Forget the girl you like

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Route 94 - Forget The Girl
Video: Route 94 - Forget The Girl


You just can't get that girl out of your mind and the obsession keeps you from enjoying life. You've tried everything but you can't forget her. While it may seem like you'll never be able to forget this special girl, redemption can come faster than you thought if you follow these simple steps.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Understanding your problem

  1. Realize that you have to forget about the girl. Before you can start forgetting about the girl, you have to admit that you shouldn't think about her anymore. You need to stop denying that it makes you think about her most of the day and that it doesn't make you sleep, and that it also makes you feel miserable. Here's how you know you can't put her out of your mind:
    • When you find that five minutes don't go by without you thinking about her.
    • If you start to think more about her when you try to forget her.
    • If you compare every girl you know or meet with her.
    • If other girls don't interest you, even if they are interested in you.
    • If you find yourself writing down her name or drawing her face all the time.
    • When every song reminds of her.
    • If you check her Facebook or Twitter posts every few hours.
    • If you think you'll never be happy if you can't be with her.
  2. Find out why you can't put her out of your mind. Once you admit you have a problem, you have to find out why you can't forget her. When you have found the core of the problem, you can start looking for a solution. Here are some reasons why you should keep thinking about her:
    • You've never met such a great girl and you know for sure that no one is like her. She is so special you must have her. If this is the case, tell yourself that you will actually meet another girl who is just as special, as long as you have patience.
    • You are so unhappy with multiple aspects of your life that you think this girl can solve all the problems that will make you happy. If so, you need to work on improving those other aspects of your life, such as your health or friendships.
    • You feel that way about all the girls you meet. You obsessively jump from one girl to another. If so, your obsessions can get in the way of your happiness or your future relationships.
    • You're trying to get over a serious relationship. If this is the case, it will be harder not to think about her, but it will work out eventually. Before you can do that, you must take the right steps to heal your broken heart.
  3. Make a plan of action. Once you've figured out the reasons behind your obsession, start making a plan to get her out of your mind. You may feel like you can never forget her, but if you have a good plan and stick to it, you'll find it's easier than it looks. Here are some things to include in your plan:
    • If you haven't done it yet, disconnect with the girl now. If she's in your group or in your class, try to hang out with your friends less, or at least stay away from her as much as possible. But if she keeps talking to you because she wants to make fun of you, break off immediately. The less time you spend with her, the sooner you can forget about her.
    • Do not view her social media pages. Don't check her Facebook page. If you keep looking at it now, make it a goal to look at it less once a day, until you can live without it for a whole day, or even a few days. You can also take more drastic measures and "unfriend" her on Facebook, or you can terminate your own Facebook account.
    • Delete her phone number. If her number is in your phone, delete it. If you for real need something for something, write it down and hide it.
    • At the end of the day, try to estimate how long you thought about her today. Make a goal to think about her by 30 minutes less every day. Note that this may be difficult to keep track of, and becoming obsessed with keeping track of how often you think about her will only make the obsession worse.
    • Set a date when you want her to be officially forgotten. That could be a few months from now, or maybe even a year.
    • Have patience. Before you start forgetting the girl, realize that it will take time. Don't get frustrated if you can't stop thinking about her right away, or if you think about her a little bit more in the beginning than before you started your plan.

Method 2 of 4: Spend time with people who are dear to you

  1. Spend time with your family. It's important to see a lot of people so that you notice that the girl in question isn't the only person on the planet. Having a good relationship with your family keeps you grounded and cannot get lost in obsessive thoughts. Here's what you can do:
    • If you live close to your family, offer to do chores around the house. Then you not only help your family members, but you also feel more useful.
    • Call your parents as often as possible. Before you do that, you can write down some points you want to talk about so that you have different topics to talk about than the girl.
    • If you are close to your family, ask for advice. If others can tell you how they got over obsessions in the past, you feel less alone and you see that your goal is not unattainable.
  2. Spend time with your best friends. Your best friends can make you feel loved and distract you from the girl. Spend your time meaningfully with your friends, or go to concerts or the cinema with them so you can change your mind. Here's what you can do:
    • Find fun activities to do with your friends, such as canoeing, going to a new restaurant, or exercising to run 3 miles. By setting goals together instead of just hanging around, you don't have time to worry.
    • Open up with your friends. Without whining about the girl of your dreams, discuss your issues and see if they can give you advice. If your friends know you're having a hard time, they can take you out more often.
    • If you're too sad to move out, invite friends back home. If your obsession is so exhausting that sometimes you don't even want to leave the house, ask your friends to come and have a nice pizza on the couch with a movie - then you can be sure that you will feel better soon.
  3. Spend time with other girls. Even if you are not ready for a new romantic adventure, it can still be very nice to be with a good friend or with the girlfriends of your friends. Here's how that can help:
    • Think what's so great about these girls. Then you see that the girl you keep thinking about isn't that unique.
    • After a while, try to see these girls by themselves, without comparing them to the other girl.

Method 3 of 4: Stay active

  1. Make a schedule for the day. Don't underestimate the power of a tight schedule. Chances are, you're obsessed with this girl because you don't have enough else to do. Creating a schedule keeps you focused on what you want to achieve and prevents you from having too much time to dream away. Here's what you can do:
    • Make a plan for the mornings. Tell yourself to jog, read five newspaper articles, or do some other task.
    • Make a plan for the day. Make a schedule that shows your school or work hours, time to meet with friends or to do other things. Check your schedule and make sure you don't have too much free time.
    • Make a plan for the evenings. You will find that you have a lot of free time after work, so aim to read a few chapters from a book, go to the movies, or meet up with friends so that you don't spend the evening looking at her photos. Facebook is staring.
  2. Improve other aspects of your life. If you stick to that girl in such a way that you can hardly function anymore, chances are that other things in your life are wrong. Improving other areas of your life, such as your friendships or your health, will not only make you happier, but you will also think less about her. You can do this:
    • Focus on your relationships. If you have problems with friends or family, solve them. You feel much better because you are less alone.
    • Work on a healthy body. If you're obsessed with a girl, you don't have time to work on your health, so try to exercise at least three times a week and eat three healthy meals a day.
    • Change scenery, if you can. If your room or house has become a mess just because you were only dealing with that girl, take some time to clean up and rearrange the furniture. Then your whole head immediately feels clearer and you feel completely refreshed afterwards.
      • If your environment, such as your place of residence or your work, makes you unhappy, the obsession with the girl may be only part of the problem. Try to change your environment or your job. If you are in a place where you keep thinking about her, changing the environment can ease the pain.
    • Try to take care of others more. Maybe you've been so focused on the girl that you couldn't see the rest of the world anymore. Try to be less selfish and volunteer in your area, or help friends or family with chores.
  3. Find new interests. Doing something you would otherwise never do can get you out of the rut. Any new interest you find will stop you thinking about the girl that will make you feel like a different person. You also have something new to look forward to. Here's what you can do:
    • Go on a trip. By being away from your normal environment for a while you can change your mind. If you can't afford an expensive vacation, plan a few weekend trips and ask your friends along.
    • From yourself. Take a singing, drama or dance class. This can help you express your feelings and it can be a lot of fun.
    • Get addicted to a new writer. Lost love is a favorite subject in literature, so discovering a writer who voices your thoughts will make you feel less alone. Reading makes you a more interesting person - just don't get more isolated. If you are going to read, do it in a park or in the library, so that you have people around you.

Method 4 of 4: Be ready to move on

  1. Ask a girl out. When you feel good enough to date girls again, it's time to put yourself back in the market. You can ask a nice girl out, ask if friends want to match you, or you can sign up on a dating site. You can do this:
    • Start slow. If you're dating a girl for the first time, take it slow and have fun. Have a good time and don't get serious until the time comes.
    • Don't talk about your old obsession. The new girl will immediately break down, because you will come across as someone with obsessive tendencies.
    • Remind yourself that you won't feel the same for the first girl right away, but be proud of yourself for trying.
  2. Control your obsessive behavior. It's great that you are now ready to move on, but make sure your next relationship is different from the last. Break the cycle of obsession and despair and try the following:
    • Don't get attached too quickly. While it is important to open yourself up to love, try not to just think about it all the time, or it will hurt you when things go wrong. Don't replace one obsession with another, or it won't get any better.
    • Stay busy and active even if you've found someone you really like. If you have now forgotten the last girl and you love your new girlfriend, make sure you continue to lead a busy and active life. If you spend all your time with your new lover, you run the risk of heartbreak again.
    • If it feels right, open up to love. As long as you are not obsessive, it is good to fall back into love. Don't hold back strong feelings by fearing attachment.


  • Try to laugh more. Watch comedy shows or hang out with funny people. By smiling you see things in perspective and you understand better when people say that it is not the end of the world.
  • Don't let things get out of hand if you drink alcohol.


  • If nothing helps you forget this girl and you feel that your life is worthless without her, you may be depressed and should seek professional help.
  • Alcohol is not a good way to relieve the pain. You may forget about the girl for a moment, but you can get very emotional and make a fool of yourself in public.
  • Sometimes you just can't forget someone, especially if you've loved someone a lot or you feel guilty.