How to clean ink stains from carpet

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove ink stains from carpet.
Video: How to remove ink stains from carpet.


Sometimes the inkwell just falls out of your hands, and you are left with an ink stain on the carpet. Not that! There are several ways you can try, and most likely you have all of the tools under the sink or in the closet.


Method 1 of 4: Rub with rubbing alcohol

  1. 1 Get a clean cloth and rubbing alcohol as soon as possible after the ink spills. Dampen a corner of the cloth with rubbing alcohol and blot ink stain. A prerequisite that you not rubbing the stain will only aggravate the problem. Wipe it gently so that the fibers of the rag absorb the ink.
    • Start at the corner and work your way towards the center, preventing the stain from spreading, which can be a significant problem. Work the surface with a rag in a clockwise twisting motion.
  2. 2 Repeatedly apply the damp cloth to the stain, adding more alcohol to the cloth from time to time. Make yourself comfortable, because alcohol needs to stay on the dirt for about 30 minutes. The alcohol needs to literally eat away at the stain, which can take time. Be patient! br>
  3. 3 To avoid damaging the material, rinse the area with warm water and vinegar. A quarter cup of vinegar to a little more than a liter of water is the correct ratio (that's 1:16). Rubbing alcohol can damage the color of your carpet, depending on the texture, so rinsing is a good idea.
    • If the stain has appeared, rinse the affected area of ​​the carpet with clean water and let it dry. Vacuum this area if the fibers are slightly wrinkled.
  4. 4 If the stain is well removed, cover it with shaving cream. Wait 15 minutes. After this time, remove the foam and blot with the above-described acetic-water solution.
    • Now the stain should exactly leave. Rinse it with clean water and admire your spotless carpet!

Method 2 of 4: Using a lubricant

  1. 1 Spray a lubricant such as WD-40 or Triflow on the stain. Leave it on for a few minutes. Note: strongly advise try this product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the carpet, as the grease can stain the carpet forever and everThis will leave the stain on your carpet even worse than before.
    • Although WD-40 seems to be a fairly safe tool. If you have a wide variety of products, go for it.
  2. 2 Remove the stain with a sponge and warm, soapy water. A carpet cleaner will work, too, but why waste the extra money when plain soap will work? Rub the soap into the stain, removing the grease along with the ink.
  3. 3 Rinse with warm water. Even soap can leave a nasty residue, so be sure to rinse the stain with clean, warm water. Pay close attention to the edges of the stain because this is the easiest part to skip.
  4. 4 Let dry. Your carpet should be as good as new! Comb through the fibers with your fingers or vacuum the area to restore its original texture.

Method 3 of 4: Solve the problem with solutions of detergent, ammonia, and vinegar

  1. 1 Make a solution with detergent. Place 1 teaspoon (5 g) of clear liquid detergent in a cup of water. Spray the solution generously onto the stain.
    • Most detergents are suitable for this purpose, so just pick the tested one.
  2. 2 Blot the stain with a clean white cloth. As in the previous methods, not rub the stain; so it will only eat more into the fibers of the carpet. Pat it up and down gently.
  3. 3 Prepare an ammonia solution. As you did with the cleanser, spray a solution of 1 tablespoon (15 g) ammonia and 1/2 cup water onto the stain. Blot the stain with another clean cloth.
    • If you don't have a spray bottle on hand, try making one yourself from an old bottle of hair spray or body spray. If not, do it the good old fashioned way by spraying the stain.
  4. 4 Make equal parts vinegar and water. Then what do you do? That's right - blot with a clean cloth. The stain disappears, huh? Wonderful!
  5. 5 Reapply the detergent solution to rinse off any residue. Actually, now you are washing the carpet after the ammonia torture that he had to endure. Otherwise, you risk damaging the carpet if the chemicals remain on it.
  6. 6 Rinse with clean water and let dry. To wash off all that ammonia, vinegar, and soap from your carpet, rinse with clean water, blot, and let dry. If the carpet feels hard when you return to it, rinse it again.
    • Swipe your fingers over it. How does it feel? Not perfect? Take a vacuum cleaner and walk through this area several times - it should help.

Method 4 of 4: Shaving Cream

  1. 1 Spray and spread the shaving cream over the stain.
  2. 2 Rinse off with plenty of water. The foam is not immediately washed off, but it should be.
  3. 3 Rinse. Add more water.
  4. 4 Dry it. The stain should disappear. If not, repeat the procedure.


  • If you regularly use ink pens, move them over your work area in a bowl or other container. In this case, if you do spill ink, it is most likely in the bowl, not on the carpet.
  • Some swear that an absorbent (like salt or cornstarch), when placed on a completely fresh stain, should absorb it. Leave it on for a day, then return to this area and the stain is gone. If you tend to trust this information, you can try this method as well.


  • Do not pour alcohol directly onto the stain, as this will diffuse the ink.
  • Do not rub the ink stain with a rag, this will absorb it deeper into the fibers!
  • Any attempt to remove the stain can damage the carpet. Try all the methods on an invisible area of ​​carpet before applying it to the stain.

What do you need

Method one: rub with alcohol

  • Clean cloth
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Vinegar
  • Warm water
  • Shaving gel (for stubborn stains)

Method two: Using a lubricant

  • WD-40 or other grease
  • Clean rags
  • Sponge
  • Soapy water

Method three: Solving the problem with detergent, ammonia and vinegar solution

  • 1 tablespoon liquid detergent
  • Vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon ammonia
  • Clean rags
  • Atomizer (s)