How to stay faithful to Christ

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
A Challenge to Faithfulness - Tony Evans Sermon
Video: A Challenge to Faithfulness - Tony Evans Sermon


Living in Christ is a wonderful and special experience! When you are saved, you can build a deep and personal relationship with Him. This is the need of Christians. As a Christian, you do God's will (bear fruit) if you abide in him and try to obey His Ten Commandments. As John 15: 5 says: "I am the vine, and you are the branches; whoever abides in Me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."

This article will help you understand how to abide in Christ - and bear great fruit.


  1. 1 Realize your need for Christ: He said, "I am the vine, and you are the branches. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself." When you turn to Jesus for help, you must "be willing to believe." Humble yourself to do good and do God's will so Jesus can work through you. How to Be Like a Publican has tips on how to come to humility.
  2. 2 Repent and turn your mind to Jesus in faith. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, and those who believe in him can find true life and be free from the present evil age - accept His gift of salvation. Confess your sins / transgressions to God, praying to God to transform your inner existence and life. Turn from sin and follow God's great love in Jesus, as you will be with your Heavenly Father daily.
  3. 3 Pray. This is not only a major opportunity, but a need. You need constant communication with our Lord. Jesus prayed while on earth and taught us how to pray.If Jesus needed prayer, how much more do we need it? God takes care of you and everything that happens - from the smallest request to the greatest need; what an opportunity. He always listens and knows your needs, even if sometimes it seems like they are not. Psalm 55:22 says, "Throw your care upon the Lord," and then "He will sustain you." Prayer is both telling God about your life plans, and asking him to make you more like Jesus. Therefore, you will do well if you ask for God's blessing before reading the Scriptures.
  4. 4 Read the Bible. Psalms 119: 9 says: "How can a boy [or a girl] keep his way clean? By keeping himself according to Your word." It is very important to set aside time for the Bible every day. Focus your mind on her, let your heart turn to Christ and be filled with him. The Bible is the word of God, it tells the story of His redemption in this world! As you begin to see your place in God's scriptures, you will understand why your life has meaning and where your path lies. As you read the Bible, you open your ears to hear God. John 17:17 says: "Sanctify them in Thy truth; Thy word is truth."
  5. 5 Praise and rejoice! God tells us in James 1:17 that "every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from above, from the Father of lights." This means that we have hundreds of reasons to thank God! For the opportunity to breathe, for food, for work, friends, God's family, forgiveness of sins, the power to overcome evil, and much more! The main reason to always rejoice and thank God is that (if you believe in Jesus) you will be resurrected on the last day to enjoy eternal life in the New Heaven and Earth, where God will be with us. There is no better hope.
  6. 6 God rejoices in satisfying the needs of his children in Christ! We can appeal to God and say: “We yearn to know you, to be filled with your Spirit, to be free from the burden of our sin! We long for a Jesus who satiates better than any food! "Fasting is a way to build faith in God instead of attaining physical comfort. Christians are expected to fast, not because of commitment, but because knowing Jesus means we find everything in it every hour greater satisfaction.
  7. 7 Ask God for strength to do His will. John 15:10 says: "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love." No one is able to do something in the name of God by their own strength: God is our strength. Without it, we cannot do anything important! It may be hard not to sin, but with God's help and His grace, we can do our best. Be confident in Him.
    • Realize that there is freedom in Jesus Christ - to live according to the Spirit, not to succumb to the temptation greater than you can bear, not to be a slave to yourself anymore, and the highest achievement in life is to reject habitual fleshly passions, such as the lust of the eyes, envy, greed, judgment of others, prejudice and hatred.
  8. 8 Study the words of Jesus in the four gospels. Read “Matthew,” “Mark,” “Luke,” and “John,” as well as Acts, Romans, and other scriptures, if time permits. Be quickened, remember God's “quiet voice” (conscience), as the Bible says. If God lives in you, you love God, then "understand": your thoughts must be in accordance with the teachings of Jesus and his instructions, such as "Love your neighbor." Do as He told us in His word. Realize its power:

    And if the Spirit of the One who raised Christ from the dead lives in you, the One who raised Christ from the dead will also revive your mortal bodies with His Spirit living in you.


  • Seek friendship with those who seek to live in Christ.
  • Read about examples of people living in Christ.
  • Be humble. Do not be proud of anything, but boast only to Christ.
  • Stick to the FROG idea - fully rely on god ("Rely entirely on God"). Think about it, and the daily frustrations seem like a trifle.


  • Don't trust yourself! The call of the flesh will destroy you!
  • Jeremiah 17: 9 "The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" Realize how bad (devoid of true virtues) each of us! This is the key to humility before God!