How to boycott a person

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why and HOW to Boycott Russia Economically Explained in One Minute
Video: Why and HOW to Boycott Russia Economically Explained in One Minute


How to learn to ignore a person if you are absolutely indifferent to him. Cross him out of your life, boycott him, and don't please him. If you back down even once, you have lost.


  1. 1 Before you start the "game of silence", make sure that you really want this. Boycott is primarily passive-aggressive behavior, a form of emotional abuse. This behavior leads to the destruction of the relationship, regardless of whether you want to distance yourself permanently or temporarily. Like any other punishment, a boycott teaches nothing, but only causes harm.
  2. 2 Be kinder. Before starting the game, make it clear that you have no complaints about this person and treat him well. First of all, don't show that you are furious. Pretend you don’t guess anything, make it clear that you didn’t pay the slightest attention. The one who laughs last laughs, and only then start the boycott. In this case, the boycotted person will be speechless and will be surprised at this outcome. Before you start playing the silent game, say, “You know, I understand perfectly well that you are angry and why you did it. I forgive you, we'll talk later. " At the next meeting, do not pay attention to this person, keep playing the game, forget about him and never remember.
  3. 3 Make a truce with time. If you meet this person in 20 years, it is time to make peace: his life went on as usual, if it was not your spouse who stabbed a dagger in the back. At least you've ignored him for 4 years or more. He must have learned a lesson. Perhaps deep down, you've already forgiven this person. But if your life was in danger, try to avoid meeting him.
  4. 4 Change your mobile number. It's hard to do, but still worth it. Change your email, IM, website, etc., and open an incognito account: with a new name, new data.
  5. 5 If you meet this person at school and he acts like a bully, stop reading this article now! Get up this minute and tell us about it! Don't let yourself suffer and be silent about it
  6. 6 Walk by and pretend that he does not exist, slightly turn your head in his trail and grin.
  7. 7 Ask your friends and family to ignore this person as well. Harsh words and threats can lead to trouble.
  8. 8 If you're playing a game of silence with an ex-boyfriend who betrayed you, kiss the other handsome young man right in front of him. It will kill him, now his anger will switch to this cute!
  9. 9 If you are in the same class with this person, try to get away from him. If the teachers do not allow you to change the place, do not pay attention to this person, as if no one is sitting there.
  10. 10 It's sweet revenge, but it can traumatize you emotionally. Let the person know how much they hurt you.
  11. 11 Do not reply to his letters.
  12. 12 Stop all communication and communication. This will indicate your indifference.
  13. 13 At school, sit next to someone at their desk and pretend that you are very happy, in the clouds and the like. As soon as he comes up, move to your seat, even if you were laughing and talking about something. Make a displeased face and look at him angrily, sit down in your place.


  • If you decide to teach someone a lesson in the form of a boycott, follow these rules.
  • Make it clear that you do not need this person, move on, even though it can be difficult.
  • Don't let such people feel confident about themselves. Do not give them a single day of time, as they may falsely think that you have forgiven them and want to continue communicating.
  • This is strictly between you and this person, do not drag your friends into this game!
  • If you bump into this person, turn away as if you don't know each other. Find another person to talk to.
  • Don't show that his threatening statements bother you. You can always shed tears at home, in the bathroom or in your pillow when no one is seeing. If someone asks you what is the matter, TELL THE TRUTH! DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES CLOSE WITH YOURSELF!
  • Remember, others may think that you are acting like a child or too calm. People may turn their backs on you, thinking that you are an indifferent snob.
  • If you decide to forgive the person who hurt you, just remember what he did; it will help you calm down.
  • Do not reply to his letters or messages. Go offline if you see a message from this person or a stranger you don't know. This person may impersonate another, hoping to play a trick on you or find out something about you.
  • Remember, if you want to boycott someone, first think about the consequences that may arise in the future. Do at your own risk, but be judicious.
  • Do not use web names that consist of your real name and surname, nickname, email address. The person you are avoiding may find your page and write nasty things to your friends about you, or remove your page from a sense of revenge.
  • Don't answer his calls. If possible, blacklist his name.
  • If this person wants to talk about your behavior face-to-face, don't laugh, as this may undermine your plan. Don't deny that your behavior has changed. However, do not admit that you have boycotted him.
  • Delete or change your username. Create a page with a different name.
  • If you get bored with hectic phone jokes, change your home number.
  • An intimidating look and a grin are your weapons. This way you can make the person angry without even talking to them. Easy peasy!
  • If necessary, come up with a different username and a different email address. Something that this person cannot guess. Never use real names in IM, because the abuser can do anything to provoke you.


  • This behavior with one person can affect relationships with your mutual friends. If your mutual friends are closer to your abuser, they may begin to avoid you.
  • Don't think you can get away from it. This situation may recur in the future.
  • Boycott is a passive-aggressive strategy and can be based on emotional abuse. This is not at all a positive and peaceful way to resolve a conflict situation. Try to find an alternative solution to resolve the conflict, but don't go too far.
  • This behavior can hurt the person you are avoiding, especially if it is your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, or your relative. Put yourself in his shoes and think about how you would feel if someone boycotted you. And if it is a person who was dear to you?
  • If you decide to boycott someone, it can change that person's attitude towards you. You may be the subject of insults, harassment, or intimidation.
  • Don't triple your boycott over commonplace things. Reconsider your views.
  • If you ignore your partner, it can lead to physical abuse.

What do you need

  • Family and friends with whom you can talk about this topic. Friends will help if someone wants to harm you.
  • Willpower
  • Courage
  • Boycott Revenge Plan: Remember when your dad said that neglect is the best way to hurt the person who is bothering you. This remains true to this day, and it will always be so. Remember that even the sweetest or most pathetic person who is full of anger about resentment can start a boycott game.