How to stop getting angry and offended

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 11 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sadhguru on How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People
Video: Sadhguru on How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People


In this article, we will talk about the dangers of accumulating and holding back negative emotions. We will try to help you get rid of negative emotions and feelings that have arisen as a result of resentment towards friends or loved ones. Perhaps you are a consumer who is not happy with the service and services of a company. Perhaps you are angry with your spouse, distrust him, or simply disapprove of his behavior. Many religious philosophies emphasize the importance of forgiveness, even if you are right and the other person is not. Even scientific research confirms that feelings of anger, resentment and other negative emotions are bad for the health of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and also lead to problems with psychological health. Therefore, it is very important to be able to forgive people, even if they do not deserve it. This behavior leads to a decrease in stress, and therefore to a decrease in blood pressure, better heart function, and so on. We will try to help you learn to forgive your neighbor.


  1. 1 Realize the pain and disappointment that befell you. There is no need to deny that there is a problem and try to control emotions. You need to accept your emotions and experience them to the fullest.
    • Keep a diary. Write down all of your feelings and details of the events that happened to you, as well as the reason for your upset. Put all your thoughts and feelings on paper and it will become easier for you.
    • Share your feelings with family and friends. Talk to someone you trust. This could be your best friend, psychologist, or family member.
  2. 2 Talk to the abuser. If possible, talk to the person who caused you the pain and upset. Even if the person has already died, this does not prevent you from talking to him and telling about your feelings, believing that he will hear you.
    • Explain your feelings and the reason for the hurt. For example, tell the administrator at a restaurant that the waiter was rude to you. This will lead to a solution to the conflict, since the waiter will most likely apologize to you.
  3. 3 Don't expect too much from people. The lower your expectations, the more difficult it is to disappoint you. All people make mistakes, no one is perfect. You don't have to constantly think about how things should be and how others should behave. Concentrate on yourself, your behavior, and interests.It is easier to end a relationship than it is to expect the person to change.
  4. 4 Do not enter into conflicts and conflict situations. If a person constantly brings you disappointment, if communication with him causes you negative emotions, then it's time to stop such communication. It will benefit both of you.
    • Pay attention to people who bring you joy. Take care of those who care about you, pay attention to the people who deserve it.
    • Concentrate on the positive qualities of your abuser. If you must or just want to continue to communicate with this person, you need to learn to accept him for who he is. all people have positive qualities, do not forget about them.