How to scare a person

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
10 Psychology Tricks That Work ON ANYBODY
Video: 10 Psychology Tricks That Work ON ANYBODY


Scaring people is an art. It doesn't matter if you want to scare your enemy in a dark parking lot or create an epic haunted house that people will talk about for decades, truly scaring people is hard work. While it will take time and perseverance to truly scare your victim, seeing the real horror in the person's eyes will help you realize that your efforts were not in vain. Whether you want to scare a friend with a surprise attack, a costume, a haunted house or a scary story, we can help you make it happen.


Method 1 of 4: Planning a surprise attack

  1. 1 Make yourself look intimidating. If you suddenly attack someone without a suit, they may just laugh at you, but you will make a really lasting impression if you are dressed in all black and your face is covered with something like blood mixed with intimidating clown makeup.
    • If you know your victim well, you can assume the guise of one of their worst fears, such as being a dentist, a giant spider, or a ghost.
    • While your surprise attack without reincarnation will also have an effect, you can REALLY scare the victim if you dress intimidating.
    • If you want to know more about special costumes, skip this step and go directly to the tips section.
  2. 2 Wait for your friend to be alone. If your friend is around people, it will be difficult to intimidate him, so wait until he is alone. In this case, the fear will be stronger and more realistic. There are many ways to achieve the desired result. Here are some of them:
    • Text your friend that you want to meet somewhere at a certain time, but instead, prepare a creepy surprise for him. This will help you prepare ahead of time.
    • Wait for your friend or brother to be alone. For example, your victim may be playing a video game alone or doing homework with concentration. This is exactly what you need.
    • If you want to scare your brother or sister, prepare the frightening scenery while he / she sleeps so that your brother or sister wakes up from what is happening. It will be very scary.
  3. 3 Find a good place to hide. It is best to wait a bit for the moment when the person thinks, "Wait a minute, this looks scary," and immediately jump out of your shelter. Wherever you are planning your venture, and whatever you do for this, it is a good option to hide somewhere and wait for the right moment to jump out and scare the victim well. A suitable place would be the following:
    • Under the bed
    • Behind the door
    • Behind trees or cars
    • Under the stairs
    • In a dark basement
    • In the attic
    • Visible, but in the dark
  4. 4 Come up with something creepy. Find out exactly what kind of nightmares your friend is having and use it to your advantage. It all depends on what scares your friend the most, so it's a good idea to find out and scare him according to the findings. Perhaps the following will work for you:
    • Fake snakes smeared with petroleum jelly for intimidation
    • Rusty knives
    • Fake blood
    • Raw meat
    • Worms or cockroaches
    • Static noise from TV or radio
    • Broken bobbleheads
  5. 5 Scream and howl like a maniac. Prepare a trap and wait for your victim to fall into it, then proceed to action. Shout, howl, grab the person by the arms and laugh like a maniac, enjoying the horror in the victim's eyes. Then run away, rolling with laughter. You can hide nearby to watch the expression of complete horror on the victim's face and the subsequent realization that he was fooled.
    • You can also leave an audio recording of scary sounds to intimidate a friend. Set up your old cough or squeak tape recorder so that it turns on when your friend walks in.
    • When your victim is thoroughly scared, it's time to back down. You don't want to intimidate your friend enough to call the police. As soon as the victim screams, you will get the desired result, so you can immediately stop the joke.

Method 2 of 4: How to look intimidating

  1. 1 Reincarnate into a dead man. Everyone is afraid of the dead. They are dead and it's scary. If you want to exploit this fear, make yourself a zombie with regular makeup and safe products. Try the following:
    • Wash your face well and apply a pale foundation. You can also use baby powder by gently applying it to your face to make it look dead-white.
    • Use blue and black eye shadow. Bring your eyes in with shadows to make them look sunken, like you've just stepped out of a grave. Blend them for a more natural tone. It will turn out exactly what you need.
    • Prepare fake blood using food coloring and corn syrup, then draw "wounds" on the body in prominent places with a marker and apply fake blood to those areas.
  2. 2 Dress up like a scary surgeon. Most of us get goosebumps at the thought of visiting a surgeon or dentist. It's time to use this fear. Put on rubber gloves and a medical gown, and then cover your mouth like a real surgeon so that only your eyes are visible. All of these can be bought at the pharmacy.
    • You can even go to extremes and get your hands on surgical instruments to look more realistic. At least you can take your father's drill in the garage. Just don't plug it in.
    • Spray the robe with ketchup or fake blood and grab a knife and fork. You will look very intimidating.
  3. 3 Put on your classic monster costume. There are reasons to stick with the classics. It's just very scary. Dress up as a zombie, vampire, ghost or mummy. You can also make your own monster costume, which will be very unusual.
    • You can make a costume for famous horror characters like Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy Krueger or Scream Ghost Face, and try to find a realistic mask.
    • A mask paired with your casual attire can look intimidating, but if you wear what you were in school that day, you are more likely to be exposed.
  4. 4 Leave the costume idea; just be intimidating. If you don't have the time and energy for a scary costume, you can use your acting skills. It will be even more terrifying if you look like you, but do something intimidating at the same time. Try the following:
    • Just sit in a dark room with a blinking TV, swing back and forth and mutter something like "They warned this was going to happen" over and over. When your friend expresses surprise, scream as loud as possible.
    • Walk into your brother or sister's room in the middle of the night and just stand by his / her bed with your mouth open, and fake blood should be flowing from it, and your breathing should be difficult.
    • Stand facing the corner in a dark room. Don't do anything. When your friend walks in, turn to face him, from which fake blood will drain.

Method 3 of 4: How to Make a Haunted House

  1. 1 Choose a location. While it takes a lot of time and effort, creating intimidating environments, such as a haunted house, will terrify people as they expect the worst to happen at any moment. When creating a haunted house or other scary scene, key points matter.
    • A home with intimidating elements such as narrow corridors, creaky floors and dark basements is fine for this purpose.
    • Make a map for yourself. People should move freely from room to room without any particular obstacles.
  2. 2 Choose a topic. The theme will help you decide how to decorate your home and what elements to include in the surroundings. For a realistic picture, come up with a story about why the ghosts were in the house. Perhaps the ghost of an old lady lives there, whose husband has simply disappeared. Or maybe a whole family of ghosts lives there, who were brutally killed in the basement. Create a story that's easy to believe.
    • Abandoned insane asylum
    • Torture room
    • Vampire lair
    • Zombie invasion
    • Evil Scientist Laboratory
  3. 3 Connect your friends for help. It's hard enough to create a haunted house alone. Instead, ask a few trusted friends to dress up as scary heroes and help you decorate the house, and ask them to scare guests while they walk around it. Friends can suddenly jump in front of guests, hide in closets, or pop out of fake coffins.
    • Some of the friends can sit on the porch of the house and "play dead" until the guests come closer. Then they can jump up and scare those who come before they cross the threshold of the house.
  4. 4 Decorate your home appropriately. Create an atmosphere of tension, which is essential for intimidation. Long dark corridors will make people expect the worst. People will be in constant tension and anxiety, so it is easy to scare them. Each room should be decorated in a daunting way so that guests walk on tiptoe and don't know which side and what to expect.
    • Place a volunteer in each room to create an intimidating atmosphere and accompany guests.
    • Each room should have its own intimidating elements, for example, a bowl of cold noodles like worms or a jar of peeled grapes as the whites of the eyes.
    • Make sample jars by placing toys or bent kitchen utensils in them and adding cloudy water tinted green.
  5. 5 Turn on scary sounds. Sounds can really scare people. There are a few things that can really scare guests. Here are some of them:
    • Have the volunteers walk from side to side around the room wearing heavy, squeaking boots.
    • Place a few coins in an empty soda can and tie a string to it. Have the volunteers shake the jar to create a “rattling” sound.
    • Record scary sounds in every room, including high-pitched female screams, wind whistling or the sound of a chainsaw.
    • Use silence. Mute all sounds from time to time to make people even more intimidated by new sounds.
  6. 6 Prepare intimidation lighting. Lighting is a good way to intimidate people in broad daylight. You can arrange everything in total darkness by putting a strobe in one room or blowing out smoke for more effect. All this will lead people to the desired state. Here are some ways to do lighting:
    • Find a corridor through which guests will pass with their eyes closed - the main thing is to make the guests feel comfortable.
    • Turn on the spotlight over disgusting fake insects or spider webs to create a fearsome shadow on the wall.
    • Cover the furniture with black plastic bags to make the lighting in the room more intimidating.
  7. 7 Act according to your mood. Always stay as you are in the haunted house to maintain the illusion. Don't stop to greet your friends. Make the haunted house truly terrifying and believable.Always remain who you dress up, even when you take guests out of the house.
    • Later, when the guests tell you they had a good time, put the confusion on your face.

Method 4 of 4: Telling Scary Stories

  1. 1 Come up with a location. You can make your own movie, write a scary story, or just tell a story, but the most important thing is the setting. The desired effect can be achieved with the help of a spider or a dark room with the spirit of death, the main thing is that fear lives in the head. Horror movies, short stories and scary stories are great ways to intimidate people. Watch a horror movie or read a scary story for inspiration.
    • Don't make up a story spontaneously. While you can improvise, the key is to come up with the main thread of the story before you start telling it. They will stop listening if you tell the story in an uncertain voice.
  2. 2 Convince listeners of the truth of the story. Even if this is not at all the case, just say that this story actually happened in your city many years ago. Perhaps it happened to your cousin, or you yourself saw everything with your own eyes. Telling the story is based on true events will intrigue listeners and make your story seem more believable.
    • Also, you can say that this is a big secret, so this story cannot be read even on the Internet. Convince them that you found it at the local library. You can also invite listeners to go and see for themselves that it is true, but of course no one will do it, and your story will seem more believable.
    • Before starting the story, ask "Do you really want to hear this?" Act as if the story is “so” terrifying that you wonder if you’ll keep telling it.
  3. 3 Create anxiety in the audience. Slowly climbing the stairs to the attic, and slowly opening the door, you will be able to intrigue your listeners. Do not tell everything at once, otherwise the audience will not be interested. Create an atmosphere of anticipation, as if you were telling a regular story, and gradually add frightening details to your story.
    • Keep your listeners on their toes by saying, "But these are still flowers compared to what happened next." Or "She thought it wouldn't hurt anymore, but everything was still ahead."
    • Speak slowly and choose your words carefully. Don't jump to the scariest moments in history. Let every word play its part.
  4. 4 Use visual aids. Show the audience your appendicitis scar and tell them that the killer you are talking about stabbed you with a knife. Bring back old photographs of your grandparents and present them as photographs of the victims. If you've brought any visual aids, just run them around as if it doesn't mean anything to you.
    • It is also possible to stain the victim's clothing with “fake” blood.
    • You can use the most common things, such as the missing little boy's baseball card collection.
  5. 5 Create scary sound effects. The effects can be as simple as possible. If you're talking about someone knocking on your door in the middle of the night, just knock on the floor. Let your friend help you create the sounds you want, such as the sound of a creaking door or raindrops falling from the ceiling or the sound of the wind rustling through the trees.
    • You can also crush a plastic bag to create a rustling sound.
  6. 6 Come up with details. As with the haunted house atmosphere, the details of the scary story are very important. Describe the sounds of an empty warehouse or show the rotten teeth of a killer clown. The more detailed your story is, the better.
    • For example, a man whose hand is seriously injured is quite intimidating, but a man whose hand bleeds when walking will be much more frightening.
    • Start from historical facts.If it was before World War II, clarify who was president at the time, or mention any other details that would make your story more realistic.
  7. 7 Try to surprise your listeners. Do not share the details that are already in every scary story. Everyone has heard the story of a ghost that flies through the forest at night, but what if you tell the story of a ghost that made people eat their own eyeballs, or a ghost living in the body of a little girl's pet?
  8. 8 Don't tell the ending. When you get to the scariest moment in history, slow down the story and say you can't go on. Take a deep breath and wait until you are asked to continue the story. Then make your voice as calm as possible and tell the ending of the story.
    • The scariest endings remain unrevealed. Don't reveal the secret. Let your listeners ponder if the ghost or the person you told about still lives. Perhaps he lives somewhere in the woods nearby.
    • When you finish the story, create an absolute silence, as if you are under the impression that you can not go any further.


  • Timing is everything. If you choose the right time, everything will work out.
  • Make sure that your future victim is completely healthy and does not suffer from heart or respiratory diseases. Fright and surprise can exacerbate symptoms.
  • Behave intimidating, for example, laugh in a scary voice or look at a person with a wild look.
  • Collect scary costumes, because you never know if a bloody ax or a Hellraiser mask will come in handy.
  • Practice making scary sounds and voices.
  • Try not to offend the victim or anyone nearby, the whole situation should be funny, so don't go too far.
  • Take an interest in the work of the horror guru. Read stories by Stephen King, watch films by Alfred Hitchcock, or read poems by Edgar Alan Poe.


  • When setting up a haunted house, choose a safe location so visitors don't get hurt.
  • Some people have heart problems, so there is a risk of scaring them to death. This can happen unintentionally, but it is still a crime in the face of the law.
  • Unless you are visiting a haunted house, “don’t” try to scare complete strangers. They may think they are in danger and use harsh self-defense measures or even get hurt while trying to escape.
  • There is a chance that you will hurt someone's feelings or offend someone, so only scare people you know well, with whom you can have a good laugh at the reaction of a friend or acquaintance.
  • Trying to scare Never do not threaten anyone with real weapons.