How to stop being in touch all the time

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Steps to Stop Going on Your Phone all the Friggin Time  | MuchelleB ☀️
Video: 5 Steps to Stop Going on Your Phone all the Friggin Time | MuchelleB ☀️


The Internet is a versatile tool that helps you organize your workflow as well as communicate or make connections. But one day you may be faced with the fact that being online begins to overshadow real life. If you would like to disconnect from all kinds of messengers, forums and social networks in order to feel a real connection with the outside world, then this article is especially for you. Check out the tips and strategies gathered here, then take action.


Method 1 of 3: Organize Your Home Space

  1. 1 Move all computer hardware to a dedicated room or office. Free your bedroom and other nooks and crannies of any electronics.
  2. 2 Move all chargers to the computer room. If it's time to recharge a device, take it there, plug it in, and leave it on. Different sounds and vibrations emitted by gadgets during charging disturb peace of mind and are often distracting.
  3. 3 Say a resolute "no" to the appearance of any electronics where you sleep. Do not bring phones, tablets and TVs there, because the blue lights seem to be specially designed to disrupt sleep.
    • Many people do not get enough sleep anyway.
  4. 4 Turn off all alarms and alarms on weekends. Waking up on your own a few times a week will make you feel more relieved. If you still don't get enough sleep, then first try reducing your Internet surfing by one hour and adding that hour to your sleep.
    • People who have a habit of sleeping 7-8 hours a day experience less stress and have better health. Not getting enough sleep can seriously weaken your immune system and cause constant feelings of anxiety.
  5. 5 Download and install an online timer. Try, for example, Enuff PC - this program notifies the user about the time spent on the Internet every 30-60 minutes. Perhaps the absorption of information is playing a cruel joke with you - time flies by, and you, without realizing it, are abusing electronics.

Method 2 of 3: Plan Your Analog Activity

  1. 1 Divide all your affairs into “digital” and “analog”. If, for example, you pick up a smartphone and check incoming SMS or mail, then this is how you turn your analog activity into digital.
  2. 2 Try some classic analog stuff. You can start with what has always been considered the best way to relieve stress and relax.
    • Take a bath. Pour yourself some coffee or wine and read while lying in the lather. Turn off the lights, light the candles and enjoy a hot home bath.
    • Invite your friends out for a walk. But no Facebook or SMS - call and agree by voice. Go to nature and have a barbecue.
    • You can go on a forest hike. It has long been known that being in nature develops problem-solving skills and generally pacifies. Just in case of emergency, take your smartphone with you, but pack it deeper into your backpack and do not take it out during the entire hike.
    • Join a sports club, Scrabble community, or any other group activity.
  3. 3 Create "stronghold of loneliness». Choose one of the days of the week when it is convenient for you to disconnect. Let your friends and family know that you don't have your phone with you. Eat, read, or do something with your own hands.
  4. 4 Gather a group of like-minded people. Spend an hour a week together, make an appointment without using mobile phones or computers. It will be much easier for you to deal with electronic addiction not alone.
  5. 5 Think about your hobbies. If you can't immediately remember at least two hobbies that captivate you at home and on the street, then the Internet may well take their place and deprive you of the opportunity to realize your creative impulses and relieve stress.
    • Do something interesting or sign up for a course.
  6. 6 Take a vacation of at least two weeks once a year. Prepare well in advance, that is, arrange so that during your absence someone can solve unexpected problems. Pay that person back when it's their turn to go on vacation.

Method 3 of 3: Reduce Electronic Addiction

  1. 1 Begin to perceive addiction to the Internet and the use of electronic devices as addiction. As soon as you find that someone has liked your post on Facebook, a portion of endorphins enters the bloodstream - the same happens with food or drink. If you surf the Internet for more than 30 hours a week, then you may need the help of a professional to get rid of bad habits.
    • People who use the Internet for communication more than 30 hours a week are at risk of suicide if the Internet is disconnected.
  2. 2 Set aside one evening a week when you are unavailable for urgent calls from work. If you work more than 40 hours a week, then invite your colleagues to use the same scheme - let each of them have their own evening, free from checking mail and harassing calls from work.
  3. 3 Involve your family in your endeavor. Don't push. Forcing teens to reduce their use of electronics can spark negative reactions. Therefore, to begin with, invite your children to leave their phones at home, at least for a walk.
  4. 4 Look for some place like a park or a beach that has no cell phone reception. Drive there for a few hours a week and enjoy the forced autonomy.
  5. 5 Install a night autoresponder on your mailbox, which will answer any incoming letter that you are not available. Turn it on every night when you leave the office. Thus, you will get rid of the temptation to call back the person who sent you a personal or work letter.
    • Set aside one or two evenings a week where you will still be answering private emails.