How to stop someone from bullying you

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Someone From Bullying You
Video: How To Stop Someone From Bullying You


Bullying (in psychology there is a term “bullying” - English “bullying”) is not acceptable under any circumstances, and can be especially unpleasant when directed against you. Instead of putting up with bullying, we suggest that you learn how to stop them and protect the rest of the guys. The person will be grateful for your participation, thanks to which you can together defeat the bully.


  1. 1 Ignore bad comments. If this person tells the teacher that you are ignoring him / her, tell back that this child bullied you and tried to offend you! To do this, try to be on good terms with your teachers.
  2. 2 Tell a teacher, trusted adult, or friend about any bullying that happens to you or someone else. Share how you feel about it.
  3. 3 Beware of traitors and envious people. If you think your friend is actually a disguised enemy, end your friendship with that person immediately.
  4. 4 When faced with physical bullying, try to run away if possible. When faced with physical bullying, instead of fighting back, it is better to run away - this applies to both boys and girls. Do this for your own safety, and if the bully chases after you, hide so that he cannot see you. If the person does not give up, immediately run to the principal's office or contact the nearest teacher! If you do not do this quickly, the bully may notice you and complain to the teacher before you, probably attributing to you bad things that you did not do.
  5. 5 If you cannot escape physical bullying, protect yourself. Do not use high kicks - the bully will simply grab your leg and throw you to the ground. When the bully gives up, don't become the bully yourself by continuing to hurt him. Instead, just walk away. Keep in mind that he will definitely tell the teachers everything, so get ready to tell everything yourself and tip the scales in your favor.
  6. 6 If you are being bullied by the whole team and you have no friends, learn how to deal with it without the help of friends and immediately tell the director about everything.
  7. 7 Establish a good relationship with the director. Get to know him / her, start helping him / her, even just opening the door or offering to carry his / her papers. Then explain your problem to him. Do not exaggerate or the director will think that you tend to exaggerate and will not take you seriously (although a little drama doesn't hurt). No principal wants to see the students in his school get physically hurt, not even the wicked principal (although in this case, he probably just wants to save the face of the school, but it works nonetheless).
  8. 8 Stay with a group of friends. It really helps! When the bully gets close to your group, friends will protect you from him / her. The bully may not even want to approach you! If you don't have friends, just stay as far away from the bully as possible and or be among the teachers.
  9. 9 Start getting rid of the problem step by step. Make friends with adult bullies, or at least guys who are not involved in the conflict. Be as friendly as possible with them.
  10. 10 When you have reduced the number of enemies to one bully or their complete absence, congratulate yourself. You've probably come a long way to achieve this, which could take forever. That's right - it will take time.
  11. 11 Don't let the bully stop you with an extra dose of aggression. Become more aggressive in response instead of showing fear. Communicate with the guys around, find out who else this bully is offending, and help them. Report the bully to the director. Give back aggressively (without causing too much damage). Answer the enemy with his own weapon. Don't show that you are offended by what he says.
  12. 12 Stand up for yourself. Some bully is making fun of you! There is no need to stand and silently endure all this - defend your honor! It can be much more difficult than it sounds, but if you do it when it's over, you will feel great! If you're not sure if you're brave enough, know what you want to say and to whom when you try to stand up yourself.
  13. 13 Know what to tell the bully. When you try to stand up yourself, you need to know what to say and what not to say.What you are about to read may shock and confuse you, but this is exactly the right thing to do: no matter how far it goes, you don't have to be angry. For example, if someone says to you “Nice T-shirt. Not really! ”, Or something else, to offend you, you can say something in response that will not be rude, but unexpected. For example: "Thank you! I like your shirt too!" Don't say it sarcastically, speak it honestly.
  14. 14 Deal with pressure. Chances are, when you are bullied, you will be surrounded by a group of people. These can be your enemies and your friends. Whoever it is, you can't help but try to stand up for yourself. You are guaranteed to hear someone laughing at the very fact that you are trying to stand up for yourself. Some people may not even support the idea that you are trying to do this. Yes, they can be your friends, but this is not an excuse to accept being bullied.
  15. 15 Try to put an end to bullying in principle. There are times when you, if you stand up for your honor, will be able to end the whole bullying situation in principle. Understand that together we can stop the bully. The best way to start this journey is to stand up for yourself and your friends. If someone regularly insults you and in the end it all turns into constant bullying, you can say something like the following: “You know what, I'm tired of your bullying! I love myself the way I am, and you you will not change my opinion, no matter what you say and no matter how hard you try. I think you are just insecure, or just like me, but this is not a reason to do what you are doing now! "
  16. 16 The start of the fight. Often times, bullies want attention, and they get it. They want to start a conflict and hurt a person's feelings and emotions. Don't show them to them, don't let them hurt your feelings. Realize that, to some extent, standing up for yourself is the most wonderful thing you can do. A person can get confused - just like you when you were bullied. It doesn't matter if the bully continues to try to insult you, you must realize that trying to stand up for yourself always brings results. Whatever you think, the bully hears what you say when you defend yourself; and in his heart he knows that he is doing wrong.
  17. 17 Learn to make an evil look. He will show the bully that he attacked the wrong person.


  • If the bully is around, stay close to your friends.
  • Fight won't decide your problems! Become older and wiser.
  • Try to get along with the teachers as best you can.
  • Tell everything to the director as soon as it happened.


  • If the bully is bigger than you, don't hit him. He can go into physical action.
  • Don't hit the bully back. This will only worsen the situation.
  • Never hit people who bully you, unless it is in self-defense! Your teachers won't like this!