time: a cup in the morning, a cup at lunchtime, and before bed, herbal tea or decaffeinated tea (these are also effective, albeit to a lesser extent).
    • Drink tea instead of coffee in the morning.
    • On hot days, you can brew tea in advance and drink it chilled.
  3. 3 Do not add anything to the tea. Cream and sugar will destroy all the benefits. You need to get used to drinking just tea, no additives.
  4. 4 Drink tea to relieve hunger. Tea is an excellent metabolism regulator. For best results, pour a cup of tea whenever you feel like eating something sweet or unhealthy. Tea will soothe your hunger and you will resist the temptation.

Part 2 of 4: How to choose your tea

  1. 1 Find a tea that you like. While many studies have examined the effects of green tea on weight loss, it is important to find a tea (green or otherwise) that you enjoy drinking. Some green teas can be quite strong in flavor and may seem unpleasant to you if you are not used to that taste, while other teas taste delicious even for those who have not drunk green tea before. Here are some options to try.
    • Flavored green teas. Both green and white tea (which also has antioxidant properties, but is much more expensive) can be found on the market in a wide variety of flavors. For best results, try green or white tea, which contains caffeine (studies have shown that caffeinated tea is the best calorie burner).
      • To select a green tea variety, we recommend reading the section on how to choose green tea in the article on how to brew green tea. This article provides information on what types of green tea exist and what properties they have.
    • Herbal teas. You can find a wide variety of herbal teas with a variety of delicious flavors from spicy orange to jasmine. Rooibos (red tea) is another good herbal tea options. Since herbal teas are usually caffeine-free, they can be drunk late in the evening before going to bed or in between drinking caffeinated teas.
    • Black tea. In fact, black tea is made from the same plant as green tea, but it is processed in a different way. As a result, the weight-loss chemicals (theaflavins and thearubigins) become more complex. They are still found in black tea, but they are not as effective as those found in green tea. In other words, you can lose weight with both types of tea, but green tea can help you lose weight faster.
      • Although decaffeinated black tea is available commercially, a small amount of caffeine may still be present and may prevent you from falling asleep.
    • Oolong tea is believed to boost metabolism by as much as 10%. Green tea only increases metabolism by 4%. But both varieties are actually great!
  2. 2 Be careful with slimming teas. Although tea for weight loss tastes similar to black or green tea, it can contain laxatives, so you need to consume such tea in moderation, especially varieties containing senna herb, aloe, agar, rhubarb root, buckthorn or castor oil. Experts warn against drinking large amounts of slimming tea due to the risk of vomiting, nausea, rampant diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even dehydration and fainting.
    • The very concept of "slimming tea" is essentially just a deceptive advertising slogan, since any unsweetened natural tea can promote weight loss. Certain teas can have laxative effects or act as fat blockers and are used for marketing purposes. However, laxatives simply cleanse your intestines (you've already consumed a certain amount of calories). You may lose some weight with the liquid, but as soon as you drink something, those calories return.
    • One cup is enough. Actually. You will regret drinking more.
  3. 3 Examine the ingredients on the label. There are so many different types of tea on the market that sometimes you don't know where to start. It is a good idea to examine the ingredients on the label first. If the tea contains sugar or sweeteners, put it back on the shelf.
    • This does not mean that you need to avoid flavored green teas. Yes, some of them contain added sugar and others do not, but if you can stick to all-natural ingredients, it’s better for you and your waistline.
  4. 4 Simplify the process of brewing (and drinking) tea. One obstacle that many people face is that the process of brewing tea is not as easy as they would like it to be. While you can quickly make tea in the microwave (pour water into a ceramic cup and heat for 2 minutes, then put in a tea bag), you can make the process even easier:
    • Get an electric kettle. Electric kettles are available at most hardware stores. The price of electric kettles is very different and they are very easy to use. All you have to do is fill it with water and press a button or lever to make the water boil. You can brew the tea in one cup, or add several tea bags directly to the kettle when the water boils. You can pour boiling water into a thermos. Fill a thermos with boiling water, add green tea, and keep it next to the kettle or on the table for easy pouring whenever you want.
    • Buy a kettle for iced tea. During warmer months, you may not want to drink hot tea. However, you can drink the same amount of tea if you buy an iced tea kettle. Just like with an electric kettle, you just need to fill it with water, add ice (according to the manufacturer's instructions) and tea bags. Then turn on the kettle and after a few minutes you can drink freshly brewed iced tea.
    • Brew iced tea in the evening so that you can drink it as much as you like the next day. If you don't have a few minutes to make ice tea during the day, make it at night and place the decanter of tea in the refrigerator. Instead of bringing sodas to work with you, fill a thermos with ice tea and sip throughout the day.

Part 3 of 4: Follow a specific schedule throughout the day

  1. 1 Create a tea ritual. To reap the benefits of tea, you just need to drink it every day, as often as possible. If it is too difficult for you, inconvenient and tasteless, you will not do it. How can you make you want to drink more tea?
    • Stocking up on tea and matching accessories is the easiest way to get started. If you spend 8 hours a day in the office, it is a good idea to bring tea and everything you need for tea drinking there too: do not forget about your favorite cup (or thermos) and the necessary access to a microwave oven or kettle.
    • Ask any Englishman: tea was made for communication. If it seems pointless to you to brew a whole kettle for yourself, invite others to join you. At work, make tea for your colleagues too. Share the evening tea ceremony with your family members or neighbors. If drinking tea becomes a social ritual for you, you are more likely to observe it.
    • Cream, milk and sugar should not be part of the process. Unfortunately, to lose weight, you need to drink tea without adding anything (at least, almost always). Tea is no longer tea if you add milk and sugar to it (England, sorry!).
  2. 2 Swap your morning coffee for tea. Instead of a regular cup of coffee, start your day with a cup of freshly brewed tea. Tea drinkers also consume fewer calories, especially compared to coffee drinkers. Coffee sold in cafes often contains hundreds of calories, while the calorie content of tea is always the same.
    • As mentioned above, it is important to drink plain tea. The addition of milk neutralizes the fat-burning properties of tea (flavonoids). What's more, scientists believe skim milk is the worst! Strange, isn't it?
      • This study was conducted with cow's milk. If you want to try soy or almond milk, you can, just keep in mind that whether you will achieve the desired effect or not is in doubt.
  3. 3 For lunch and dinner, opt for iced tea (no added sugar) over carbonated drinks. Sweetened and even diet sodas have been known to have the opposite effect on weight loss. Sodium in diet sodas can promote water retention, so make the smart choice: sugar-free iced tea. Iced tea is also ideal for those looking for a caffeinated drink to stay awake throughout the day, as cold (or hot) tea will help you achieve this without the sugar content of a regular soda or sodium as a diet soda. ...
    • One of the most important contributors to the slimming effect of tea is that the tea is free of impurities. Tea is low in calories (if done correctly) and will deter you from eating other, higher calorie foods. The same principle works here as in the case of losing weight with water.
  4. 4 If you are hungry during the day, have a hot cup of tea. You may be tempted to buy chips or biscuits from the vending machine, but make yourself a cup of tea instead. If you opt for tea, the epigallocatechin gallate in green tea will help lower your glucose levels, which will help reduce appetite and control hunger.
    • Moreover, the process of brewing tea (as opposed to the process of throwing coins into a machine for selling chips) will give you a break from work and you can focus on pleasant thoughts, as well as on your conscious decision to eat healthy foods rather than swallow empty calories. eating chocolates. Take a moment to chat with someone close to you. This is a great way to relax, chat and recharge within 5 minutes!
  5. 5 Have a whole cup of chilled tea before dinner. This will help fill part of your stomach, which will reduce hunger. Of course, it's still important to eat healthy foods. Iced tea is also important. Iced tea must be warmed by your body for absorption; it consumes extra calories, which means a lot of weight loss.
  6. 6 Drink a cup of herbal (decaf) tea before going to bed. Regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not, a cup of warm herbal tea at the end of the day helps relax your body and mind. Since a night's sleep helps you shed excess weight, set yourself up for a good sleep with a cup of tea.
    • However, do not drink tea just before bed, or you will have to go to the bathroom frequently at night and this will disrupt your sleep, especially if you are pregnant or incontinent.
  7. 7 Tea time is important. Some experts believe that different types of tea should be consumed at different times of the day in order to maximize the results in terms of weight loss. While tea is generally healthy, experiment with when to drink it and see which method works for you.
    • White tea can block fat absorption, so it's best to drink it before lunch.
    • Blueberry tea can balance glucose levels, so it is best consumed before dinner.
    • Pu-erh, green and oolong teas help the metabolic process and should be drunk in the morning (and throughout the day!).
  8. 8 Drink tea on the way. We spend too much time on the road now. Make your time on the road more enjoyable by turning it into another chance to sit down and have tea! It is very convenient to take a thermos (or two) with you and always have them at hand. Prepare your tea in advance so you can always quench your thirst throughout the day.
    • Basically, the meaning of this article boils down to one thought: drink, drink and drink again. The more you drink, the less hunger you will feel: you simply will not have room in your stomach to eat a lot and you will not want to do it.
  9. 9 Think about how much caffeine you consume. Some teas contain caffeine (of course, not as much as coffee), but if you drink tea day and night, you will have enough caffeine! Strictly speaking, caffeine does not cause dehydration, but it has about 50 mg per cup. If you can avoid it, it is best not to exceed 300 mg per day.
    • You can either shorten the brewing time of the tea (thereby preventing too much caffeine from dissolving in the tea) or drink caffeine-free herbal teas. While this is not a problem for most people, some people may be hypersensitive to caffeine and high levels of caffeine can result in insomnia, nervousness, and other symptoms even after many hours.

Part 4 of 4: How to Maintain Motivation

  1. 1 Add a healthy diet to your tea. Let's be honest: if you don't see immediate results from your new diet, you will not stick to it. While drinking tea is a great idea, you will get better results in less time if you eat well. And if you combine both methods, then nothing can stop you!
    • Do you know what is good to drink tea with? Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Since you make your own tea, why not prepare your own food? Less convenience foods and more homemade food, so you know exactly what is entering your body.
  2. 2 Avoid monotony. Your taste buds can get bored with one type of tea. Would you like to eat the same food all the time? To stay on track, try different types of tea, with different flavors and additives. Isn't it interesting to collect a collection of different types of tea at home or in the office and choose the type of tea depending on your mood?
    • Add honey or candy sugar to the tea. Keep in mind that this goes against your desire to lose weight, but a little honey or sugar can make the tea taste better. If you do this only occasionally, then there will not be much harm.
    • For a richer flavor, try adding some skim cream or squeezing lemon into your tea. A slice of lemon can help improve the flavor of the tea. In addition, one study found that black tea with lemon reduced the risk of skin cancer.
  3. 3 Discover new flavors of tea. There is no limit to the available tastes and aromas of tea. There are many brands and varieties of tea, and you are unlikely to be able to taste all of them. For the tea lover, discovering new varieties, tastes and aromas is a real pleasure.
    • Here are some of the strains you can try, and all of them will help you lose weight:
      • Star anise tea: aids in the digestive process and may help relieve indigestion
      • Mint tea: reduces appetite and speeds up digestion
      • Rose tea: prevents constipation and contains many vitamins
      • Pu-erh tea: reduces fat cells (so drink it in the morning)
      • Sandy Helichrysum Tea: Reduces bloating and is a mild diuretic (limit yourself to one cup)
    • To stick to your chosen diet, choose only those teas that you will brew yourself, not pre-made ones. Ready-made teas and coffees often contain huge amounts of sugar, which is discouraged if you are looking to lose weight.
  4. 4 Drink your tea mindfully. Diet often involves the process of overcoming the need for more and feeling like you've been cheated on something. A mindful diet helps you come to perceive food as a deliberate and conscious process and can help you learn to calmly control what to eat and what not to eat. Even if you don't feel like drinking tea, try to keep it close to you to fight temptations.
    • Look for more articles on tea ceremonies and rituals for other ideas. It's not for nothing that people have been drinking tea for thousands of years!
    • Look for articles on meditation while drinking tea.Have you ever said the words "I'm too relaxed"? This is exactly how you will feel.
  5. 5 Study the material on this issue. Epigallocatechin gallate and caffeine in green tea increase thermogenesis by 84 percent, according to a study by Abdul Dullou of the Institute of Physiology at the University of Friborg in Switzerland. Thermogenesis is the process of heat production by the body as a result of normal digestion, absorption and processing of food. Green tea also increases norepinephrine levels, which causes the body to burn fat in response to the "fight or surrender" call. Knowledge is power! And also motivation!
    • While not all scientists agree that green tea (and other types too) is the magic wand for weight loss, every weight loss professional agrees that when comparing water or tea consumption to drinking soda or chocolate bars, only the former will help the digestion process and is more likely to distract you from unhealthy snacks. It doesn't matter if it is a magic weight loss remedy or not, it is definitely worth a try.


  • For faster results, also monitor your diet.
  • Many teas have a whole range of benefits: they protect the heart, prevent tooth decay, cheer up, protect against disease, etc. It is important to read about the characteristics of the particular tea that you are drinking, as their properties are different.
  • Drink naked tea without any additives or with the addition of skim milk or sugar substitute.
  • Consuming 3-5 cups of green tea a day can help you burn 50-100 calories.
  • Scientists at the University of Maryland Medical Center advise drinking 2-3 cups of green tea a day to improve health and / or weight loss.


  • The tea only stays fresh for a limited time. Do not drink old tea and keep an eye on the expiration date of the tea so that you can use it before its expiration date. Buy less tea so you can make sure you don't drink old tea.
  • Excessive consumption of tea can interfere with normal iron absorption.
  • Caffeine can interfere with normal sleep. Avoid caffeine three hours before bed.
  • If you become a real tea lover, you may have a problem with where to store it. Set aside a designated spot for tea in your kitchen or pantry and stay within the established framework.
  • Some herbal teas can negatively affect the health of some people, so before drinking the tea, find out what it contains. Avoid tea containing comfrey root, as it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which have a negative effect on the liver. The ingestion of comfrey is prohibited in many countries.
  • When deciding on a new diet or fitness routine, check with your doctor first. Each person has their own personality and you are responsible for determining what is right for you.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, do not drink caffeinated beverages after 4 pm and do not drink more than one cup of tea a day.
  • Consuming more than 3 cups of tea a day can cause dental and sleep problems.
  • Excessive consumption of tea can stain teeth. If you want a white smile, be prepared to use teeth whitening medications.

What do you need

  • Different types of tea
  • Tea accessories