How to dice potatoes

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Dice a Potato
Video: How to Dice a Potato


1 Wash the potatoes. The tubers grow underground, so they are almost always dirty, even if purchased from a store. Scrub the potatoes with a vegetable brush, then rinse thoroughly under cold running water.
  • Wash the potatoes in a colander under running tap water to drain quickly.
  • 2 Peel the potatoes if desired. Whether or not to peel potatoes depends on what kind of dish you want to cook. Use a vegetable peeler to gently remove the skin.
    • If you are not going to chop the potatoes immediately after peeling them, place them in a container of cold water to prevent browning.
    • Also remember to remove the eyes and green areas from the tubers with the sharp tip of a peeler.
  • 3 Slice the potato in half lengthwise. Then place the halves flat side on a cutting board.
    • A special chef's knife is best for slicing potatoes.
  • 4 Cut the halves lengthwise into several pieces. You can cut into pieces of any thickness, depending on the size of the cubes you want.
    • Place the sliced ​​potato strips flat on a cutting board for easier slicing.
  • 5 Cut the potato pieces lengthwise again. With the flat side of the pieces spread out on the board, cut each piece longitudinally again. You should end up with something like French fries.
  • 6 Place the potato slices in stacks. When you're done slicing, place the slices on top of each other to make several identical stacks. Turn each stack with the long side facing you.
    • You can cut each piece differently if you want, but then you have to cut them into cubes separately, which will take longer.
  • 7 Cut the potatoes into cubes. After you have stacked the potatoes, take a knife and cut the stacks across into several pieces. You should get cubes. The size of the cubes can be any, the main thing is that they are all about the same size.
    • Diced potatoes are good for mashed potatoes, sautéed and roasted. Also, potato cubes can be fried in oil in a pan.
  • Method 2 of 3: Saute the potatoes

    1. 1 Boil a pot of water. Fill a large saucepan about halfway with water. Add a little salt to taste and bring the water to a boil over high heat. This will take 5-10 minutes.
      • Salt water as desired. You can skip this step if you don't want your food to be high in sodium.
    2. 2 Boil potatoes. Once the water has boiled, place 1 kg of diced waxy potatoes in a saucepan. Cook the potatoes in boiling water for 4-5 minutes, or until tender.
      • For this dish, waxy potatoes are suitable, that is, varieties with a thin skin and watery pulp. For example, you can use the red-skinned “Desiree” variety.
      • Do not overcook the potatoes, otherwise they will fall apart during baking.
    3. 3 Drain the pot and let the potatoes cool. Once the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and potatoes into a colander. Shake the colander well to drain any excess liquid. Leave the potatoes in a colander for 5 minutes to dry and cool.
    4. 4 Heat oil in a skillet. While the potatoes are cooling, pour 4–6 tablespoons (60–90 ml) of olive oil into a large nonstick skillet. Heat oil over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
      • If you like, you can use butter instead of olive oil.
    5. 5 Place the potatoes in a skillet and sauté for a minute. Once the oil is hot, place the potato cubes in a single layer in the skillet. Saute the potatoes over high heat for 1 minute, stirring to ensure even cooking.
      • If you have a small skillet that can't fit all the potatoes in one layer, sauté one serving first, then the other.
    6. 6 Add the garlic and sauté the mixture until golden brown. After 1 minute, add 4 peeled and minced garlic cloves to the potatoes. Stir well and cook for about 4-6 minutes, until the potatoes are golden brown.
      • Add garlic to taste. If you love garlic, you can add more, or, conversely, less if the taste of garlic annoys you.
    7. 7 Season with salt and pepper. When the potatoes are golden brown, add a little salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Stir the potatoes thoroughly.
    8. 8 Reduce heat and continue to sauté for a few more minutes. After seasoning the potatoes, simmer for 5 minutes or watch until tender.
      • The potatoes are ready if they are easily pierced with a fork.
    9. 9 Place cooked potatoes on a plate and sprinkle with parsley. When finished browning, remove the pan from the stove and carefully place the potatoes on a plate. Sprinkle with three tablespoons (11 g) fresh chopped parsley. Serve the potatoes as a side dish with the main course.
      • If the main course is not yet ready, the sautéed potatoes can be placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven at the lowest temperature to keep them warm.

    Method 3 of 3: Roasting potatoes with rosemary

    1. 1 Preheat the oven. Before baking potatoes, you must first preheat the oven. Set the temperature to 220 ° C and let the oven warm up completely.
    2. 2 Place potatoes in salted water and bring to a boil. Take a large saucepan and place 1.4 kg of diced potatoes in it. Pour enough cold water into a saucepan to cover the potatoes and add salt to taste. Bring to a boil over high heat. This will take 7-10 minutes.
      • Waxy potatoes, such as the red-skinned Desiree variety, are perfect for this dish.
      • Salt can be omitted if desired.
      • Remove the pot from the stove when the potatoes are slightly tender.
    3. 3 Drain all the water and dry the potatoes. As soon as the water boils, remove the pan from the heat and discard the contents in a colander. Leave the hot potatoes in a colander for 2-3 minutes to allow the steam to dry out excess moisture.
    4. 4 Crush the rosemary leaves. To bake the potatoes, you will need 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary. Separate the leaves from the twigs and crush them lightly in a mortar to create a scent.
      • If you don't have a mortar and pestle, take a spoon and crush the rosemary leaves with the convex part.
    5. 5 Heat oil in a skillet. Place a large skillet on the stove top and add ¼ measuring cup (60 ml) olive oil. Heat oil over high heat for 3-5 minutes.
      • If you like, you can use butter instead of olive oil.
    6. 6 Combine potatoes, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper. After heating the oil, remove the pan from the stove. Place potatoes, rosemary leaves, 5 minced garlic cloves, salt and pepper to taste in a skillet. Mix the potatoes well with everything else.
      • You can add your favorite herbs and spices to the dish. Thyme, oregano, parsley, dill and ground red pepper go well with potatoes.
    7. 7 Bake the potatoes in the oven until crispy and golden brown. After stirring the potatoes and the rest of the ingredients, transfer the mixture to a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake the potatoes for 30–35 minutes, or until golden and crispy.
    8. 8 Serve hot potatoes. When the potatoes are tender, remove the baking sheet from the oven. Place the potatoes on a plate and serve hot as a side dish.
      • Baked potatoes are the perfect side dish for baked chicken, pork tenderloin or steak.


    • Slice the potatoes with a sharp knife. It will be faster and easier this way.
    • Dicing potatoes is more time-consuming than simple chopping, but it will cook the potatoes faster and more evenly.


    • Take your time when slicing potatoes. Remember that you have a sharp knife in your hand and you can easily cut yourself.

    What do you need

    • Vegetable brush
    • Colander
    • Peeler
    • Sharp kitchen knife

    Sauteing potatoes

    • Large saucepan
    • Colander
    • Large non-stick frying pan
    • Wooden spoon

    Roasting potatoes with rosemary

    • Large saucepan
    • Colander
    • mortar and pestle
    • Baking tray
    • Wooden spoon