How to train your brain to be more optimistic

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Optimistic During Challenges | Brian Tracy
Video: How to Be Optimistic During Challenges | Brian Tracy


While some people seem to be more positive than others, that doesn't mean you can't learn to perceive life in a more optimistic way. Learning to be optimistic is possible, and that often means doing techniques for optimistic thinking. By focusing on your thoughts and thinking patterns, you will learn to think more positively and optimistically, and you will discover new thinking patterns. Spend less time in gloomy thoughts, and instead replace them with positive or more rewarding thoughts. Over time, you will learn to approach the situation from a more optimistic perspective.


Part 1 of 3: Design Activities to Increase Optimism

  1. 1 Engage mindful meditation. Mindfulness means focusing on the present moment, here and now. Often this requires establishing a connection with your body, because the body uses the senses to connect to the moment. Take time each day to meditate, or turn your daily routine into meditation by practicing mindfulness - watch your breathing, especially when you are experiencing strong emotions. Keep track of your daily sensations - feel the water touching your skin in the shower, watch your muscles and bones move as you move or climb stairs, or track all the sounds around you. Let thoughts and feelings pass through your mind without making judgments or reacting to them. This will help you move away from negative experiences.
    • Mindfulness can help you heighten positive emotions, increase the amount of gray matter in your brain, and strengthen empathy for others and yourself.
    • Sign up for a meditation class or find a phone app to practice mindfulness meditation.
  2. 2 Imagine the best version of yourself possible. Imagine your life in the future when you are at your best. Consider all aspects of your life: health, hobbies and activities, career, friends and family. Do not get carried away by thoughts of how your life does not reflect these views in the present position, but focus exclusively on the future. Get creative and keep writing for 15 minutes, delving into the depths of what you will be doing, what you will enjoy, and with whom you will hang out. People who do this exercise report that after just one month of this type of exercise, they begin to feel more positive.
    • Introducing your best self can help you understand your goals, dreams, and desires. This will help you identify your dreams and work out the steps to achieve them.
    • Think about what your best self looks like. What is your job? Where do you live? Do you have any pets? How do you have fun? Who are your friends and what do you like about them?
  3. 3 Write down positive attitudes. If you need a positive boost at home, in the car, or at work, keep positive attitudes nearby to keep you optimistic. You can also speak out positive attitudes before the start of the working day, before different events or situations when you need a charge of vigor and positiveness. Get in the habit of saying a meaningful attitude when you wake up, on your way to work, or before you try to do something difficult. This will help you learn to perceive situations in a more positive way. The benefits of this kind of installation can be felt for months or even years.
    • For example, when you wake up, tell yourself: “I can and I will be able to meet this day with kindness and love”, “Today, like every day, I can be successful at work” or “Today there are many things that can bring me happiness.”
  4. 4 Sleep well at night. In a healthy body healthy mind. Getting a good rest will help your brain function better and increase your happiness. Lack of sleep affects your consciousness and can affect your stress levels. Sleeping little can affect your physical and mental well-being, so be sure to get enough sleep at night. If you have trouble sleeping, try to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends. Create a relaxing sleeping environment and do calming activities before bed, such as reading a book, taking a bath, or taking some time to sip tea.
    • The bedroom should be relaxing. If bright light bothers you, buy dark curtains. Make your bedroom relaxing to look at and feel by using soft colors instead of bright ones.
  5. 5 Eat right. Whole, nutritious foods can help you stay energized and feel good all day instead of running around with cereal. Make sure to include whole grains, proteins, and fats in your diet. If you are unsure of how to balance your diet or get enough nutrients from food, consult a dietitian or keep a food diary to keep track of nutrients. You can download a free phone app to help you keep track of calories, carbs, and major food groups every day.
    • Eat less sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and other substances to keep your head clear and your emotions balanced.

Part 2 of 3: Improving Your Thoughts

  1. 1 Create happy memories. Your consciousness determines whether you remember the event as positive or negative. To create positive emotions and memories, try to consciously provide yourself with positive memories. When you focus on negative thoughts during an event, it is more likely that you will remember it as negative. If you find yourself creating negative experiences, think about what is going well.
    • Look at the events that happen to you from a more positive side and remember them in a rosy light. This will help retrain your brain to approach the situation more positively and remember everything from a positive side. Most events can be perceived as positive or negative, it all depends on your attitude and attitude.
    • For example, if you feel like your day went badly, think about the little things you did well during the day. You can compensate for difficulties, such as if you are late for work or forget to take lunch with you, with a more positive and fun afternoon. Just do what you love, buy yourself a tasty treat, or talk to someone close to you.
  2. 2 See things in a positive light. Instead of focusing on all that could go wrong, find what goes according to plan. Focus on opportunities and prospects for optimism, not pessimism. If you feel like things are not going well, note down even the smallest details that you succeed. If you are feeling very frustrated, stop and shift your focus to something more positive.
    • For example, if you are late for an appointment, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with your emotions. Stop and think, “I am upset that I will be late, but I know I will be there on time. I am ready for the meeting, so I expect it to be successful. "
    • Tangible motivation can also help you see life from a positive perspective. For example, if you feel like you can't handle your emotions or are constantly under stress, plan a vacation.Then you can look forward to the trip when you feel bad and remind yourself that pleasure lies ahead.
  3. 3 Learn to be grateful. Recognition is a way to show gratitude for what you have. Instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on what you have or value. People who consistently express gratitude tend to have higher levels of optimism and happiness, act generously and with empathy, and experience more positive emotions. Make it a habit to find what you are grateful for every day.
    • You can write down in a gratitude journal or notice things throughout the day that are worth being grateful for.
    • Try to name three things you are grateful for each day when you wake up and before bed.
  4. 4 Don't give up optimism when life is tough. It's easy to be an optimist when everything in life is going according to plan and all your needs are met. But it becomes much more difficult when you are in a bad mood, something goes wrong and you run into difficulties. Optimism does not mean that you should be happy all the time or think that everything will work out for you. It is more of a positive attitude, even when life becomes difficult.
    • If you devote time to techniques for maintaining a positive, keep doing it even when you are not in the mood or desire.

Part 3 of 3: Weakening Negative Thinking

  1. 1 Block negative thoughts. Whenever you notice the appearance of negative thoughts, ask yourself if the thought is helpful or not. If it is of no use, mark and block it, even if you interrupt yourself in mid-thought. Notice negative thoughts and stop them immediately.
    • If you find yourself thinking negatively about your abilities or calling the day a “bad day,” think about how to turn that negativity around so that you get something positive.
    • For example, if you are terrified of doing any family responsibilities and you think, “I can't believe how much time I’ll waste, it would be better to do something else,” catch yourself on your negative thoughts and replace them with something. something like this: "I may not want to do this now, but I can be friendly and help my family."
  2. 2 Stop comparing yourself to others. Unhappy people tend to compare themselves to others, while happy people do not engage in any comparisons, whether in their favor or not. If you catch yourself thinking: “If I were more like her” or “Now, if I had his job,” then it's time to stop these comparisons. Positive or negative, comparisons don't make your life better.
    • When you catch yourself comparing, focus on something more positive. For example, instead of thinking, “If I had a house like this,” think to yourself, “I know I will have a house like this if I continue to work hard and save money.”
  3. 3 Free yourself from negative thinking patterns. If you tend to think that material goods bring you happiness (“Now, if I got that new game / dress / house / pair of shoes,” and so on), then your happiness is threatened if your financial situation changes. Chances are, you are a perfectionist or are always looking for the best options, even if something good is right under your nose. Your expectations may far exceed your ability to get what you want, and as a result, you may feel like a failure or unsuccessful person. Such thoughts and behaviors make you feel pessimistic about your abilities instead of optimistic.
    • For example, if you really want to get a new phone and think that after that you will finally find happiness, think again. Chances are, you will quickly get used to your new phone and the novelty will fade, leaving you wanting something else.
    • If you find yourself succumbing to negative thinking patterns, bring some awareness into your thoughts and say to yourself, "Such thoughts do not help me focus on positive or optimistic patterns and bring nothing into my life."