How to reject someone without breaking their heart

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How can I reject someone without hurting them?
Video: How can I reject someone without hurting them?


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to reject someone without breaking the person's heart or making them cry? It's actually not that hard. Just follow some of the following guidelines and you should be able to “get off dry of their water”.


  1. 1 Take a look around to make sure no one is around. The worst thing that can happen is to be rejected in front of other people! If there are people around you, take the person by the hand and try to get away from prying eyes, but do not make your departure too obvious. You may be able to find a semi-secluded corner, or at least a place out of the earshot of others.
  2. 2 Say something in style: "Sorry, but I don't feel the same about you as you do about me." Apologize and offer to stay friends. Don't be cold. Be nice and kind. You can also say, "I really would like to see us as friends." But don't make promises that you don't intend to keep. If you are not going to communicate in the future, it is better not to mention it.
  3. 3 Show that you are sorry and smile at the right times. Make sure you smile regretfully, as if you really wanted to give the person a chance, but you know they won't. This often softens the blow from the spoken words.
  4. 4 Give the person a little encouragement. Be very kind, it will be easier for him there. Make sure, however, that your kindness is not taken as pity. The worst thing about rejection is pity. All his (her) sense of dignity and pride is at stake, and pity will only prevent you both from staying calm. If you act like really do not want anything with this person, be prepared for his reaction, which in most cases manifests itself in the form of despondency, awkwardness and pain.
  5. 5 Speak in a calm, collected voice. Don't throw out whatever comes to mind first. Take a break before you say something, and think carefully about how abruptly but painlessly to interrupt communication, or how to maintain friendship with this person. Show that you, too, care about the fact that you are forced to refuse him (her). However, say what you think and don't act unnatural.
  6. 6 Nobody likes to be dumped, so don't be overly friendly after all that has been said. Give the person time to recover. Sometimes a little space is worth a lot.


  • Don't be too nice so that the person doesn't think you like it now. Don't mislead the person. Behave the same as before failure.
  • The best thing to do when you refuse is to tell the person that you enjoy seeing and spending time with them often, but that you are not interested in creating a romantic relationship with them. So you show the person that he is dear to you, but you will not give false hopes.
  • You must understand that rejection is very humiliating for both girls and boys.
  • If the person loses his temper, stay calm and continue to show that you are sorry, but you are happy and know that you are doing the right thing. This is doubly important. If you get angry, too, you will both create unnecessary tension and hate.
  • If you are lonely, try not to think about it in the presence of the person you rejected. He may get the impression that you are hungry for a relationship with anyone other than him.
  • Give him or her some time to rethink. If you choose to remain friends, be as sweet as possible.
  • Don't be rude to the person! What's the point in trying not to break his heart if you're being rude?
  • Say what you yourself would like to hear if you were rejected.
  • You can also say that you are flattered that the person has feelings for you, but at this time you cannot reciprocate, but would like to remain friends.


  • Whatever you do, DO NOT reject the person by phone, email, or text. In this case, he will never speak to you again.
  • If you are not ready for a relationship at the moment, but believe that something may work out for you in the future, make it clear. Tell the person what place he occupies in your life and, if possible, explain the reason that holds you back at the moment.
  • Don't flirt with the person or do anything provocative after a rejection. You can cheer him up after refusal, but if you are too nice, your “no” will not be heard.