How to keep your rabbit in the best possible conditions

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to TAKE CARE of a RABBIT 🐰 Complete RABBIT CARE Guide
Video: How to TAKE CARE of a RABBIT 🐰 Complete RABBIT CARE Guide


Rabbits can be adorable pets with proper care. Take good care of your furry friend by providing proper housing and food, and spending plenty of time to play and build relationships with your pet. Without a doubt, you strive to ensure the happiest life for your rabbit (like any other pet); with the right approach and knowledge of the matter, this is quite possible.


Method 1 of 3: Consider Whether You Really Want to Get a Rabbit

  1. 1 Do not purchase a rabbit as a pet for a child. Rabbits are quite gentle and do not tolerate childish handling very well. Unlike dogs and cats, the rabbit is not able to express its dissatisfaction with its voice, so it only has to scratch and bite. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult to understand that the pet is not happy at all. If you drop a rabbit (and children often do so), then there is a high risk of bone fractures and especially of the spine. Even with the fact that many kids love rabbits, this is not the best pet for a child.
  2. 2 Make sure you can afford to keep a rabbit. Like any other pets, rabbits don't come for nothing. They need food, bedding, litter (for toilet training at home), and veterinary checkups. All this translates into several thousand rubles a year, and if the rabbit has health problems, then the costs increase.
  3. 3 Make sure you have room to place your rabbit cage. Each rabbit should be kept in its own separate area. Do not put two rabbits in the same cage unless they are both neutered (spayed) and do not know how to get along with each other.
  4. 4 Check for space to play with your bunny. A play area for a rabbit can be organized both at home and outdoors. The rabbit should be able to run, jump and play with toys for several hours a day. Any outdoor play area should be fenced off. In addition, the rabbit must be constantly monitored so that it does not fall prey to predators or dig under the fence. The fence should be buried at least 60 cm into the ground, and it should be 0.9-1.2 m in height. In the house for the rabbit it is necessary to create a safe area (like for a child just starting to walk), hiding all electrical wires and those objects that the rabbit cannot play with.
  5. 5 Take a rabbit from an animal shelter if possible. Many people who have recklessly decided that a rabbit would be a good pet for them begin to realize that this animal requires more attention and care than they can give it. It is for this reason that rabbits often end up in shelters. Call your local animal shelters and find out if there are any rabbits.It is not uncommon for shelter websites to find photographs of the animals they contain and links to more information about them (including rabbits).

Method 2 of 3: Grooming your rabbit

  1. 1 Provide your rabbit with a good cage. You can buy a rabbit cage or make your own. In any case, the cage should be large enough to fit inside the litter box, bowls of food and water, and the full length of the rabbit. The length of the cage should be at least 4 times the length of the rabbit itself. If you decide to make your own cage, consider creating a removable metal mesh box and a wooden box at the base. This cage will be easier to clean. For more information, you can visit specialized web resources for making cells.
  2. 2 Feed your rabbit a suitable food. The basis of nutrition for adult rabbits should be timothy hay. The rabbit must have constant, unrestricted access to the hay. Alfalfa hay is not good for rabbits and can make them sick. Pellets should be given in small quantities (about 30 g per 0.5 kg of animal weight per day). The rest of the food should be greens. Fresh fruit can be used as a treat for rabbits.
  3. 3 Take your rabbit to your veterinarian regularly. Like any pet, a rabbit needs regular veterinary check-ups. In addition to getting vaccinated, your veterinarian will help you recognize when your rabbit needs treatment. Unlike other animals, rabbits tend to hide their ailments, so it can be difficult to tell if your pet needs the attention of a veterinarian. Your veterinarian can tell you exactly which behavioral features of your pet should alert you.
    • If you live in Russia, then you will be advised to vaccinate your pet annually against myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits.
  4. 4 Sterilize or neuter your rabbit. This will make your pet feel more relaxed. It also reduces the risk of many types of cancer in female rabbits. After castration, males become less aggressive and lose the increased interest in fighting, which is manifested in non-castrated rabbits.

Method 3 of 3: Ensuring a Good Quality of Life

  1. 1 Play with your rabbit. Gently playing with your rabbit every day is essential to your rabbit's quality of life. Rabbits love to knock over objects and often enjoy bowling games. They also like to "steal" various things, so make sure they are safe for your pet. Some rabbits like to play fetch.
  2. 2 Create an interesting play area for your rabbit. Consider creating a tiered structure with shelves and railing. It can be easily created from purchased shelves. Make sure that the holes in the canvas of the shelves (if any) are not too large, otherwise the rabbit's paws may fall through them.
  3. 3 Place the box in the play area. Rabbits love to hide and run under various objects. Find a decent sized box (it should be larger than the rabbit). Cut holes in it on both sides to make a play tunnel for the pet.
  4. 4 Monitor your rabbit's overall well-being. Feed him a high fiber food. Monitor your health: Check your rabbit regularly to make sure there is no unusual discharge, good dental health and normal weight.
  5. 5 Make your rabbit happy. If you take proper care of your rabbit, feed it, and love your pet, your rabbit will be happy. Make sure your rabbit has areas for sleeping, feeding and playing, and make sure these areas are clean. Enjoy the time with this adorable pet yourself!