How to Stop "falling in Love" with the person you like

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rhye - The Fall (Official Video)
Video: Rhye - The Fall (Official Video)


We often hear the saying "The farther, the more remember". But, when too far away, the heart becomes cold again. If you "secretly miss" someone, but they do not feel the same as you, it is very difficult for you to let go, so the cycle of pain persists. Forgetting a one-sided relationship is not easy, but there are still effective ways to help you gradually forget about and find someone who is better for you.


Method 1 of 2: Keep your distance from the person you like

  1. Keep your distance from them. One of the most effective ways to help you forget your crush is to keep your distance. Minimize all contact or potential exposure situations so you can forget about the person without any lingering ties, making you sad or your feelings for them increase. .
    • Keeping your distance can be a little tricky at first, but in the end things get better, you will forget it easily and quickly.

  2. Delete the person's contact info and text messages from your phone. To ensure that you will not have any contact with him or her, you need to delete all of their contact information from your phone. In addition, consider deleting messages from them (if any). Deleting all of your information will not only prevent you from contacting your crush during a moment of weakness, but it also won't remind you of their presence.
    • If you haven't had the heart to erase all of the information about that person, consider writing them down on paper and keeping them in a safe place so you don't have to see them every day.
    • Copy the person's email or text messages, then archive them if you're not ready to wipe everything about them.
    • Keep in mind that even if you delete all information about the person, the other person may not delete your friend's number. If they contact you, you should either not respond, or respond briefly and politely.

  3. Remove the person from social media sites. The more social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram are available, the more likely you are to reach people, even with people you don't necessarily have to contact. By removing your loved one's presence unilaterally from your social media accounts, you can reduce your interactions with that person.
    • If you are concerned that you might hurt someone or make them question by unsubscribing or removing you from social media sites, find a more subtle way to keep them from knowing. On Facebook, for example, you can simply unfollow posts, making sure you won't receive status updates from them.

  4. Stop talking about the person and don't allow yourself to think about them. When you "like" someone, it is obvious that you talk about them and think about them too much, but this situation will only make you fall in love with that person more. Deliberately refraining from talking about your crush in conversation and proactively changing your mind every time you think about them, you will soon forget.
    • It can be difficult not to mention the person in a conversation, especially if the two of you have a lot of mutual friends, so try not to talk about him / her, or ask about them too often. You can even leave the conversation about the person.
    • If you need to talk about the person to handle your thoughts and feelings, do it, but don't make the behavior a permanent habit.
  5. Ask your friend not to mention the person. If your friends know that you have special feelings for the other guy / girl, they may occasionally talk about him or her. This will only make you remember them and hinder your attempts to forget your feelings, so if possible, ask your friends not to mention or stop telling you about your crush.
    • There will be situations where the name of the person you "have a crush on" is mentioned all the time, especially in a group with many mutual friends. To forget quickly, leave the group until they talk about a new topic.
  6. Avoid places the person and their friends go. You and your significant other may have many things in common, including friends, school, work or favorite places. So, try to limit the situations in which you might face seeing them.
    • If you are in the same class or are your coworkers, do not sit near him / her. If they sit next to you, you can also find a way to swap seats, or decide to keep the sweet moment for yourself. You also shouldn't make eye contact with them as things could get awkward or an unexpected conversation will happen.
    • For example, if you and your significant other love the same restaurant, find another place to eat.
  7. Remove their visible traces. Eliminating anything that reminds you of them will help you through this difficult time. You need to throw away everything from your phone's data and social media to pictures and other household souvenirs.
    • You can choose to step away from the approach gradually or immediately to erase their presence in your life. It's psychologically easier to remove things that remind you of them little by little, or you can erase all traces at once. Getting “finished” in one go can be difficult, but can help you quickly forget the person.
    • Delete emails, remove letters, postcards or gifts from the person. Trying to hold on to these only keeps you from letting go.
    • Delete pictures that you both took together.
  8. Allow yourself to be sad, but not lose your mind. Letting go of someone you have a crush on is a painful process, and it is perfectly acceptable to feel the pain of a relationship you both had. It's important not to get mad at your crush during this time - just as you can't control your feelings for them, they can't control your heart towards you.
    • Realize that the person you "have a crush on" is a significant factor in your life. Even if the two are not in a romantic relationship, you can still be friends. You may be sad about the loss, but everything will be fine.
    • Don't be mad at them. Your ex may not even know that you have special feelings for them, or that they are in a situation where you cannot reciprocate. Don't be angry with the person for something they don't have much control over.
    • There are many reasons why you should forget the person you like. Maybe they just had a boyfriend / girlfriend, or maybe they're still in a relationship or married. Maybe your parents don't like them, or / and simply because the person is too old for you. Perhaps you are wise enough to realize that the two of you won't get along, even though you have romantic feelings for them. These are all factors that you have very little control over, and if you do then you cannot be angry with them.
    • If you're going through a really tough time, the counselors are there to help.
  9. You need to know that: then you will find someone else. There are plenty of other subjects out there to choose from, and the person you love unilaterally isn't the only one right for you. You will find someone who suits you and quickly forget the old story. The more you open your heart, the faster you will find your "half".
    • Focusing on your ex's flaws can help you forget about them, and even find someone else you like early.

Method 2 of 2: Distract yourself

  1. Based on your "rear". You won't be fine trying to forget this important person in your life, so this is the right time to lean on - or even reconnect with family and friends. From talking about your feelings to distracting yourself with enjoyable activities, these sources of encouragement can help you let go of your sadness quickly.
    • Friends and family will help keep you from dwelling on your sadness. They can provide you with a great source of entertainment by doing interesting things with you that do not involve the “dream person”.
  2. Focus on other concerns. During this time, focus on yourself more. This will help you realize that you don't have much love for your ex.
    • For example, you can start a workout or experience a healthy activity like yoga, which will also help you focus your mind on something else instead of thinking about the person. Or you can take a class that's helpful for your job.
    • No matter what you do, always make sure it makes you feel good about yourself.
  3. Try new fields. This is a good time to try new activities, which will distract you from your emotions. With busy activities and being "away from face" with the people you like, it will be easier for you to "fall off" with them.
    • For example, you may have always wanted to play rock climbing. Start it now. This new activity will take a lot of practice, and you'll have less time to think about your sad love story.
  4. Meet new people. Going out and meeting complete strangers is a great way to distract yourself from your feelings for that person. You may find yourself having a good time with new friends and acquaintances, something that you've never had before with a “dream person”.
    • There are many different ways to meet new people, such as joining a jogging group or going to a new place during 'golden hour'. Group activities are a great way to meet new people and distract yourself from your “dumb romance”.
  5. Consider flirting or dating someone. You may not be ready to fully commit to someone, but casually flirting or dating someone can also help you quickly forget the person you once loved unilaterally. This will boost your confidence and distract you from your feelings for the person you like.
    • A little harmless flirting will help you build your confidence and remember that there are other people you might have contact with. As long as you keep things light and fun.


  • Try not to be rude to the person. If the person greeting you politely, you should also respond kindly. Just don't let things go any further.
  • Keep crying when sad. Then you will find another person.
  • Do not get angry with the person, or treat them like "enemies". He / she cannot control who he or she has feelings for and neither can you, so never take the initiative to hurt others.
  • Be more patient with yourself. Sometimes, it takes time to forget a person.
  • Realize they're not as perfect as you always believe. Seek or remind yourself of your ex's flaws, and those negative things can "beat up" some of the cool things about them. If your crush has some bad qualities, such as being short-tempered or disrespectful to you or others in authority, the perception of such qualities can wake you up if you are pursuing a relationship. relate to them.
  • Show him what he's missing out on. That will distract you and may make him a little jealous.
  • Make a list of the person's shortcomings.
  • If they have siblings, it's best to avoid contact with them.
  • You should know: there is nothing better out there. If your ex doesn't like you for who you are, they don't deserve it.
  • Start new hobbies to distract yourself.