How not to start using drugs

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 24 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Let’s quit abusing drug users
Video: Let’s quit abusing drug users


Many people start using drugs under the influence of peers or even friends. But they soon realize that drugs are bad and not so cool or fun at all. Some, nevertheless, “sit down”, but manage to tie. Some are less fortunate, such sooner or later die. If you know that drug use does not end well, then this article will only strengthen you and completely turn you away from any thought about drugs. Yes, it will take willpower, but you can still say no to drugs.


Method 1 of 3: Making the Right Decisions

  1. 1 Choose your friends wisely. Real friends won't talk you into trying drugs. Of course, you may ask - how can I choose a good friend ?! It's simple: watch people, make sure that they are moral and well-behaved individuals - and everything will be fine. First you need to get to know the person, only then start making friends.
    • True friends will not shame and joke at you for not using drugs. True friends respect you and want you to be happy and successful.If someone has a different opinion, is he your friend?
  2. 2 Help your friends not to fall into the drug trap. Help them in this matter, take care of them. By the way, don't hesitate to tell your parents all about drugs. If you cannot help yourself, then they will definitely come to the rescue.
  3. 3 Ask questions and get answers. As they say, forewarned is forearmed. You do not need to know much about drugs and their effect on the body in order to make the only correct decision. Knowledge is power.
    • Did you know that methamphetamine is the cause of rashes all over the body, severe hallucinations and tooth loss?
    • Did you know that in America 27% of HIV / AIDS carriers are heroin addicts? Intravenous heroin users are at increased risk of contracting AIDS and other diseases.
    • Did you know that after using cocaine, the risk of heart attack increases almost 24 times?
  4. 4 Remember that soft drugs are drugs too. Alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, even if society looks at them much more favorably, are also drugs. Thus, according to the WHO (World Health Organization), more than 2.5 million people die every year due to alcohol consumption. A lot, isn't it? It should be constantly remembered that there are no harmless drugs.
    • Soft drugs are considered a ticket to the world of hard drugs. They are also called "starting". There is a logic here: having tried soft drugs, people begin to experiment and off we go! In relation to marijuana, by the way, heated debates are raging - someone thinks that this is the most classic easy drug "starting" or not.
    • However, there is no doubt about alcohol and tobacco, they lead to the abuse - and, more often, to the abuse of opiates. Interesting, because marijuana is often illegal, but tobacco and alcohol - on the contrary ... In any case, do not use. No need.

Method 2 of 3: Learning to Say No

  1. 1 Say no to drugs right. Sometimes it's hard to refuse. You need to be as convincing as possible and not offend anyone. Think about how you can formulate the refusal more elegantly. Here are some examples:
    • Thank you, but no - health is not official.
    • Yes, I was going home, I have to sit with my sister. Let's go tomorrow?
    • Yes, no, let's better eat, let's go.
  2. 2 Learn to say no without feeling guilty about it. Always remember why you refuse - you care about your health, your own life and success, you cannot afford to waste your time on that. If you keep in mind that drugs are not your topic, then you are unlikely to feel guilty about refusal. And if there is no feeling of guilt, then peer pressure is easier to tolerate.
  3. 3 Think about the possible long-term effects of alcohol and drug use. Believe it or not, even one decision can make a big difference in your life. Yes, this is often the case - just one decision is enough to face dire consequences or avoid them.
  4. 4 Respect yourself. Addicts don't respect themselves. They understand that they are ruining their lives, that they are hurting the feelings of loved ones, etc., but they cannot stop. Sometimes this is due to the fact that they simply do not want to stop, thinking that they deserve such a fate. But if they had a little better self-respect, these people could get rid of the addiction.
    • To respect yourself, you need to know who you are and what you are. It is a very liberating experience, by the way, which is to ... love yourself. If you love yourself, then no drug in the world will give you the same bliss and joy.

Method 3 of 3: Live an active life

  1. 1 Go in for sports. In fact, it is very difficult to play sports and take drugs at the same time. All this running around, playing in a team, working for the result, if the body with the brains is not in good shape - this is a nightmare, how difficult it is. Accordingly, the more sports there is in life, the easier it is to avoid drugs.Of course, it is not sports alone that saves a person from drugs, but here's an interesting fact: physical activity leads to the production of endorphins, special hormones that make people ... happier.
    • Take up team sports: soccer, rugby, basketball, hockey, volleyball, water polo, and so on. Team sport fosters such qualities in a person as a sense of respect for teammates, a sense of elbows and self-sacrifice.
    • Take up non-team sports: skiing, wrestling, bowling, golf, darts, chess, fencing, tennis, swimming, etc. These kinds of sports teach purposefulness and hard, hard work.
  2. 2 Get out into nature. Boredom is perhaps one of the reasons people are drawn to drugs. In principle, the option is quite logical. But why get bored? Boredom can be dealt with in many different ways, one of which is going outdoors.
    • Not necessarily just "exit" - you can also "exit". It is quite possible that near your place of residence there is a wonderful grove or park, or even a whole nature reserve!
  3. 3 Practice meditation, yoga, or Pilates. If you think this is for old people or hippies, you are wrong. These are great exercises for anyone who wants to strain not only the body, but also the mind. With these exercises, you can begin to hear your own body's voice a little louder - and, as a result, reduce your chances of falling into the drug trap.
    • There are several different types of meditation, the essence of which is breathing control. The easiest way is to sit down, close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly, thoughtfully.
    • There are also many types of yoga - hatha yoga, bikram yoga, ashtanga yoga and so on. Different practices, different teachers, different positions and breathing techniques - why not discover them all?
    • Pilates gymnastics was developed by the German sports specialist Pilates in the first half of the 20s. Here is strength, here and flexibility, here and posture. Many pilates practitioners report an improvement in their well-being after exercise. But will a person who already feels good will start taking drugs?
  4. 4 Eat right. What do food and drugs have in common? Food obviously affects your body and your well-being. If you eat fast food and do not monitor your own health, then it is unlikely that your well-being can be envied. And then, when the body is not in good shape, the temptation to try drugs increases!
    • Doctors advise eating fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and enough fiber. If you have enough of these foods in your diet, your body will have enough nutrients and energy to keep you happy and drug free!
    • Eat healthy fats: omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats. Unhealthy fats (trans fats, monounsaturated fats) are not worth eating.
    • Drink with lemonade and alcohol, and water and tea without sugar. Of course, a glass of wine or a can of Diet Coke will not put an end to your life, no - on the contrary, a number of researchers believe that moderate consumption of red wine is beneficial for health. However, most of the fluid loss in the body needs to be replenished with water and only water.


  • There are many sites devoted to the topic “How not to start using drugs” and “How to stop using drugs”. Look for them, because there is a lot of useful information collected there. By the way, keep in mind that very often drug addicts who are kind of tied up with drugs do not stand up and break down. In other words, don't expect to find universal advice there.
  • Remember that a single choice can derail your life or save it.
  • If you know someone who is abusing drugs, it is best to talk to him about it. Immediately handing them over to the police or doctors will not be a good idea - this will only harm the person who is already having a hard time.


  • Don't give in to peer pressure. You have your own head on your shoulders.If someone tries to get you to start using drugs or teases you for not taking them, they are not your friend.
  • Remember that even such a seemingly trifle can ruin your life. Of course, all life is a journey to death, but drugs are a ticket for an ultra-high-speed train that travels non-stop to the Cemetery station. Do you need it?