How to tell true love from fake love

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Signs of Fake Love
Video: 8 Signs of Fake Love


The person who truly loves you is the one who loves you unconditionally, the one who cares about you, who will help you get through fire and water, who treats you like a family member, and no matter how it changes your appearance, financial condition or living conditions, he will always be there, holding your hand. Read this article to find out if you are truly loved.


  1. 1 Talk to your loved one. If you have doubts about your relationship, bring up the issue in a calm and discreet conversation. This is the best way to make sure you are in tune.
  2. 2 Determine if your partner is binding you with specific restrictions or conditions. True love is unconditional. It is characterized by trust and loyalty in relationships.
  3. 3 Think about the impact of money. Sometimes money encourages people to play love that doesn't really exist. Make sure your partner loves you and considers you special, even if you are not rich.
  4. 4 Think about how often you interact with your partner. What happens when you don't communicate? Does it make him angry or upset, or does it not cause any reaction?
    • Keep in mind that you don't need to communicate on a daily basis. You can have a sincere and healthy relationship even if you don't speak every day.
  5. 5 Consider physical intimacy. Good physical intimacy is important, but not required.
    • If your partner wants intimacy with you, it may be an act of lust, not true love.
    • If you have denied physical intimacy, but nothing has changed in your partner's behavior, this may be a sign of sincere feelings.
  6. 6 Think about the influence of the family. If your partner is willing to introduce you to their family, they may be serious about you. If he gets angry when you ask to introduce you to his family, this can be a dangerous signal.
    • Remember that people can have different relationships with their families. If your partner doesn't want to introduce you, they may have a legitimate reason to do so.
  7. 7 Consider the role that respect plays in your relationship. Full respect for each other is a great indicator of true love and healthy relationships.


  • Remember that every person and every relationship is individual and none of your steps indicated is absolutely true. The best way to make sure you look the same at the issue is to talk to your partner.


  • Be careful and don't doubt your partner for stupid reasons. Trust is a lifelong path to love.