How to remove adhesives from carpet

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove adhesive carpet tape from carpet
Video: How to remove adhesive carpet tape from carpet


The soft carpet is pleasant to walk on, but dirt and debris collects over time. If there are small children in the house or if you are doing crafts yourself, glue, tape, or other sticky things may get on the carpet. If not removed immediately, the stain will collect additional dirt and be more difficult to remove. It is best to choose the best method and immediately remove the sticky stain from the carpet!


Method 1 of 3: Removing PVA glue

  1. 1 Remove excess glue. Try to remove as much glue as possible. Even if it is dry, try to remove it from the carpet.
    • If the glue is still wet, blot the stain with a towel. Try to remove as much glue as possible with a towel.
    • If the glue has dried, use a damp towel. Dampen a towel with warm enough water to soften the glue.
  2. 2 Use distilled white vinegar. Dampen a rag with distilled white vinegar and use it to wipe the stained area for at least one minute so that it also gets wet. Leave the vinegar on the carpet for at least 15 minutes.
    • If desired, you can also use a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. However, in this case, you will most likely need to leave the mixture on the carpet overnight.
    • After the vinegar, you can quickly and easily remove the adhesive from the carpet.
    • Remove the remaining adhesive with a wet rag and wait for the carpet to dry.
    • Use only distilled white vinegar and test it on a small area of ​​carpet beforehand.
  3. 3 Apply dish soap. Instead of white vinegar, you can use liquid dish detergent, which is found in almost every home.Dissolve about 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of dish soap in a glass (240 ml) of warm water.
    • Using a rag, apply the mixture directly to the remaining glue. Rub the stain lightly, but do not apply too much pressure to prevent the adhesive from penetrating deeper into the carpet.
    • Blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth and let the carpet dry.

Method 2 of 3: Removing the tape

  1. 1 Remove excess tape. Try to remove as much of the tape as possible.
    • If the tape is firmly attached to the carpet, grasp it with your fingers and slowly pull upward. Try to remove as many pieces of tape as possible from the carpet.
  2. 2 Use distilled white vinegar. Scotch tape can be removed from carpet using distilled vinegar.
    • Dampen a rag with distilled white vinegar and wipe the stained area for at least one minute to moisten it properly. Then let the vinegar sit for at least 15 minutes.
    • If desired, you can also use a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. However, in this case, you will most likely need to leave the mixture on the carpet overnight.
    • After the vinegar, you can quickly and easily remove the tape from the carpet.
    • Remove any remaining tape with a wet rag and wait for the carpet to dry.
    • Use only distilled white vinegar and test it on a small area of ​​carpet beforehand.
  3. 3 Spray WD-40 spray onto the tape. First, scrub the carpet with a plastic knife or putty knife to remove as much of the tape as possible. Then apply WD-40 to the remaining tape and wait 15 minutes. After that, scrub the carpet again and try to remove as much of the tape as possible. Finally, apply a carpet cleaner like Vanish.
    • Remember to test the WD-40 Spray on an inconspicuous area of ​​carpet before applying it in a visible area. For example, you can apply it to the area under the sofa. Make sure the spray does not damage or stain the carpet material.
    • Do not leave WD-40 on carpet for more than 15-30 minutes, otherwise it may weaken the adhesive holding the carpet in place.
  4. 4 Blot the contaminated area with rubbing alcohol. Dampen a clean rag or paper towel with rubbing alcohol and press down on the carpet. Rub the carpet lightly to remove the tape. If the duct tape is firmly attached to the carpet, place a cloth soaked in alcohol on it for about 10-15 minutes, and then scrub the carpet.
    • Test on an inconspicuous area before using rubbing alcohol.
    • You can use vodka instead of alcohol.
  5. 5 Use an iron. Plug in the iron and set it to the maximum steam ironing temperature. Cover the soiled area with a paper towel. Then cover the paper towel with a clean rag. When the iron is at the correct temperature, simply sweep it over the rag for about 10 seconds. Then remove the rag and paper towel from the carpet. The tape should stick to the paper towel.
    • Be careful when handling a hot iron. Test it on a small area before using it to peel off the tape.
    • A towel or rag is necessary to avoid scalding the carpet with the iron.
  6. 6 Order steam cleaning from a professional. If the above methods did not help, seek professional help. Sometimes it can be difficult to remove the tape yourself. If the methods described do not give the desired result, it may be worth contacting a specialist to clean the carpet.
    • Hire someone with experience in removing glue and tape.
    • Search the internet for relevant companies and see what cleaning methods they offer. If you prefer environmentally friendly methods, please let us know in advance.

Method 3 of 3: Cleaning the Super Glue

  1. 1 Remove as much glue as possible. Even if the super glue has dried out, you can try to partially remove it.
    • To remove dried super glue, dampen a cotton ball with acetone nail polish remover and blot the stain.Start with a small area. If you notice nail polish remover damaging your carpet, stop immediately. Otherwise, you can apply the liquid to the entire stain.
    • Blot the stain with a damp cloth to remove any residual glue and nail polish remover.
  2. 2 Use a D-limonene product. After you've removed most of the glue and nail polish remover, apply a D-limonene cleaner. It is a natural and environmentally friendly substance.
    • Ask for help from a shop assistant at a hardware store or search online for a suitable tool. There are many different D-limonene products available on the market.
    • Dampen a rag with the cleaner and apply it to the stain. Gloves can be worn if desired, although D-limonene is a natural substance.
    • Read the instructions for use that came with the product and leave it on the carpet for the recommended time.
    • Take a clean rag, dampen it with water, and wipe off any remaining cleaning agent from the carpet. Rub the carpet well, as there will be residue after the D-limonene.
  3. 3 Try using a gel thinner. One of the more popular gel thinners is Goo Gone. It can be used in place of D-Limonene.
    • Apply Goo Gone directly to the stain and leave it on for one minute.
    • Wipe Goo Gone with a damp cloth.
    • Blot the carpet with a dry rag and wait for it to dry. It is possible that you will have to reapply the cleaning agent and rinse it off if there is any glue on the carpet.
    • Other gel thinners can be used in place of Goo Gone.


  • Be sure to test the carpet edge cleaner to make sure it doesn't discolor.
  • Most citrus and other glue removers will help remove glue from the carpet. When finished, be sure to remove any remaining cleaning agent from the carpet.


  • Do not saturate the carpet with solvent. The carpet contains glue, and too much solvent can cause the carpet to fall apart.

What do you need

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Water
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Aerosol WD-40
  • Rubbing alcohol or vodka
  • Iron
  • Soft rags
  • Acetone nail polish remover