How to charm a man

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Attract Men | 5 Proven Ways To Attract The Man You Truly Desire
Video: How To Attract Men | 5 Proven Ways To Attract The Man You Truly Desire


Feminine charm is not an exact science. Nevertheless, there are some tricks and techniques, the use of which will always work in your favor. And what is especially valuable - most of these techniques help to charm a man, regardless of whether he is a new acquaintance or a person who has been present in your life for a long time.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Show Your Femininity Openly

  1. 1 Appeal to his sense of smell. Apply a little perfume or perfume before meeting. Do not forget that even a small amount will last for a long time; having covered yourself with perfume, you run the risk of making a strong impression, however, far from charm.
    • Tune in for a long-term effect and stick to the same scent. The man you are interested in will begin to associate this fragrance with you, and whenever he feels it - even if you are not present - he will somehow think of you.
  2. 2 Get a pair of high heels. High heels visually lengthen and slim your legs, thereby making them more attractive.
    • In addition to affecting visual forms, pay attention to your gait as well.Move more slowly and more consciously - this will give your movements more grace and sensuality.
    • Of course, care should be taken to ensure that the heels are comfortable enough for walking.
  3. 3 Expose skin areas gently. Short skirts that expose a good part of the legs, of course, draw attention to themselves, but nevertheless, moderation is the key to victory. The point is to tease the imagination, not flaunt all of your charms overnight.
    • Legs are one of the most obvious and yet most powerful assets. You can provoke a man with a mini-skirt, or you can provoke a man with a long skirt with a large neckline or a skirt of medium length, but successfully fitting all your shapes. Either option can look extremely tempting if you have the confidence to put it on.
    • If you don't want to show your legs, you can show part of your back or neckline. At the same time, choose only one. If you want to wear a dress with a low cut on the back, the neckline should look very modest and the length of the dress should not be higher than the knee.
  4. 4 Choose clothes that flatter your figure. You need to feel comfortable in your clothes, so choose the items that make you feel great. Body-flattering outfits will also impress a man and provide you with a good sense of self.
    • Realize that different styles suit different body types. Learn to identify your body type and dress accordingly. As a general rule of thumb, detail and bold lines are used to draw the eye to a specific area, while dark, heavy colors help to distract attention from themselves.
  5. 5 Treat yourself to black or red. Even if this is not a strict rule, but one way or another, most agree that black or red clothes attract men more than any other colors.
    • It is no coincidence that many women have a little black dress in their wardrobe. Black color slims and gives a halo of mystery.
    • Psychologically, red is associated with love and passion. If a bright red is too cocky for you, go for a darker shade of red or pink.
  6. 6 Apply some lipstick. A little color on the lips will accentuate them and make men pay attention to them. Since lips are a particularly sensual part of the body, a masculine interest in your lips will add physical charm to you.
    • Take the time to find the color that suits your skin and hair. Your personality deserves attention too. Vibrant colors can be extremely captivating, but if you are generally more classic in style, muted tones may be much more acceptable.
    • Play with different types of textures. Try lip gloss or matte lipstick.
  7. 7 Cover your nails with varnish. Even if a man is oblivious to your manicure, well-groomed nails will give your nails a more sensual and feminine look.
    • If you don't like using nail polish, at least trim and trim your nails. Moisturize your hands regularly to keep them soft and smooth.
    • The general rule of thumb is that short nails look better in natural, light tones, while long nails are best covered with deeper color tones. Solid color tones look more subtle than shiny ones, so if you want to accentuate your feminine charm, choose solid colors.
  8. 8 Take care of your body. You don't need to have a supermodel figure, but if you want to grab the attention of a man, it's much easier to do if you are even a little fit. In addition, hygiene is of great importance.
    • If your body condition allows you to be healthy, then that is enough to be charming. The bottom line, by and large, is to demonstrate that you are caring enough for yourself to be caring for your body. This basic level of self-esteem is in itself attractive.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Send the Right Signals

  1. 1 Maintain eye contact. Make eye contact with him before you say hello, and maintain eye contact throughout the conversation.
    • Eye contact lets the man know that you are interested in him. By catching his eye before you start talking, you can give him additional motivation to walk up to you and speak. Maintaining eye contact during a conversation gives the impression that you are ready to give him full and unconditional attention. If he has reason to believe that you are not interested in him, his interest may also fade.
  2. 2 Smile. In terms of inviting people to communicate and disposing of people to each other, there is little that can compare with a smile. By using body language in general, you can subtly change from a friendly smile to a captivating one.
    • If you're still in the process of getting your initial attention, try to smile a little shyly whenever you meet his eyes. An even greater impression can be made by looking over your shoulder, accompanied by a modest smile.
    • When communicating with him, you should smile and laugh in time. Except when it touches on some serious topic, a smile should always be present on your face by default.
  3. 3 Play with your hair. From time to time, as if casually, straighten a strand of hair behind your ear or wind it around your fingers. Also run your hand over your neck and shoulders just under your hair.
    • The key is to keep the movements slow, soft and seductive. If you move too fast, he will not have time to pay attention to you. If you put too much energy into the movement, then instead of sensuality, you will give the impression of aggression.
  4. 4 Use the power of your gaze. Take a look from head to toe and make it clear that you like what you see. The very realization that you find him attractive can make you more attractive to him.
    • Make sure he notices the way you glance at him. Catch his gaze back and smile approvingly.
    • You can also walk up and compliment him directly. If you like his smile, tell him so. If you like his eyes, talk about the eyes.
  5. 5 Get his attention. Your body language doesn't have to be provocative, but it does have to be open and inviting. If you are distant and disinterested, you risk, instead of attracting him, pushing him away even more.
    • Try to keep your back straight and cross your legs when sitting. Emphasize your pose by casually touching your ankle. All these movements, if done correctly, look very natural, emphasize feminine charm and can make you more attractive.
  6. 6 Come closer to him. Close the distance. Until he allows you to whisper something in a languid voice in your ear, consider that you have not closed the distance enough.
    • In fact, it is recommended that you come up with an excuse as soon as possible to whisper something in his ear. After that, you should deviate slightly, but still stay close enough.
  7. 7 Use a variety of playful touches. You don't need to be in physical contact all the time, but by initiating an innocent touch from time to time, you tease him and make him want more.
    • If you're flirting with a new acquaintance, keep touch to a minimum. Pat him on the arm or lean against his shoulder. The touch should be light and short.
    • If you're trying to charm a man you've known for a while, you can indulge in more daring touches. For example, you can hold the lapel of his jacket while maintaining eye contact.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Use All Your Enchantments

  1. 1 Demonstrate self-confidence and independence. Basically, he should see what you "want" him, but not feel like you "need" him. Show that you are comfortable enough to be who you are and that you are capable of taking care of yourself.
    • Don't apologize for every little thing or be nervous or awkward. You may not be the most sociable person, but you should be comfortable with being yourself, you should have confidence in you.
    • It is also good if you can support yourself, although this is not a strict rule. Most likely, a man with a stable income seems more attractive to you; likewise, a woman with a stable income appears to be more attractive to a man.
  2. 2 Recognize its independence. It should be obvious to him that you want to be around, but at the same time, you should allow him to have personal space and time that he will spend without you.
    • Let him spend time with his friends - don't insist that he invite you along.
    • If he is in a bad mood, let him know that you are more than willing to listen and help, but do not force him to talk about his feelings at this particular moment. Give him some space to cool down and collect his thoughts.
  3. 3 Love life and treat everything positively. It is not at all necessary to act as a "lighter", but he should see that you love life. So you will become in his eyes a person with whom it is pleasant to spend time together, and he will even more want to be with you.
    • Keep the conversation going around positive topics, such as fond memories or funny stories from the past day.
    • Try to see the funny in ordinary things and make fun of annoying irritants. Instead of getting really angry about how your coworker is treating you, talk about it with a hint of humor, eventually turning the problem into "sheer trifle."
    • Laugh together as often as possible. Try something new and show that you enjoy having fun.
    • If you are a serious person by nature, you can show your love of life by demonstrating passion for your favorite activities.
  4. 4 Show interest in his life. Demonstrate caring through careful listening and an active interest in everything that happens in his life.
    • People are flattered when someone shows interest in them, and this is perceived as a manifestation of concern. Guys are much more likely to show interest in response to attention given to them.
    • If you are chatting with a stranger, ask him about family, work, dreams, and life in general.
    • If you're trying to charm a man you've known for a long time, show your interest by regularly asking how he is doing and what his mood is.
    • Make sure you actually listen to it yourself. If you don't pay enough attention to him, he will quickly notice it.
  5. 5 Find a balance between transparency and mystery. The mystery woman is of interest to men, but every time you show your side of this, he is faced with the task of solving this riddle, so you need to provide him with a clue.
    • When you meet a new person, it's much easier to look mysterious. Be open about different topics, but always let us understand that you have some secrets. When he finally reveals your secrets, his attraction to you will only increase.
    • When trying to charm a longtime acquaintance, it is much more difficult to look mysterious. Try to show him aspects of your personality that do not appear very often. For example, if you're usually a stay-at-home, surprise him by dragging him out to karaoke and doing a little show when it's your turn to sing. The contrast between how he sees you now and what he is used to expecting will become a reason for him to think that you can still be opened from new sides.
    • If you want a man to be attracted to you over a long-term relationship, you need to be open-minded.Share your secrets with him so that he knows that you can be trusted. Allow yourself to be vulnerable from time to time. Stop hiding all your mistakes and shortcomings. Stop defending yourself all the time and let him feel trust in you.
  6. 6 Show both the angelic and the devilish sides of your character. At first glance, you might think that the seductress has devilish traits of character, however, allowing different aspects of her personality, including soft angelic traits, to manifest, you can make a much stronger impression than constantly adhering to only one line of behavior.
    • The devil is good when you need to create a situation conducive to charm. To do this, follow the guidelines for your appearance and body language. The point is to make him want you.
    • Angelic traits are important when you want your charm to grow into a desire for a longer relationship. Angelic traits are manifested in compassion and consideration. When he has a hard time, support him and, in general, be friendly with him.
  7. 7 Develop your intelligence. If you want a man to be fascinated by you for a long enough period of time, you need to keep his mind occupied. And you are unlikely to succeed if you constantly play the role of a naive silly thing.
    • Follow more than just celebrity gossip. Pay attention to the world around you and form informed opinions on various issues. Even if your opinions do not coincide, the very fact that you are able to maintain a versatile conversation indicates a very charming character trait.