How to stop using foul language

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To STOP CURSING So Much (Use The Switch Trick)
Video: How To STOP CURSING So Much (Use The Switch Trick)


Just like all bad habits, it is very easy to start swearing, but difficult to stop. Sometimes we don't even notice that we are scolding! Fortunately, there is a way wean yourself from swearing - First, admit that you swear too much. Next, you have to put in some effort. In this article, we'll show you a couple of easy ways to wean yourself from using the checkmate.


Method 1 of 3: Train Yourself to Stop Cussing

  1. 1 Ask your friends for help. Sharing difficult moments or tasks with friends makes it much easier to transfer them. Your friends can help you stop using foul language:
    • You can take on the daunting task of stopping swearing with one of your friends who also uses a lot of swearing. Alternatively, you can ask a non-swearing friend to monitor your speech and remind you every time you freak out.
    • Be that as it may, when there is someone nearby who will constantly remind you not to use foul language, it will help you get rid of this bad habit once and for all.
  2. 2 Find out what triggers the abuse and avoid it. Everyone has their own provoking factors, or triggers, which cause the desire to swear. For some people it is traffic jams, for others it is queues in stores, for others it is the death of a beloved hero in Game of Thrones.If you can identify what exactly provokes you to swear, you can avoid it - leaving work half an hour early to avoid traffic jams, shopping online, or reviewing Friends.
    • Avoid any situations that generate negative emotions in you, and it will be easier for you to control your swearing.
  3. 3 Use a penalty can for swearing. This is a tried and tested way to stop using foul language. To do this, you will need a large jar or box (something that you can easily open), in which you will put ten rubles (or as much as you wish) for every swear word you say. Think of this can as a punishment and as a future reward:
    • This is a punishment, because you have to say goodbye to ten rubles every time you swear. But, as soon as the bank is full (or you stop swearing), you can spend all the accumulated money.
    • You can keep such a jar at work if you and your colleagues decide to stop using foul language. Everyone will watch the rest so that no one escapes monetary punishment for mate. Once your can is full, you can buy a new coffee maker for your department.
  4. 4 Hit the rubber band on your wrist. This is the same as putting an electric shock collar on a dog to correct its behavior - not humanely, but effectively. You are required to put an elastic band on your wrist, and every time you swear, pull back the elastic and hit yourself on the hand.
    • Thus, your brain will begin to associate mate with pain, and gradually you will begin to use less swear words.
    • You can also ask a close friend to hit you on the arm with a rubber band every time you swear. Just make sure this friend doesn't abuse his power!
  5. 5 Imagine that you are constantly with your grandmother. Another way to wean yourself off the mate is every time you want to swear, imagine that someone is next to you. It could be your grandmother or your boss, your son or daughter, it doesn't matter. Most importantly, it should be someone to whom you are ashamed to scold.
    • Every time you swear, imagine that this person is behind you and that he is shocked by your behavior.
  6. 6 Avoid music and films with profanity. Many people, especially adolescents, develop the habit of swearing at the profanity that is used in the music, movies and TV shows they listen to or watch. If this is your case and you are simply imitating your favorite musician, remind yourself that this is the wrong way to communicate in the real world. Try to listen to music that doesn't use mate.

Method 2 of 3: Change Your Attitude

  1. 1 Convince yourself that swearing is bad. People scold for a variety of reasons, some because they are angry, others to make their words more meaningful, and still others just to make them seem funnier. But swearing is not the most pleasant habit. First, it gives the impression of being uneducated and ill-mannered, even if it has nothing to do with you. Secondly, the person can take the words personally (even if they are not), and thirdly, it can be offensive to others, which can negatively affect your success at work or in your personal life.
    • Perhaps your habit of using foul language was established in childhood, if someone in the household was constantly cursing. Maybe you used to swear as a teenager when you used mat to sound cooler.
    • Be that as it may, do not blame other people. The most important thing is to understand the problem and strive to solve it.
  2. 2 Try to think positively. To stop using foul language, it is very important to learn to think positively. This is because people tend to swear when they complain about something, are in a bad mood, or simply surround themselves with negativity.We do not argue that learning to think positively is not such an easy task, but there is a way. Just every time you feel negative, stop yourself, take a deep breath, and ask yourself the question: "Is it worth it?"
    • For example, ask yourself the question, "Is it really that scary if I'm a couple of minutes late for a meeting?" - or: “Yes, I can't find the remote control in any way, but I can change channels from the TV itself. Should I be so angry about this? " It is worth looking at the situation from a different angle, and you can calm yourself down and overcome negative emotions.
    • Also, see giving up swearing as a positive change. If you see everything in a dark light and do not believe in the success of your venture, you a priori set yourself up for failure. Remind yourself that if people can quit smoking, or lose tens of kilograms, then you can stop using foul language.
  3. 3 Be patient with yourself. Most likely, the habit of using foul language developed over the years and during this time has become a part of you. You can't retrain yourself overnight. This is a lengthy process. You will have days when everything goes well and days when you get frustrated. Remind yourself why you are doing this, and visualize yourself when you finally break the habit.
    • Think constantly why you want to stop using foul language. Maybe you don't want to create a bad impression in your new job, or you don't want to be a bad example for your children. Let it motivate you.
    • Whatever you do, don't give up. Control yourself and remind yourself that you can achieve any goal you set!

Method 3 of 3: Change your speech patterns

  1. 1 Pay attention to your speaking habits. Scolding once and again is forgivable. But if you are constantly scolding and cannot last more than one sentence without using mate, you have a problem. The first step in weaning yourself out of swearing is to start realizing that you are swearing. Do you swear in front of certain people or in certain situations? Is there a particular word that you use all the time? Try to understand why you are scolding and what role these words play in your daily communication.
    • Once you start paying attention to this habit, you are likely to be shocked at how many thoughts you express using the mate. Don't let this worry you. The first step to breaking this habit is to determine how often you scold.
    • Once you start noticing every mate you say, you will begin to notice this habit in other people as well. This is very good, as you will begin to understand how unpleasant swearing sounds to others, and how it makes you feel.
  2. 2 Replace swear words with others. Once you become aware of your swearing habit, you can gradually remove swear words from your vocabulary. For example, you can stop swearing for no reason, that is, when you use mate for no reason and without anger, but only for a bunch of words. To correct, replace this word with another, not abusive, which, for example, may begin with the same letter or may sound similar.
    • For example, you can replace the word "n * * * * ts" with the word "scribe". It may sound silly, but you will get used to it. Perhaps, if you use such meaningless words, over time, the need for abuse will simply disappear.
    • Even if you accidentally utter a swear word, just say immediately after it your chosen substitute word. Gradually, your brain will draw a parallel between these words, and you will be able to consciously choose between them.
  3. 3 Expand your vocabulary. Swear words are often used to better express your thoughts. However, this is not an excuse. There are so many other words that will help you express your thought more concretely and correctly than a swear word.Enrich your vocabulary and replace swear words with others, and you will begin to be perceived as an intelligent and interesting person.
    • Create a list of your favorite swear words and replace them with “good” words using an explanatory dictionary.
    • You can enrich your vocabulary by reading more books and newspapers. Write down any new words you like and try to use them in your speech. Also, try to observe the phrases and words that people around you use, instead of using language.


  • Studies have shown that 21 days is enough to get rid of a bad habit. Use this information as a goal - not to swear for 21 days.
  • Do not hurry. Promise yourself not to use mate, but use other, less offensive words. So, you will stop scolding pretty quickly. However, everything is individual here.
  • If a situation triggers a checkmate, take a break and calm down.
  • If someone is causing negative emotions and swearing, stop, take a few deep breaths, and count to ten. If necessary, cover your mouth - perhaps you should do this with your palm so that excess does not come out of your mouth.
  • If you are young enough, imagine that your parents are there every time you feel like scolding.
  • Set a good example for the children. If they hear you swearing, they will think it is right and will do the same.
  • Exercise when you are angry. Sport charges you with a positive and eliminates the need to use foul language.
  • If you want to swear because something upset you, count to 10 while breathing deeply. As long as you do this, the urge to swear will disappear.
  • Don't feel like you should avoid swearing altogether (unless you yourself want to). There are times when even the most calm people start scolding, for example, because of pain, fear, or loss. Your goal is to stop using mate as a way of expressing your thoughts and your behavior.
  • If the habit has gone so far that you don't even know when you are swearing, ask a friend or loved one to stop you. Alternatively, install a speech recognition program on your computer that will notify you (and at the same time, possibly delete one of your favorite songs or block it for a week) as soon as it detects a mate.


  • Swearing at work can lead to dismissal.
  • Swearing in public places can lead to a fine, and in some countries, you may even be arrested!
  • You may be fined for mate in an educational institution or your parents may be invited to school.
  • Swearing obscenities can lead to a ban on various sites and forums, as well as in games.