How to cleanse the liver

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cleanse Your Liver Naturally?
Video: How to Cleanse Your Liver Naturally?


The liver is the second largest organ in the human body and one of the most important, as it is responsible for filtering harmful toxins from the blood. There are special medical programs to cleanse your liver, but you can also make a few simple lifestyle changes to help it function properly.


Part 1 of 4: Drink Healthy Drinks

  1. 1 Minimize your alcohol and caffeine intake. These are two of the liver's biggest enemies, as their toxins are deposited in the liver and interfere with normal liver function. Cleanse your liver by reducing alcohol and caffeine and replacing them with soft drinks so your liver can heal, detoxify, and function normally. Below are some drink options that can help promote liver health.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of water. Remove toxins from your body by drinking at least two liters of water a day. Water naturally stimulates cell regeneration. Drinking enough water will allow the liver to filter waste and toxins and work faster, which will increase your energy levels.
  3. 3 Add lemon to your daily diet. Drink lemon juice with water or tea once a day. Lemon juice stimulates the liver to produce bile, which detoxifies. It also prevents the formation of gallstones and promotes good digestion.
  4. 4 Drink green tea. Green tea is a storehouse of catechins, plant antioxidants that have been shown in research to reduce liver fat storage and improve liver function.
  5. 5 Drink natural fruit smoothies. Fruits and berries such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries improve liver function. These fruits contain organic acids that lower blood sugar levels and are also the best prevention of liver disease.
  6. 6 Follow a lean juice diet. Fasting is the best way to cleanse the liver. You can try eating only fruits and vegetables, or drinking fruit and vegetarian juices, for a period of time. There is a wide variety of similar power systems, choose the one that suits you.
    • Talk to your doctor or dietitian before starting any diet.

Part 2 of 4: Eat Healthy Foods

  1. 1 Avoid foods that damage your liver. Processed foods that are high in preservatives, fats and cholesterol can overload the liver and clog it with residual fat. Cleanse the liver by avoiding processed and fatty foods, which will allow the liver to regenerate cells.
    • Avoid fast food. In particular, avoid fried foods or canned meats (cut out sausage, bacon, corned beef, etc. from your diet)
    • Avoid bad fats. Fatty red meats, deep-fried foods, and processed fats negatively affect your liver. Processed fats include margarine, crumbly fat, and hydrogenated oils.
    • Avoid artificial sweeteners, colors, and preservatives. It is best to consume natural foods if you want to cleanse the liver.
  2. 2 Eat vegetables. Some vegetables contain nutrients such as beta-carotene, which stimulate liver cells and protect it from toxins. Dark leafy greens like spinach improve cell growth and liver function, while beets protect the liver's bile ducts from toxin damage. Eat 5 servings of vegetables daily, including those that contain nutrients that are particularly beneficial for the liver.
    • Greens promote liver health. You can include dandelion leaves, bitter gourd leaves, arugula, mustard, chicory, and spinach in your diet.
  3. 3 Include garlic in your diet. Garlic contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that activate liver enzymes responsible for flushing toxins out of the body. Garlic also contains allicin and selenium. These two substances have been shown to help protect the liver from toxic damage and aid in the detoxification process.
    • If you cannot eat pure garlic, you can purchase garlic supplements from a health food store or pharmacy.
  4. 4 Eat grapefruit. Grapefruit is rich in natural vitamin C and antioxidants - powerful liver cleansers.In addition, grapefruit contains compounds that increase the production of enzymes to detoxify the liver. It also contains a flavonoid compound known as naringenin, which causes the liver to burn fat instead of storing it.
  5. 5 Eat an avocado twice a week. Rich in the powerful antioxidant glutathione, avocado actively promotes liver health by protecting it from toxic overload.
  6. 6 Eat walnuts. Walnuts, which contain high levels of the conditionally essential amino acid L-arginine, the antioxidant glutathione, and omega-3 fatty acids, also aid in liver detoxification. Nut membrane extracts are often used in recipes to cleanse the liver.

Part 3 of 4: Use Herbal Remedies

  1. 1 Use herbal supplements. Natural herbs such as milk thistle, burdock and dandelion root help eliminate toxins from the body, protect cells and promote healthy liver function. You can purchase these products in capsule or tea form. Taking these supplements on a daily basis will help cleanse the liver and improve its performance.
  2. 2 Use soy lecithin. Soy Lecithin Granules contain phospholipids that help protect the liver. Soy lecithin is available at most health food stores.
  3. 3 Increase your magnesium intake. Magnesium promotes the production of bile, which in turn helps cleanse the liver. You can take magnesium supplements to improve liver health.
    • Magnesium can be obtained in a fairly simple way: Dissolve a tablespoon of Epsom salts in warm water and drink this mixture once or twice a month. Magnesium sulfate contains a large amount of magnesium.
  4. 4 Add turmeric to your diet. Turmeric increases the liver's ability to produce bile and helps repair damaged liver cells.
  5. 5 Take milk thistle supplements. Milk thistle is unique in that it helps cleanse and form new liver cells. Silymarin in milk thistle increases the levels of glutathione in the liver, which is a powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on liver health.

Part 4 of 4: Change your lifestyle

  1. 1 Reduce your stress levels. Stressful situations contribute to the release of hormones and endorphins into the bloodstream, and this, in turn, accumulates toxins in the liver and slows down its work. Reduce the stress level in your life.
    • Engage in activities that reduce stress, such as yoga or meditation.
  2. 2 Use natural cleaners. If you expose yourself to chemicals, your liver has to work harder than usual to keep you healthy.
  3. 3 Get a home air purifier. Indoor air contains much more toxins and chemical compounds than outside. Purchase an air purifier if you live in a city or near a highway, as these conditions tend to increase the concentration of dangerous toxins in the air.
  4. 4 Go in for sports. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy body weight, which in turn reduces your risk of liver disease. Exercise also improves liver enzyme function.