How to respond to a compliment

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
What to Say When Someone Compliments You, and What Not To Say--Common Communication Mistakes We Make
Video: What to Say When Someone Compliments You, and What Not To Say--Common Communication Mistakes We Make


Responding to compliments can be tough, especially if you feel like accepting them will make you seem conceited. Actually, if you politely accept a compliment, you will seem more modest than if you let it go deaf ear or begin to deny what was said. Be that as it may, it is important to be able to respond to questionable compliments. Read on to find out how to respond to a compliment.


Method 1 of 2: Responding to a compliment

  1. 1 Give preference to simplicity. You may want to say all sorts of things when someone compliments you, but sometimes your best bet is to simply thank the person who gave you the compliment.
    • For example, words like “Thank you! Nice to know that you think so” or “Thank you, I appreciate that compliment” is a perfectly acceptable way to respond.
    • Remember to smile and make eye contact with the person who compliments you when you thank them.
  2. 2 Resist the urge to ignore or deny the compliment. Sometimes people feel the need to turn a deaf ear to a compliment or reject it, belittling their own efforts or abilities. In these situations, you may feel obligated to say, “Thank you, but there really is nothing special about that.” While you may think that your attempts to deny the compliment will betray you modesty, in reality you will show your lack of self-confidence, or it will seem to others that you are asking for additional compliments.
    • Instead of denying the compliment, allow yourself to feel proud of what you have accomplished and simply say, "Thank you."
  3. 3 Recognize the role of others who deserve to share this praise with you. If you are complimented on something other people have done, be sure to mention them as well. Don't take all the laurels for yourself.
    • Saying something like, “We've all worked really hard on this project, thank you for acknowledging it,” you will distribute the praise to other people who have contributed to your achievement.
  4. 4 Return compliments in a sincere, non-competitive way. Sometimes you may feel a strong urge to diminish your own abilities by redirecting the compliment you just received towards the person who gave it to you, but resist it.
    • A line like “Thank you, but I'm not nearly as talented as you” will give the impression that you lack confidence in yourself and that you are probably even trying to out-perform the person who complimented you. This type of response can also give the impression that you are sucking up to that person.
    • Instead of redirecting the compliment you receive, return the compliment that doesn't feel like a competition. For example, you might say something like, “Thank you! I appreciate it. I think your presentation was very impressive today too! ”
  5. 5 Accept and respond to compliments as soon as you hear them. Don't ask for an explanation or ask again. Asking the speaker to repeat what they say or to explain a compliment in more detail runs the risk of sounding vain or narcissistic. Accept the compliment as it is, and don't ask for reinforcement or explanation.

Method 2 of 2: Redirect a questionable compliment

  1. 1 Remember that this kind of offensive compliment is not about you. If someone gives you a compliment like this, it probably speaks of their own self-doubt and denial. Instead of hating the person for telling you unpleasant things, try to understand why he or she is so bitter. Understanding that questionable compliments don't apply to you will help you respond in a way that stops it.
  2. 2 Respond to these kinds of compliments. Don't let offensive compliments go unanswered.If someone gives you a questionable compliment, make it clear that you understand that it was not really a compliment.
    • Say something like, “I know you wanted to compliment me, but it didn't sound right. Maybe there is something that you would like to talk to me about? " This type of response will help you respond to an offensive compliment and open up a discussion about what makes this person say such things to you.
  3. 3 Dismiss a compliment about innate qualities if you don't think it is. If someone says that you are incredibly lucky when you achieve something, do not thank for it. Thanks to the person for such a compliment, you indirectly agree that you haven't actually worked very hard to achieve your achievement.
    • You don't have to be rude or aggressive in your response, you can just say something like, "I may be lucky, but I think my success on this project is more due to hard work than luck."