How to move to live in Canada

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


About 250,000 people move to Canada every year. There are several ways to legally move and live in Canada, and perhaps one of them will work for you. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to move to Canada.


Part 1 of 2: Preparing to enter the country

  1. 1 Make sure you are allowed to enter the country. Before proceeding to move to Canada, you must ensure that you are allowed to enter the country. You may be refused relocation for many reasons. The reasons may be as follows:
    • Violation of international law or human rights
    • Conviction
    • For health
    • For financial reasons
    • Providing false information
    • Failure to comply with the "Law on Emigration and Refugee Protection"
    • The presence of a non-entry family member
  2. 2 Check out the different categories of residence permits. To move to Canada, you must submit official documents and obtain a residence permit. Otherwise, your move and residence will be considered illegal, and you yourself may be deported. There are several categories for which you can get a residence permit. These categories include:
    • Skilled workers and graduates... This is considered by many to be the most efficient way to obtain a Canadian residence permit. You can apply for this category if you have at least one year of experience in a managerial, professional or specialized field. Immigration officials will consider your age, work experience, education, and the industry you will be working in.
    • Immigration program for businessmen, entrepreneurs and investors. Such a visa can be obtained by people who are entrepreneurs, professional investors or have their own business. Investors choosing this immigration category need to have a net worth of at least CAD 10 million.
    • Provincial candidates... A residence permit under this program can be obtained when you are selected for this by a particular Canadian province. However, this happens quite rarely.
    • Family sponsorship... Under this category, you can move to Canada if you already have a relative who is willing to sponsor your move.
    • Quebec Immigration Program... This program is similar to the Provincial Applicants program. The exception is that on behalf of the federal government, you are elected by the provincial government of Quebec. It is intended for students, businessmen, seasonal workers, Canadian families and refugees wishing to relocate to Quebec.
    • International adoption / adoption... Under the international adoption program, if Canadian citizens adopt / adopt a child from another country, then he / she will be given a Canadian residence permit.
    • Refugees... Persons who have left their country for reasons of their own safety can also apply for a residence permit. At the same time, sponsorship is also possible to cover the costs of paperwork and moving to Canada.
    • Home caregiver... If you are traveling to Canada to care for a resident of this country, then you can apply for this visa.
    • Immigration program for entrepreneurs... If you work for yourself, then you can apply for a visa for businessmen and entrepreneurs. Know that you will need to prove that your annual income is at least $ 40,000 and that you will continue to earn the same while living in Canada.
  3. 3 Go through the residence permit process. Choose the program that best suits your situation and get your visa. For example, if you are an entrepreneur and are looking to move to Canada, then you will have to fill out slightly different paperwork than when you move to Canada in order to look after someone.
    • If you are a qualified professional and want to expedite the process of moving to Canada, then you can complete the Express Entry online profile. Here you must fill in personal data, information about the language level and provide documents confirming your qualifications. If you do not have a job yet, after completing your profile, you will need to register with the Government of Canada's Job Bank.
    • If you have chosen a program for entrepreneurs, investors, Quebec qualifiers, family sponsorships, or provincial candidates, then you will need to submit your application by mail.
  4. 4 Pay the registration fee. The registration fee is quite large, especially if your spouse and children also immigrate to the country besides you. For example, the Express Entry registration fee for one person is CAD 550. However, if you bring one of your spouses and your child, that amount rises to $ 1250 Canadian dollars.
    • Be sure to pay the registration fee in full, otherwise your application may not be processed.
  5. 5 Wait for your visa to be received. Be aware that the answer may not come immediately, but after a while. Even if you applied through the Express Entry form, the answer may come as early as 6 months. Therefore, apply as soon as you decide to move to Canada. Do not do this a month or a week before moving, do everything as early as possible.
    • If your application is rejected, then you will have to submit it again, but only if your situation has changed dramatically. You cannot appeal the decision.

Part 2 of 2: Moving

  1. 1 Prepare all the necessary documents before moving. Upon arrival in the country, you will have to provide some documents. You will need the following:
    • Canadian immigrant visa and proof of permanent resident status for each family member who comes with you.
    • A valid passport or other official document for each family member traveling with you.
    • Two (2) copies of a list of all personal or household items you bring with you.
    • Two (2) copies of a list of all items arriving later and their monetary value.
  2. 2 Find an apartment or house to live in. Before moving to Canada, you should have a clear plan for how and where you intend to live. Find a place to live within your income level.Remember that moving to Canada will incur some costs, so you must make sure that you still have money after paying your rent.
    • If possible, visit Canada a few months before moving to take a look at potential housing.
    • If you were unable to find a permanent place to live before moving in, then consider staying in a hotel before choosing a suitable option.
  3. 3 Buy private health insurance. Although free health insurance is provided to residents and citizens of the country, upon arrival in the country you will need to purchase health insurance for a period of three months. Each province has its own health insurance companies.
    • If you came to Canada under the Refugee Program, then you will be protected by the Federal Temporary Health Care Program (IFHP) and you will not need to purchase insurance. Everyone else needs to purchase private insurance, after which they will receive a government health insurance card.
  4. 4 Improve your language skills. Good communication skills will help you adapt to your new home. If English and French are not your first languages, then you will have to spend time and effort to improve your knowledge of these languages. Take classes on weekends or evenings to improve your language skills.
    • In some provinces of Canada, French is more common than English. Find out what language people speak in the province you are moving to.
    • If you are already fluent in one of Canada's official languages ​​(English or French), consider learning a second language as well.
  5. 5 Find a job (if you don't already have one). If, before arriving in Canada, you do not find a job for yourself, then upon arrival in the country you will have to spend a lot of time and effort looking for a vacant position. Be sure to register with the Canadian Labor Exchange and check out new vacancies regularly.
    • When it comes to getting a job in Canada, new immigrants have to face some hurdles. Your diploma may not be accepted, your language skills may not be sufficient, or you need work experience in Canada.
    • A Canadian service center will give you a Social Security number. Make sure you have all the required paperwork. Even people with a temporary residence permit can get a social security number.
  6. 6 Apply for Canadian citizenship. If you decide to stay in Canada and start enjoying the rights of a citizen of this country, then you will receive Canadian citizenship. After all, that's why you moved here, isn't it?
    • After three years of living in Canada, you will be able to apply for citizenship. In addition to living in the country for three years, you must also be over 18 years of age, be able to speak English or French, understand Canadian social protocols, and pass an exam in knowledge of the Canadian government and its policies.
    • By fulfilling all of these requirements, you will become a Canadian citizen. You will receive an invitation to attend the ceremony where you will be issued a certificate confirming your Canadian citizenship.


  • Do not forget that moving to another country has its negative aspects. For example, if free health care and lower living costs are positive, the disadvantage is that you will have to get used to a new culture and make new connections and acquaintances. Be sure to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to move to Canada.