How to get up early

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Wake up Before 6am Every Day
Video: How to Wake up Before 6am Every Day


It will be difficult to become an early riser if you are used to sleeping longer and then rushing to work or about your daily activities. With a little planning and understanding the benefits of getting up early, you can go from sleepyhead to morning person with smart pre-dawn hours! Another way is to go to bed early. This will not be difficult if you practice for a while.


  1. 1 Don't make drastic changes. Start slowly, getting up 15-30 minutes earlier than usual. Get used to this regime for a couple of days. Then add another 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure until you reach the desired time.
  2. 2 Go to bed early. You may be accustomed to staying awake for a long time because you surf the Internet or watch TV late. But if you continue like this and still try to get up early, one day it will take its toll. And if this affects your awakening, then you will oversleep and have to start over. It's easier to go to bed earlier, even if you think you don't want to sleep. Read a little in bed. If you are really tired, you will fall asleep much faster than you think.
  3. 3 Set the alarm clock away from you.If he stands right next to the bed, you turn him off and continue to doze. Never close your eyes after waking up. If the alarm is set far from the bed, you will have to get up to turn it off. By that time, you will already be awake. Now you have to stay awake.
  4. 4 Turn on the light. Even sleepyheads can wake up from the light.
  5. 5 Leave the bedroom as soon as you turn off the alarm. Don't even think about lying down again. Just force yourself to leave the room. Get in the habit of going straight to the bathroom. By the time you finish all your business there, wash your hands and look at yourself in the mirror, you will already wake up and be ready for a new day.
  6. 6 Don't make excuses. If you allow your brain to talk yourself into sleeping a little longer today, you will never get anywhere. Don't even think about going back to bed.
  7. 7 Find a good reason for yourself to get up. Set yourself an important task for the morning. This way, you will have the motivation to get up early. Writing early in the morning, when no one can bother you, is also good motivation. It's also a good idea to check emails from people who are still sleeping!
  8. 8 Reward yourself for getting up early. Yes, you will force yourself to do it at first, but make the experience enjoyable so that you have a reason to wake up. A hot cup of coffee or an interesting book can be a good reward. Other rewards might include a delicious breakfast (Smoothie! Yum!), Sunrise, or meditation. Find something to enjoy and make it your morning routine.
  9. 9 Use extra time wisely. Don't wake up an hour or two early to just read your blog unless that's your main goal. Don't wake up early in the morning if you waste this time. Start a new day cheerfully! You can use this time to cook lunch for the kids or plan your schedule, exercise or meditate, or read. By 6:30 am, you’ll have done almost everything that people can do in a whole day.
  10. 10 Greet the new day. Come up with a morning ritual thanking the world for everything. The Dalai Lama said: “Every day, think when you wake up: I am happy that I have woken up, that I am alive, that I have a valuable human life that I will not waste. I am going to use all the energy to develop, to achieve enlightenment, I will not get angry and think bad about other people, I am going to do them as much good as possible. " Create a morning ritual and wake up early every day to do it.


  • The benefits of getting up early:

    • Great start. You no longer have to jump out of bed, as usual, having slept, quickly get ready and collect the children, hastily take the children to school and be late for work. Start the day with a new morning ritual, redoing a lot of tasks before 8 o'clock, raising the children early. By the time you go to work, you already have an edge. The best way to start your day is to get up early!
    • Silence. No baby screams, baby crying, soccer balls, cars, TV noise. The morning hours are so peaceful, so quiet. Very quickly, this time can become your favorite part of the day. This is a time of rest, a time for yourself, when you can think, read, breathe.
    • Sunrise. People who wake up late miss one of nature's greatest wonders that recurs day after day - sunrise. Watch how the day gradually gets brighter and brighter, when the night twilight becomes morning, when bright colors appear in the sky, paint nature in incredible shades. If you love to run in the morning, look up to the sky and tell the world, "What a wonderful day!"
    • Breakfast. Getting up early in the morning will give you time for breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day. Without breakfast, you will starve until lunchtime, and then eat whatever catches your eye. Most likely junk food high in fat and sugar. But if you eat breakfast, you will feel full for a long time. In addition, having breakfast at home while reading a book and drinking coffee is much more enjoyable than intercepting something on the way to work or at your desk.
    • Sports activities. Of course, you can play sports not only early in the morning, but even if you enjoy exercising after work, then there is a possibility that the workout will be canceled due to suddenly appearing tasks. Morning workouts are almost never canceled.
    • Productivity. For most people, morning is the most productive time of the day. Nobody distracts you. You can do much more by starting work in the morning. And then when the evening comes, you have no work, and you can spend this time with your family.
    • Time to choose your goal. Do you already have goals? If not, you need to choose them. And morning is the best time to draw conclusions, make plans, set tasks for yourself. You should have one goal that you want to accomplish this week. And every morning you should decide what you want to do today, how to push yourself towards the goal. And, if possible, do it immediately in the morning.
    • The road to work. Nobody likes traffic jams, except for Big Oil. Leave for work early while the roads are still clear. This will get you to work faster and save time. Better yet, ride your bike (or even work from home).
    • Meetings. It's much easier to show up for appointments in the morning if you get up early. Being late for a meeting is putting yourself on the wrong side in front of the person you are dating. By showing up early, you will create a good impression. Plus, you will have time to prepare.


  • Do not set the alarm clock in a place where you might stumble along the way. Remember that it is still dark in the morning!
  • Don't get up too early or make drastic changes to your schedule.