How to learn to keep a gratitude journal

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start a Gratitude Journal You’ll Actually Keep
Video: How to Start a Gratitude Journal You’ll Actually Keep


A gratitude journal is a great way to stay positive and grateful for everything that happens in your life. This article will help you learn how to keep a journal like this.


  1. 1 Be grateful. Gratitude is an attitude to life that needs to be trained and developed. It should become your integral part, because it will help you keep a proper journal.
  2. 2 Make it a rule to write down certain moments that happened during the day that you are grateful for. Avoid repetition. It will become more difficult over time, but this way you can expand the circle of good things and realize them. At first, it will be difficult for you to find new little things for which you feel grateful, but this will teach you to notice even small pleasant details that you did not pay attention to before.
  3. 3 Many begin to write down all the basic material goods for which they are grateful. It is easiest to describe specific objects such as a house, bed, clothing, food, and so on. Explain exactly how you feel about having these things and why you are grateful.
    • Example: "I am grateful for my home. It warms my body, protects me and gives me a roof over my head. It always pleases me to know that I have a place to return to."
  4. 4 Now write about various material details. Each person writes about something different. For example, if you love to paint, express gratitude for having paints. If you like music, write that you are grateful for your CD collection.
  5. 5 Describe anything directly related to you. Start by saying that you are happy to live. Then thank you for the body you have, even if you don't like something. Avoid being grateful for the fact that you have something better than others. Instead, compare your feelings if you were different and did not have certain qualities.
  6. 6 Think about your abilities. You can see, hear, walk. Then reflect on the unique abilities you have. It can be singing, dancing, writing talent. Don't forget about character.You may be good at cheering people up or being a loyal friend.
  7. 7 Think about loved ones. Think of everyone you care about, including your parents, friends, loved ones, and even your pet. Clarify why you are grateful for each person on the list and how they affect you. This will help you appreciate your loved ones and see their positive side. It can also be helpful to write about people you dislike and find a reason to love them. It can be difficult, but it will lift your spirits in the end. There is something good in all of us, so you should like to look for worthy qualities even in those you dislike.
  8. 8 Write about situations and experiences. There are always moments that make us happy. For example, you might be grateful for a fun party, a good day at school or work, or a great weekend.


  • In order not to forget to make entries in the journal, keep it in a conspicuous place. For example, if you watch TV every day after work, place your journal on the table next to it. To make the magazine look nice, decorate it to your liking. Now you don't want to put it away.
  • You will enjoy reading your notes when you are in a bad mood. This will help channel your energy in a positive direction and remember everything that you are grateful for.
  • You don't have to write a lot about what you are grateful for. The whole point is to feel it inside yourself and realize the positive aspects.
  • You can use the online gratitude journal. There you can add posts and photos, as well as edit your profile right from your phone. One popular site is Thankaday.