How to learn to understand politics

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 steps to understanding politics & why you should.
Video: 7 steps to understanding politics & why you should.


Politics is a vast and rather complex area of ​​human activity. It includes such issues as diplomacy, war, public finances, etc. Politics is also an important part of every person's life, since it is the political structure of society that determines the legal framework of our life. Therefore, it is so important to understand the basic aspects of politics.


  1. 1 To get started, familiarize yourself with the different types of states and how they work. It is imperative to know as much as possible about the system of government, not only about your country, but also about how things are outside of it, in order to understand how different governments interact with each other. Try to find out more about the pros and cons of different systems.
  2. 2 Explore how your country is governed, from the upper echelons of government to regional and local governments. Familiarize yourself with the electoral system and the structure of the legislature.
  3. 3 Find out what rights and to what extent you are guaranteed. In America, for example, people are guaranteed freedom of speech. However, freedom of speech ends where another person's rights begin. The threat of murder, for example, does not apply to freedom of speech. Find out your rights and how you can exercise them.
  4. 4 Follow the political news for the latest developments. In almost any publication, be it newspapers or electronic media, you will find a wealth of political news, including information on elections, coverage of social and economic issues, information on events on the international stage, and much more.
  5. 5 Study the current political situation as deeply as possible. Look at how this or that event happened, what consequences and impact on various spheres of human activity it is fraught with, and what different people think about this. Try to comprehensively analyze a particular event and discuss it with colleagues in order to learn also alternative points of view and to get a more comprehensive understanding of its meaning.
  6. 6 Try to get to the bottom of the meaning of all the terms you do not understand. Expanding your vocabulary is very important and helpful in gaining a deeper understanding of what politicians are talking about.
  7. 7 If you do not understand something, ask comrades who are more knowledgeable in these matters. If you are faced with questions that you cannot find answers to even on the Internet, then contact experts who have special education and are able to simply and clearly explain to you the essence of the question you are interested in.
  8. 8 Study the economic structures of different countries, their pros and cons. Economics is a key area in understanding political issues and it directly affects our lives. In each country, politicians have their own ideas and their own approach to solving economic problems, so knowledge of international economic experience can be very useful.
  9. 9 Study biographies of politicians. There are many websites on which you can find information about who is who and who voted for whom. Just look at the objective dry data about the policy you are interested in and, most likely, a lot will fall into place. This is especially important and useful in the run-up to an election when you are not sure who to vote for.
  10. 10 You can write a formal letter to a government official, your representative or an official, but be very attentive to details and be sure to specify exactly city, county, state and zip codeotherwise, your letter or email may be perceived as spam. This is because government officials often receive letters from people who have nothing to do with their services. Often such letters are of a propaganda or advertising nature and wasting time reading such correspondence is an unacceptable luxury for civil servants, and, incidentally, not only for them ...
  11. 11 Try to get a better understanding of how the authorities work (not only political, but also economic). It is necessary to understand that democracy is not perfect, and therefore there are many aspects to consider if you really want to understand political issues and are going to do your bit to change this world for the better. It is useful to read the works of Marx, Rousseau, and other similar authors.


  • Study the structure of power at all levels.
  • Replenish and expand your vocabulary regularly.
  • Take an interest in the political structure of different states, not limited to your home country. This will help you expand your political knowledge and deepen your understanding of politics.
  • Study the names of departments and departments in power structures and try to understand what exactly they do, what they are responsible for and what powers they have.
  • When you read the news in which a politician is involved, try to find out more about him from the Internet, study his political views and, if possible, his biography. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the scale of the event.
  • Remember that "politics" mainly covers issues related to power and its role in your life, including social issues (abortion, same-sex marriage), economics, diplomacy, elections, laws, rights, working conditions, and the like.
  • If you are going to travel to other countries or if, for example, you need to send a certain amount to your loved ones living in another country, check the exchange rates of foreign currencies.


  • Be careful with the media and never blindly trust the facts in the media.Please note that they all work for certain structures and objective information can only be obtained by studying various sources, preferably representing the interests of opponents or opposing political groups. In any matter, it is important to know the versions of all parties to the conflict or incident.
  • Always be open about your political views.