How to determine if potatoes need to be peeled or not

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
World’s Fastest Mashed Potato Method - No Peeling or Boiling needed.
Video: World’s Fastest Mashed Potato Method - No Peeling or Boiling needed.


As with many vegetables that people eat, potatoes contain a large amount of nutrients in their skins. Therefore, every cook should know when to peel and when to leave the skins of the potatoes before spending a lot of time peeling!


  1. 1 If possible, do not peel young potatoes. Young potatoes are the first potatoes of the season and are usually small and have a delicate flavor. In my young potatoes, you may notice that their skins come off simply under the pressure of the water. Try washing the potatoes gently so you don't peel off all of the skins.
  2. 2 Check the condition of the potatoes. It is better to peel very dirty potatoes with defects. Scrubbing helps remove dirt (but rinse the potatoes before scrubbing) and remove any blemishes.
  3. 3 Do not peel potatoes if they are organic. Cleaning has become popular with the increase in the amount of pesticides in vegetables. Growing your own or buying certified pesticide-free potatoes will save you no peeling.
  4. 4 Be lazy in the kitchen. Many people don't peel potatoes because they don't like to do it. Always rub the potatoes well to remove any dirt and cut out any blemishes and leave the rest of the skins.
    • Try new recipes. You may have always made this dish with peeled potatoes, and perhaps the recipe requires it. However, plug in your intuition and imagination and try to cook this dish with unpeeled potatoes and see what happens!
    • At the very least, try cooking your brown potatoes before you say you don't like them. You won't know until you try!
  5. 5 Decide what you are using the potatoes for. This is one of the most important conditions when deciding whether or not to peel potatoes. Here are some tips:
    • Mashed potatoes: You need to peel the potatoes if the skin is tight and rough. The dense rind will not crush well and it will be better to peel it than to pick it with a meal. If you are absolutely sure that the peel is thin and then dissolve, then you can do without peeling, but wash the potatoes thoroughly.Never leave the peel on if you want a really smooth puree.
    • Stewed potatoes: In this case, it is up to everyone to leave the peel or peel. If possible, save the rind for a crisp and tastier finish. While some people prefer brown fries (and the savory crunch), you should check out other people's preferences. You can make a 50/50 dish - half peeled potatoes and half peeled.
    • Fried potatoes or French fries: Most often, potatoes are peeled for frying. This gives a taste and a pleasant look. Although, again, there are people who prefer not to peel potatoes because of the unusual type of dish they are used to, or because of the taste. Any method works great.
    • Soups: For puree soups, peel the potatoes. Unpeeled potatoes can be used in soups where potatoes are left in chunks. It all depends on your desire.
    • Baked potato: No questions asked, leave the peel!
    • Steamed potatoes: In this case, only young potatoes with a thin, soft skin can be left unpeeled. For old potatoes with a tight skin, it is best to peel them.
    • Potato salad: Cooked potatoes have a softer skin, which makes them easier to grate. Therefore, potatoes with soft skin can be used unpeeled in salad. Some people prefer to peel potatoes for salad. In principle, this will be better for potatoes with a dense skin.
    • Potatoes in stews, curries, casseroles, etc.: There is no strict rule for this case. Well-washed potatoes, flawless, can be left with their skins. However, in some cases it is necessary to peel off the skin to ensure a uniform texture. You will need trial and error here.
  6. 6 Use the peel. Clean and peeled without green spots or blemishes, potato skins can be used in soups or broths for flavor.


  • If some in your family like peeled potatoes and others unpeeled, look for a compromise. Decide which brown potato dish most people like and vice versa. Or cook 50/50 between peeled and unpeeled potatoes.
  • Always wipe the potatoes well if you are not going to peel them. This does not apply to young potatoes, which must be washed very carefully to remove dirt.
  • Peeling gives a more traditional and formal look to dishes such as potato gratin. Unpeeled potatoes look rustic and informal. Both methods are suitable for most dishes, and it all depends on what kind of presentation of the dish you want to make as a result.
  • If you want to preserve the flavor (and nutrients) in steamed peeled potatoes, then cook and peel the potatoes first.


  • People who do not tolerate nightshades (which include potatoes) may experience stomach discomfort from the potato peel. In order to find out if you are one of these people, you need to pay attention to the reaction of your digestive system after eating and consult a doctor. It's best to know in advance which food is upsetting your digestive system and not put it off until later.
  • Do not peel hot potatoes, as you risk scalding yourself with either the potatoes or the steam.